Chapter 34
Why is she so unlucky, who did she provoke!
Although she always thought that she might wake up from the dream after she died, but when she returned to the previous world, she was still the little orphan girl named Li Chanmo.

But when she really faced death, she realized that she really didn't want to die at all!

She has always felt that she is the coward who is always ridiculed by others, but now she realizes that she still has so much to let go...

All of a sudden, her eyes blurred, and a hand with only bits of carrion hanging on it fell from her eyes!

"Why are you still in a daze!"

Touching her face, her violent heartbeat has not subsided, she doesn't have to die!
Now he finally came to his senses, he slashed at the male zombie who wanted to eat her again, making it want to eat her again!

His uncle, hack him to death!

"Thank you so much, Sister He Fang." Until the armless zombie was chopped to pieces, she couldn't understand her only hatred!His uncle thinks she's easy to bully, doesn't he!
Only then did I have time to thank He Fang, this is a true lifesaver!

This favor must be remembered, if there is a need for her in the future, she must be returned!

At this time, Han Zhengyu also escaped from the group of zombies, rushed to her side, looked left and right, still worried, "Has Momo been caught?"

It's all his fault that he didn't exercise his ability well. If he hadn't exhausted his ability just now, he would have been able to protect her well!
Han Zhengyu blamed himself and felt annoyed that he had clearly promised to protect her but failed to do so. At the same time, he was also angry at the girl's distraction.

Nai He was reluctant to scold and hit her, originally wanted to knock on her head, but when she really saw the girl's frightened pale smiling face, her heart ached again, and her outstretched hand only flicked lightly on her forehead A little bit as a punishment.

At this time, Zi Sangchanmo was still in shock and didn't recover, otherwise she would definitely find him to settle the score, dare to hit her on the head, she will report her flaws, okay!
Touching her painful head and shaking it, she was angry in her heart, and somehow didn't want to talk to him, "No." But she was just a little short of turning into that pile of rotten meat!

She didn't know what was going on, but when she saw Han Zhengyu's caring look, she felt a little wronged for a moment. Didn't she agree to protect her? Where was he at the critical moment!

Sure enough, it was just casual talk. Mama Li was right, men are untrustworthy, and she doesn't trust him anymore!
Getting stronger is the key!

"It's okay, I won't be so lucky next time." He Fang didn't seem to care about her thanks, but it was just a matter of convenience.

Although it was just a trivial matter to He Fang, to Zi Sang Chanmo it was a major matter concerning her life!

He secretly made up his mind that no matter what, he had to treat his savior better.

After this incident, she no longer dared to be distracted during the battle, and she learned a lot from a fall.

She also knew that this time it was indeed her own problem, and she could not blame anyone else, because with the Space Farm, she had awakened her abilities one step ahead of time, and she thought she knew the direction of the world, so her heart was big.

Before, I always felt that Cheng Rongrong was too proud because of her rebirth, why not myself?
Except for the first few days, how could she have seriously studied the ability?

She has awakened the ability of the spirit system for so long, and she has not studied it carefully, nor explored how to operate the spirit system best.

Couldn't there be other ways to save power and be powerful without ghosts?How do other wood-type abilities use it?

Could it be that the ability can only be used on ghosts?What if her axe?
The wood element has the function of regeneration and purification, and the zombie is the filthy air, if it comes into direct contact?
Suddenly, the wood-type powers that had been stuck in his body faintly showed signs of breaking through, and even the mental powers also increased rapidly!
Zi Sangchanmo was both excited and nervous, secretly suppressing the power that was about to move, now is not the time.

"Why are you in a daze, do you want to die again?" He Fang reminded her aloud when she saw that she was in a daze again, her tone was a bit unfriendly, if she hadn't seen this little kid with a good heart before, she wouldn't bother to save her.

Isn't she just a little brat to an old woman like her who is already in her third year!
But I didn't expect it to be a fool?
Seeing He Fang's eyes, Zi Sang Chanmo was a little embarrassed, but at this time she was ignored, and she went to kill the remaining zombies with a knife.

In the previous battle, everyone had almost used up their powers, and now they are all fighting for their physical strength. The bodies of the people with the powers have been transformed, but the ordinary people are not so lucky, and they are all panting from exhaustion. gruff.

Seeing this, Zi Sangchanmo also followed to help, the zombies could not be killed, so they could only fight a bloody way.

Looking around, I saw a lot of people trying to kill zombies, but most of them were screaming and hiding behind others trembling, or running around in a panic.

I can't help but think of those gunshots just now, were they saving lives, or...

It seemed that Han Zhengyu was ignored, and he went up to help with an axe.

Leaving Han Zhengyu alone in a mess...

What to do, his cat seems to be angry...

Thinking of him, Han Zhengyu is also the master of thousands of flowers that never touches his body. If he wants a woman, he will automatically throw himself into his arms without hooking his hands. He really has no experience in coaxing women. At most, he was just a child.

No matter how entangled Han Zhengyu was, Zisangchanmo was trying to attach wood-type supernatural powers to the lifeless axe, but failed after several attempts.

Forget it, now is not the time to waste abilities.

Just when everyone was worried about the dense crowd of zombies, they suddenly heard bursts of gunshots!

"Bang bang bang..."

Those people just came back again!
(End of this chapter)

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