Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 40 Zombie Dog

Chapter 40 Zombie Dog

There is no way, it seems that there is only one battle!
Although the heroine attracted a lot of zombie dogs, there were still five or six of them rushing towards the convoy behind, and many survivors were devastated for a while.

All the supernatural beings got out of the car, and He Fang also turned into a beast and rushed in to disperse the zombie dogs. Wang Gang held an iron rod and looked decent.

The earth-type abilities built a protective wall. Because the abilities are still weak, it is not very strong, but it still gives the survivors time to buffer!

Zi Sangchanmo threw out the ghost, stretched it continuously, flexibly wrapped around the neck of the zombie dog, pierced it with deep wooden thorns, and the ghost with the wood ability made it bark in pain, and gave up until it reached its mouth The fresh meat beside him rushed towards Zi Sangchanmo.

Zombie dogs can’t imagine how docile and cute they were before the end of the world. The skin all over the body rotted and some even fell off to reveal the scarlet muscles on the body. The head without fur was covered with blood, and only one eye was left because of the zombie. The rotten and white eyeball, the other one fell out of the eye socket, connected by a muscle or a blood vessel, it dangled with the movement.

"Wow, woof woof..."

These zombie dogs are the same as zombies, they don't need to eat meat, they just have an incomparable desire for fresh meat.

Zi Sangchanmo angered it, and let it give up the delicious food in its mouth and turned to Zisangchanmo. The zombie transformation did not affect its eating, and the sharp teeth were covered with minced meat and blood. Obviously, someone had already died its mouth.

Seeing that he was about to get in front of him, Zi Sangchanmo quickly dodged the attack and walked around to the back of the car. Guigui tightly wrapped around its neck and then locked it tightly. One is coming at her!
Bring Guigui back with one hand, take out the dagger with the other hand and wait for the zombies from behind to pounce on it, and at the same time quickly insert it into the brain. Kick this dead zombie away!

Just after finishing dealing with these zombie dogs, I suddenly found that there was another one behind!
She was almost bitten, and before her violent heartbeat stopped, she saw several zombies staggering towards her.

Fortunately, zombies are easier to deal with than zombie dogs. Zombies that are close can be dealt with by force, and zombies that are far away can be dragged down with supernatural powers, and then dealt with one by one.

People in the crowd were constantly being injured, screaming one after another, and after a quick glance, it seemed that everyone's situation was not optimistic.

Both Qiu Qianying and Cao Yuanli have lightning powers. The power of lightning powers is relatively strong. In addition, the use of these sky crystal cores does not seem to be far from advanced. The two cooperate very well. , it seems that the problem is not big, Cheng Muhan is worthy of being the second hero, the speed ability cooperates with the fire ability, and can help the heroine reduce the burden from time to time.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

It was Uncle Ming who fired the shot!

Thinking about it, I don't think it's so strange. These people were gangsters before the end of the world, and it's normal to be able to play guns, but I feel sorry for the gun in her space. It seems that I have to find someone to teach her!
Han Zhengyu's powers have been advanced and there are also dark powers. After the advancement, it seems that he has comprehended a new skill. After one is frozen, it explodes. It is powerful and blood is scattered. It is extremely rude!

But why didn't I see Cheng Rongrong?

After all, it's just a random sweep, maybe it's blocked by some car, and then re-enters the battle after a quick glance!

The arrival of the zombie dog is unexpected to everyone, and now it has attracted a lot of zombies. I am afraid that if we don't make a quick decision, it will only become more and more troublesome!

"Ah!" Another person who was bitten!
The battle of just a few minutes seems to be as long as a century. For some people, the next step is the separation between heaven and man.

After dealing with these zombies, seeing that He Fang has turned into a prototype, it seems that her powers have been exhausted, and she is feeling a little exhausted at this time.

He rushed to He Fang's side, "Sister He Fang, are you okay?" and helped her get rid of the zombies in front of her. Although she didn't like to cause trouble, she always repaid her kindness.

"It's okay, thank you." He Fang nodded, indicating that it's nothing serious, but a little tired, which is the aftereffect of using the ability.

"Get in the car and hide for a while!"

Seeing that all the zombie dogs had been dealt with, Zi Sang Chanmo said to He Fang that there were only some ordinary zombies left.

He Fang nodded and stopped trying to be brave, "Be careful!"

From the backpack behind you, in fact, take out the commonly used ax in the space, attach the wood-type ability, and then use the mental ability to scan, so although the ability is consumed quickly, but fortunately, it is safe. What is most needed now is Get rid of these zombies as soon as possible!
The wood-type ability attaches to dead objects, which is an ability she has after her ability has been upgraded. The ax with the ability is more likely to corrode the zombie's skin and do more damage to it!

After the zombies were basically eliminated, everyone seemed to be relieved and had a short rest time. After all, the zombies around such a big movement would probably rush over soon, and they had to leave before then.

Zi Sangchanmo leaned against the car a little bit exhausted, closed her eyes and held the crystal nucleus just dug out from the head of the zombie dog while recovering her powers, while recalling the battle just now.

Of the more than 100 people, now there are only more than 60 left, nearly half of them have been lost. A vision mutant in Lin Shengrui's team also died in the mouth of the zombie dog!As if it was a heavy blow, the ordinary people who went out for the first time realized the cruelty of the doomsday, and the atmosphere of the whole team was extremely heavy for a while.

Abandoned cars and mutilated limbs can be seen everywhere. The once prosperous city is now only depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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