Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 39 On the Road

Chapter 39 On the Road
The zombies around the community have been cleaned up long ago, except for a few scattered wandering zombies, the rest are not a major threat.

As the cold winter turns into spring, the snow on the road has already melted, and a gust of wind blows, which can no longer bring the warm fragrance of flowers. All the plants seem to have hibernated, and there is no green in sight.

Zi Sangchan, the ghost on Momomo's wrist, was a little worried, wondering what kind of purgatory people would face after the plants mutated.

Now that the zombies have basically evolved, their actions are more flexible than at the beginning. Of course, they are only a little faster than at the beginning. They still can't think, and their hands and feet still don't bend.

Han Zhengyu was driving, and Zisang Chanmo was sitting in the back row, holding the original radio in his hand and adjusting it, and the signal has been received one after another in the past few days.

Many bases, large and small, have been established, among which the most powerful bases are the northern base in city B, the eastern base in city S, the western base in city X, and the southern base in city G.

Relatively speaking, the northern base has the best natural conditions, and the plains are more suitable for human survival. However, the population before the end of the world is large, so the number of zombies is also huge, while the eastern base and the southern base are both close to the sea. The original book mentioned these two In addition to facing zombies, the base is often harassed by mutated creatures in the sea. Although they survived in the end, the trauma they suffered was not small.

The western base is in the plateau area, which is actually a good choice, with a small population and a large area, but mutant plants are the biggest problem. However, if Zi Sangchanmo chooses, she may go to the western base. After all, she What the wood system ability needs is the crystal nucleus of the mutated plant!
The male protagonist chose the northern base of City B. As in the original book, Zi Sang Chanmo began to hesitate a bit as the center of power. She has nothing but strength now, and maybe she can go there when she becomes stronger. Once I broke into the western base, the more I thought about it, the more feasible it became.
A small seed was planted in the bottom of my heart, and gradually began to take root and sprout, and it was out of control.

Now the city z they are in is not the source of the earthquake, but the roads are also damaged. To get to the temporary base in city z, you need to pass through half of the city. If you are lucky, you can get there today, but if you are not lucky Just can't say.

Zi Sang Chanmo looked back, the one-stop convoy was slowly advancing, and the zombies who heard the sound were getting closer little by little, knocking and knocking all the way, and finally passed nearly half of the distance without any danger.

They were walking in the suburbs, and there were relatively few people here. It was not until noon that Cao Yuanli signaled to stop by the side of the road to take a break for lunch and solve urgent problems.

Zi Sangchanmo didn't drink much water all morning, because she was afraid that there would be no place to go to the bathroom when the time came, but now she didn't really want to go to the bathroom, thinking that at this speed, she should be there before dark, so she didn't plan to get off the car , Just eat something in the car.

"Zi Sangchanmo, let's go together for convenience."

Cheng Rongrong walked to the car window, and cast a contemptuous glance at Zi Sangchanmo, who was eating dry bread. It was just a piece of bread, and she ate it with great relish. She really was an illegitimate daughter who couldn't be on the table.

"I don't want to go, you can find someone else."

What kind of person, always look down on others, thinking that he is so great, and my sister is not serving her anymore.

After drinking saliva, she simply closed her eyes and went to sleep. In fact, she was exercising her psychic abilities. Because her psychic abilities were only advanced, she would practice whenever she had time, and she could observe zombies by the way.

Cheng Rongrong obviously didn't expect that Zi Sang Chanmo would be so disrespectful to herself, so she immediately lowered her face, "Do you still think that I am your sister? Dad has worked hard to raise you so much. Is there anyone who is so ungrateful!"

"You also said that it was my father who raised me up, not you, so don't bully me too much!"

I really can't bear it anymore, why is it so annoying recently, why are there so many idiots.

Cheng Rongrong didn't realize it for a while, but when she saw Zi Sang Chanmo get angry for the first time, she was frightened for a while, "You, you wait for me.", turned her buttocks and ran away.

When Han Zhengyu heard the movement behind him, he turned his head and wanted to say something, but Zisang Chanmo ignored it and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Although Zi Sangchanmo had her eyes closed, she could see clearly with her psychic powers. Cheng Rongrong hooked up with an ordinary person from nowhere, and the two were talking and laughing, looking for a place where no one could be seen, walking further and further away, Until he got out of the scope of Zi Sangchanmo's mental abilities.

Too lazy to pay attention to them anymore, she took out a piece of bread from her bag and ate it. How could the little bread just now be enough? Now she is almost becoming a big eater!

Just when Zi Sangchanmo swallowed the third piece of bread, Cheng Rongrong and the woman ran back screaming in a hurry.


"Help, there are so many dogs!"

"Zombie dog!"

"Woof! Wang! Wang... Wang Wang!"

Zombie dogs are different from zombies. Its speed is much faster than that of humans, and its limbs are flexible. Cheng Rongrong threw gold cones at the back while running, but it was a pity that the head was not accurate, and none of them hit.

Zi Sangchanmo immediately entered the state of preparation for battle, and couldn't help being annoyed, she is such a stupid woman, even if she tries to relieve her hand, she will attract zombie dogs!

The crowd began to riot, and the zombies in the distance gradually began to approach. When Cheng Rongrong and the two arrived, they saw more than a dozen zombie dogs rushing towards them.

"Get in the car!" It wouldn't be the heroine Qiu Qianying who reacted immediately, first greeted everyone to get in the car, and threw a lightning ability at the leading zombie dog.

The zombie dog was enraged instantly, and rushed towards this side!
The others didn't dare to delay for a moment, and hurried to run in their cars, but the cars in front couldn't move at all if they didn't leave!

(End of this chapter)

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