Chapter 37
Zi Sangchanmo really felt aggrieved, she had never cared so much for anyone except Xiaoxiao at such an age, she wanted to try to open her heart to accept this society, but who knew it immediately gave her a blow in the head.

Zi Sangchanmo slid under the quilt, covered her head, and looked like she was trying to chase someone away.

When Han Zhengyu saw her like this, he knew that she must be sad. He just hoped that this silly girl would not be so stupid in the future. Maybe he didn't deserve her kindness to him.

He once said that he would protect her, but he almost lost her life, if it wasn't for luck...

Han Zhengyu looked at the pile of crystal nuclei on the dressing table. Cheng Rongrong had already mentioned the function and usage of the crystal nuclei, so these crystal nuclei should be considered as compensation for her.

Sighing, he is also very confused now. Although he usually looks like a fool, anyone who really knows him knows that he has never had any intimate contact with those women.

Reluctantly, he put the bowl in his hand on the bedside table next to him, "Your supernatural ability has just advanced, and you need a lot of energy. You still have it in the kitchen. If you don't have enough crystal nuclei, I'll find a way."

He woke up earlier than Zi Sang Chanmo, and woke up that afternoon, and also found that his abilities had entered the middle stage of the first order!
He himself is not very clear about what happened later. Before he lost consciousness, he did see Zi Sang Chanmo save him, but he didn't care that she knew about his dual-line abilities. Just like him, he knew her The dual-element ability seems to be a secret shared by two people. It seems to be a good feeling?
And the situation at that time was so chaotic, who would have the mood to take care of the two of them, it was just that An Yi brought them back later, and it was a headache to think about letting this old fox pester him to pay back his life-saving grace.

Seeing the person with the ostrich on the bed, Han Zhengyu couldn't understand his feelings for a while, it seemed that he had to find someone for advice.

Patted Guigui's big head, and said to the person in the quilt: "You have a good rest, remember to eat, and I will bring you food in the evening."

Seeing the motionless person in the quilt, Guigui had no choice but to tell Guigui to remind her master to eat, and Guigui quickly nodded her head to ensure that there was no problem.

After Han Zhengyu went out, Zi Sangchanmo got out of the quilt and rubbed Guigui's big head vigorously, "You have such a good relationship with him, you will follow him from now on."

Guigui doesn't understand the twists and turns of people's hearts. I really thought that the owner didn't want it, so I wrapped it around Zisang Chanmo's neck and began to cry in her mind, "Momo don't want Guigui, don't want Guigui, don't want it ghost..."

The sound was really comparable to howling ghosts and wolves. Zi Sangchanmo was already a little dizzy, but now she felt her head was going to explode, and she really wanted to hit the wall.It was obviously just a joke with this brat, come on, she is the one who suffers now!
"Don't cry anymore!"

"Momo, don't don't want ghosts..."

This is not over yet?Forcing her to use her trump card.

"The braised pork after crying is cancelled!"

"Momo don't... uh... eat meat, don't cry."

Zi Sang Chanmo: "..."

But just now I heard from Han Zhengyu that her abilities have advanced?After carefully feeling the supernatural powers in his body, it was indeed in the middle of the first order!
Unintentionally inserting willows and willows into shades, I didn't expect to advance, but how did that black-hearted duck know?
It doesn't matter, anyway, everyone has a clue, and she is not afraid.

Seeing the porridge on the bedside table and a pile of hundreds of crystal nuclei on the dressing table, I don't know what he meant by that. Is it to thank her for saving her life?Do you have to leave it so clean?

She wanted to pour out that bowl of porridge, but she was inexplicably reluctant to part with it. She kept comforting herself that it must be because of the precious food in the last days that she was reluctant to part with it, which made her feel better.

A bowl of porridge is not enough to fit between the teeth. It would be much better to take Guigui to the space to have a big meal.

Don't think about those bad people, try to stay as far away as possible in the future, soak in the worry-free spring in the space, and then practice the powers, and an afternoon flies by.

Because Zi Sang Chanmo woke up, so when the party was held, Cao Yuanli said the next plan.

Both Han Zhengyu and her were saved by An Yi, so of course this favor has to be repaid. An Yi's younger brother works in the central hospital and was trapped in the hospital in the last days, so now An Yi wants to go to the hospital to save his younger brother. They help.

Zi Sang Chanmo was a little embarrassed, it was her business, and it caused everyone to take risks. Others didn't have any opinions, but Cheng Rongrong's opinions were not so big.

"Why does she ask us to help her with her own affairs? What is the hospital? It's a gathering place for zombies! If you accidentally lose your life, how can you save anyone!"

"If you don't want to, you don't have to go."

Cao Yuanli didn't even look at Cheng Rongrong, who was sitting on the sofa in revealing clothes, which made Cheng Rongrong feel very frustrated. She dressed herself up in different ways every day just to make him look at her more, but she never succeeded.

But she won't give up!
"Ah Li, that's not what I mean. I just think that there are too many zombies in places like hospitals. We need to make a plan." Hearing what Cao Yuanli said, Cheng Rongrong immediately explained.

Sitting beside Cao Yuanli, Qiu Qianying looked at Cheng Rongrong who was posing sarcastically. He was such an idiot. He didn't even look at what time it was. He didn't practice his abilities well and only thought about how to seduce men all day long!

When they figure out the secret of space, then...

"I don't know if you have any other opinions." Cao Yuanli's eyes flicked across everyone's faces.

Zi Sang Chanmo has always been a person who has no opinions, so she can do whatever the protagonist says.

"I heard that a survivor base has been established in City Z, and I heard from the radio that almost all major survivor bases have been established. It's not an option to stay here all the time. I don't know what everyone thinks." Uncle Ming as Cao Yuan Li their military adviser, of course he is the one to ask these things.

Of course, they also discussed it in private, but of course they can't tell others about the content.

Of course, the final result can be imagined. Everyone's pursuit is different, but the result coincides with each other.

The next day, a few people prepared to go to the temporary base in City Z.

(End of this chapter)

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