Chapter 36
"Hey, what's the matter with you?" He approached Han Zhengyu and beckoned with his hand.

Unexpectedly, this guy is still in a daze, there are already zombies walking towards them, if you don't kill the zombies, you will be eaten by the zombies!
The hand that was too late to withdraw was pinched by Han Zhengyu's wrist. The body of the supernatural person has been transformed, both in physical strength and speed. He even felt that Han Zhengyu had used all his strength to crush her bones alive.

"Hey, Han Zhengyu, you lunatic, let me go." Zi Sang Chanmo said while trying to break his hand away.

"Bastard! Crazy! Your uncle!"

The strength of a woman is not as strong as that of a man. Even though Zi Sangchanmo's body has been transformed, she is still no match for these perverts. If she doesn't let go of her hand, she will be useless!
It doesn't matter if Han Zhengyu doesn't raise his head, as soon as he raises his head, Zi Sang Chanmo will be shocked!

"What's wrong with you? Could it be that you were caught by zombies?"

Not to mention that it is impossible to be afraid, the pitch-black pupils are like endless black holes, giving people a chill at the first glance, and the pupils without focal length make her heart palpitate.

At this moment, Han Zhengyu's expressionless face made Zi Sangchanmo feel extremely strange, and seemed to be possessed, falling into an abyss from which he could not extricate himself.

Going crazy?

Han Zhengyu seems to have a dark ability, could this be a sequela of the dark ability?

Ignoring the wrist that was being grabbed and about to break, he endured the pain and concentrated his energy, using his psychic powers to explore Han Zhengyu's side.

Sure enough, the psychic son Sangchanmo could clearly "see" the black mist that filled Han Zhengyu's surroundings. It was exactly the same as when the ability was awakened before, but this time it was thicker and more chaotic, and the black mist became more and more dense. Nong, his originally expressionless face gradually became ferocious.

Zi Sang Chanmo was startled secretly, and began to worry again. She didn't know what to do for a while, the pain in her hand was already numb, and she could clearly see that her right hand was gradually losing its color.

Sure enough, it's a black-hearted duck, and when he gets better, he must settle the score with him!
Keep sending wood-type abilities to the right hand, hoping not to be pinched short!
That's right, maybe she can try using the wood-type ability. The dark-type ability is the closest to the rotting energy of zombies, and the wood-type ability is just incompatible with zombies. It has the effect of purification and regeneration. I don't know if it can Can't work for this.

Seeing Han Zhengyu's situation getting worse and worse, he felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart, maybe it was distressed?

Zi Sangchanmo shook her head, put aside these messy thoughts, and wanted to let the wood-type supernatural power enter Han Zhengyu's body from his right wrist through Han Zhengyu's hand.

As soon as the wood-type ability touched Han Zhengyu's skin, the black mist around his body instantly wrapped him and isolated him from the outside. The output of the increased ability remained the same, and Zi Sangchanmo's face gradually turned pale. .

Well you Han Zhengyu, my sister almost put her own life in order to save you, if you dare to bully me again in the future, I will never end with you!

The dark-type powers repel the approach of the wood-type powers, and the powers in the body gradually become empty. Originally, I wanted to find a safe place to absorb the crystal nucleus to advance, but now it seems that I can only go all out today!

Zi Sangchanmo took out the crystal nucleus collected before from the space, and mobilized the energy inside with the supernatural power as described in the original text.

A strange energy entered the body, and Zi Sang Chanmo couldn't help being excited, and soon this energy merged with the supernatural power, constantly replenishing the consumed supernatural power.

The psychic ability was wrapped in the wood-type ability and entered Han Zhengyu's body unimpeded. He clearly felt the tyranny of the two kinds of abilities in Han Zhengyu's body. The wood-type power can appease.

Zi Sangchanmo was secretly startled. These days, she also practiced her abilities constantly. In addition to her early awakening, she felt that her abilities were not weak. But now she saw that Han Zhengyu's abilities were about to reach a breakthrough. the edge of!If it weren't for the addition of crystal nuclei, she might be backlashed!
Sure enough, people are more popular than people!
After a long time, Zi Sangchanmo felt that she was about to collapse. She felt that she was like a filter, continuously absorbing the energy in the crystal nucleus, and then transforming it into wood-type and spiritual-type abilities and sending them to Han Zheng. Yu's body.

She must have taken the wrong medicine to be so kind to this black-hearted duck!
Now I can't think at all, my head is buzzing, my body is crumbling, and there is only one thought of not wanting to die.

It seemed like endless torture, and there was constant needle-like pain in the depths of my soul.

I do not know how long it has been…

When she woke up again, she was still a little dazed, and Zi Sang Chanmo rubbed her still swollen head. This is, in her room?
She remembered helping Han Zhengyu suppress his abilities, but she didn't seem to remember anything afterwards, and she didn't even know when she passed out. As for Han Zhengyu, I don't know if he recovered.

Thinking of this person made her heart ache. What kind of madness did she have? Alas, she almost lost her life just to save someone.

"Momo, Momo, you're finally awake." Guigui jumped out of a pile of crystal nuclei and ran into her arms, "Momo, you've been asleep for three days, you're such a lazy pig! "

Only then did Zi Sangchanmo notice Guigui and a pile of zombie crystal nuclei on the dressing table, and before she could ask carefully, her train of thought was interrupted by Guigui's words.

Surprised: "Ghost are you awake? Are you okay? I slept for three days?"

"Yes, yes, I have woken up a long time ago. Now I am very powerful, how powerful I am. I can't tell. Anyway, I am much stronger than before. Momo, you have been asleep for three days. I and Brother Zhengyu I'm worried about you to death!"

It seemed that this guy was very good, and he had advanced smoothly, so he was relieved. He didn't know what was going on with that guy Han Zhengyu. Thinking about his appearance at that time was scary.

"Han Zhengyu, is he alright?"

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

It happened that Han Zhengyu opened the door and came in, and when he heard Zisang Chanmo's words of concern for him, the boredom in his heart disappeared for a moment, what a silly girl.

He strode to the edge of the bed and sat down next to Zi Sangchanmo's legs, and put the big bowl in his hand aside.

A head of black and smooth shoulder-length hair, a little messy and mischievous because he just woke up, the delicate melon-seeded face is a little abnormally pale, and the big watery eyes looking straight at you can melt your heart.

At this time, Han Zhengyu was a little confused as to why he would risk the danger to save a nasty person he had just met. After experiencing what happened to his parents, he swore he would never trust those filthy women again, but she was not like those messy women. He just thinks that her stupid appearance suits him very much, but now...

Why should he be so kind to a heartless person.

Reluctantly, he brought the bowl to Zi Sangchanmo, took a spoonful of lean meat porridge, blew it to make sure it was not hot, and then brought it to Zisangchanmo's mouth, "Next time, don't do stupid things."

Originally, the quilt Sang Chanmo was a little embarrassed by being stared at, and thought he would say something thankful, but he didn't expect to accuse her when he opened his mouth!

"I'm not hungry, go out, I'm sleepy!" She tried her best to save him, but she still couldn't say yes!

It really is a black-hearted duck!Mad at her!

 I wish you all a happy National Day!

(End of this chapter)

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