Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 38 Ready to go

Chapter 38 Ready to go
Zi Sangchanmo was packing up her things in the room. While discussing with Tian about what to have for lunch and how to add a meal, she was preparing to pack all the things she needed. Of course, it was not in a suitcase, but a medium-sized travel backpack. .

In fact, she has nothing to clean up, the important things are all in the space, and the rest are just pretending.

There was still a lot of food and drink in the room that I bought at that time, and there was still a lot of water. She didn't save anymore, anyway, she couldn't take it away, so she might as well use it, and washed it from the beginning to the end.

Next, throw everything that can be used into the space, and tidy up in a mess, and everyone can see it.

After Zi Sangchanmo packed up, she found that everyone was there when she went downstairs, and there were two more people, Lin Shengrui and the power mutant Wang Gang.

Everyone didn't say anything when they saw her going downstairs, but Cheng Rongrong gave her a disgusted look and snorted coldly.

Zi Sangchanmo thought that she was still angry about going to the hospital, but she was not angry with her, she just sat down next to her, it seemed that she was talking about things, and she was used to not talking, just listening quietly .

Only Cao Yuanli's cold voice said: "Captain Lin is embarrassing others, right?"

Lin Shengrui was angry and embarrassed. Originally, he didn't want to ask for help, but the strength of these people should not be underestimated, coupled with the embarrassment of others.

He also knew that there was no tenable reason for this matter. Yesterday, I heard that these people were going to the survivor base, and the people in the community were crazy. The strength has dropped by more than half, and now the zombies are getting more and more powerful, so yesterday everyone discussed and decided to follow them to the base, and asked him early this morning to ask if he could take them on the road together. The base will almost span half of the urban area, and the dangers along the way can be imagined.

"Isn't it just to see you go to the base to be a companion?" Wang Gang said bluntly, without feeling anything wrong, and said it carelessly.

Cheng Muhan snorted, he had never seen such a willingness to take advantage and took it for granted, "More than 100 people still want to be with us?"

Wang Gang didn't hear the meaning of ridicule at all, and said with a smile: "Anyway, we are all going to the base, and we have worked together for a long time, so it is right to take care of each other."

Lin Shengrui couldn't listen any longer, so he interrupted Wang Gang, "Just let us know when you leave, we won't bother you if we have cars and supplies, and we will help when we encounter zombies, and we will leave when we get to the base."

Zi Sangchanmo understood this, it turned out that Lin Shengrui wanted to go with them, and they would go their own way, but they would really take advantage of it.

There are more than 100 of them, but how many are really powerful?
It is estimated that more than half of the more than 100 people who have killed zombies are considered good, and they are not troublesome. When the time comes, will the screaming voices of zombies not attract zombies?

It sounds good to be a companion, but in fact, she just wants them to escort her here. It’s not that she is cruel. It’s been so many days in the end of the world. Those people who dare not even look at zombies are really not suitable for today’s world. Saving people also depends on whether it is worth saving.

Thinking of this, he sneaked a glance at Han Zhengyu, and found that he kept his head down, not knowing what he was thinking, and was even more angry in his heart, vowing never to save this kind of person again!

This Lin Shengrui wants to be a good person, but he treats them as bodyguards. No wonder everyone's faces are ugly. Do you think they are fools?Cao Yuanli obviously considered this point, so he didn't speak for a long time.

"Now at 06:30, we will leave on time at eight o'clock. It doesn't matter whether you follow or not, but if you want to follow us, we will not guarantee safety."

Lin Shengrui snorted coldly in his heart, isn't it just that he has supernatural powers? Let's go first, and gather at the gate of the community on time at eight o'clock."

After the two left, Cheng Rongrong was the first to complain, "Why do you want those people to follow, you know they are holding you back!"

Different from Cheng Muhan's own cold blood, Cheng Rongrong came back from the end of the world, so she saw a lot of life and death, betrayal and abandonment. No, so to her, she is not someone she cares about, whether she can live or not is none of her business.

But complaints are complaints, and she won't refute anyway. She always followed Cao Yuanli's words according to the imperial edict.

It was almost eight o'clock after they had finished their breakfast and packed up. Cheng Rongrong stuffed all the things in the villa into the space again, saying that her space ability had been upgraded again, so that she could hold more things.

I don't know what other people think, and I don't see any doubts, anyway, Zi Sangchanmo knows it well.

When they arrived, there were already [-] or [-] cars waiting to be picked up. It seemed that there were all kinds of private cars and luxury cars, and they were sorted out quite quickly.

A few of them are now driving two suvs, which have a large space and a high chassis, and it is convenient to carry some supplies.

Zi Sangchanmo was unfortunately in the same car with Han Zhengyu, plus a nominal elder brother who was not cold-blooded. She simply closed her eyes and practiced as soon as she got in the car, thinking that if Han Zhengyu came to her, she would definitely ignore him. The strange thing is that Han Zhengyu didn't look for her along the way, quietly as if he was a different person.

There are no extra words, it seems that Lin Shengrui has explained it, just to save trouble, Cao Yuanli's car led the way, and a group of people rushed out of the community in a mighty manner.

 Tickets, comments, walk up, maybe there will be more updates, haha...((* ̄3 ̄)╭??

(End of this chapter)

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