Chapter 49

Zi Sangchanmo walked beside He Fang, listening to Xiao Bing's introduction and whispering, "Sister He Fang, will they be unhappy if you are not with Lin Shengrui?" Although they haven't known each other for long, she But knowing how powerful Lin Shengrui is, she has a good impression of He Fang, that's why she asked this question.

He Fang blinked, pretending to be pitiful and looking at her, "Then Momo, you want to take me in."

Zi Sangchanmo was amused by her appearance. She didn't expect that He Fang, who looks cold on the outside, would have such a cute side after getting acquainted with her. Except for Xiaoxiao, this is the first friend she wants to make, "Okay , if Boss Cao refuses to agree, I will cry and beg him until he agrees!"

Cao Yuanli, who was walking in front and talking to An Yi, moved his ears, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

An Yi led everyone to sit down in the living room, and then ordered someone to find their house, and send their seized supplies and cars to the house selected for them.

"I think everyone knows my name, An Yi, with the ability of the gold system, I will be named the deputy base chief in this base."

"Qiu Qianying, a lightning-type ability, Ah Li's girlfriend."

With Qiu Qianying's introduction, Cheng Rongrong almost snapped the leather of the sofa to pieces. The shameless woman, who flirts with A Li everywhere, still keeps grabbing Ah Li, but Ah Li hasn't officially said goodbye yet!
Cheng Rongrong smiled sinisterly, as expected, God has been helping her all her life, she never thought that those gangsters did not die, and met them at the gas station, Qiu Qianying, no matter how fast you are, killing them is just a lie It's just that you've been charged with uncleanness.

Looking at Ah Li's current performance, she must have already known it in her heart, and she will take out the photo when the time is right, Qiu Qianying, your good days are coming to an end!
Then everyone introduced them one by one, but Zi Sangchanmo didn't show Guigui, and the plant mutation has not started yet, so she can't show off. Besides, Tian told her just now that everything she wanted is ready!

Zi Sangchanmo, who heard the news, was so excited, her face turned red and she almost couldn't sit still and wanted to go into the space to have a look.

An Yi squinted his long and narrow eyes to look at Han Zhengyu, then turned to Zi Sangchanmo and said, "I have met Chanmo, I wonder if little Chanmo still remembers me? I am also your savior Woolen cloth."

This man once again refreshed her understanding of him. What about the upright Brother Bing who was promised at the beginning?This is clearly the big bad wolf in military uniform!

Zi Sang Chanmo pretended to be shy, "Of course I remember, thank you Deputy Base Chief An."

Fortunately, Han Zhengyu rescued her in time, "So we are here to pay off the debt, hurry up and talk about how to go to the hospital to save your brother." Han Zhengyu snorted coldly, don't think he doesn't know this. What was the plan of the fox? Wasn't it that he had cheated him with a batch of arms before the end of the world? At this time, he wanted to take advantage of it.

Hearing what Han Zhengyu said, An Yi knew that his goal had been achieved, so he stopped going around in circles and directly discussed how to go to the hospital to save people.

An Yi's younger brother works in the central hospital, and happened to be on duty at the hospital when the end of the world came. Now that people are trapped in the hospital, their life and death are uncertain. It just so happened that their base was going to the hospital to get a batch of medicines and medical equipment, so they decided to go together.

Originally, An Yi was responsible for this matter, and the reason for procrastinating was to wait for Cao Yuanli and the others to come. Now that the person came, An Yi planned to save him tomorrow.

In addition to their base, there are other supernatural beings and troops. If they encounter survivors, they will also be brought back, but this is not what they want to pay attention to. They only need to help save An Yi's brother, and the rest is up to them.

The next step is to discuss the general route and other issues, and think about what may happen tomorrow, so that there is a way to deal with it.

It didn't take long before someone said that everything was arranged in the house, which was also a small villa not far from here.Seeing that everything was discussed, Cao Yuanli took everyone away, An Yi didn't stay much, so he let Xiaobing take him with him, and only asked people to come over for dinner, Cao Yuanli smiled and didn't respond.

Sure enough, they were not very far away, and they arrived after a few minutes of walking.

The villa has two floors, with a small bare garden in front. Now their car is parked there. The house only has simple decoration. Fortunately, there are enough rooms, and there is still room for each person. After the end of the world, they can live in such a place. The place is also rare.

There are small soldiers in this area, and it should be the central area. It seems that An Yi takes them very seriously.

"Can you not pay attention to it!" He Fang patted Sang Chanmo's head bitterly, "You think supernatural beings are Chinese cabbages, but that's because you see few people. We estimate that there are not twenty supernatural beings in total."

Zi Sangchanmo touched her head, feeling warm in her heart. This is probably the only way sisters get along with each other.

"Still smirking? Isn't this kid really stupid?" He Fang muttered to herself.

Zi Sang Chanmo: "..."

Seeing that these two people were whispering from beginning to end, Cheng Rongrong couldn't stand it any longer. The thing that turned her elbows outward was so affectionate to an outsider, and she didn't want to see who was her real sister!
"What have you been doing with us?" Cheng Rongrong said loudly to He Fang, looking at it like this, maybe it's another one who wants to rob Ah Li from her!

"none of your business?"


Apparently Cheng Rongrong didn't expect He Fang to answer like this, and couldn't find anything to refute for a while.

He Fang didn't bother to talk to her, and walked past her to Cao Yuanli, "I don't know if there are still recruits in Boss Cao's team?"

Cao Yuanli sized her up with his slender and sharp black eyes for a long time, but Cheng Rongrong jumped up!

She knew that this woman had dirty thoughts about Ah Li at first sight!
"Ah Li, don't trust her, this woman has no good intentions at first glance! Maybe she has other plans!"

Qiu Qianying immediately said from the side: "Rongrong, don't talk nonsense, we have not all cooperated before, and I can trust He Fang's character." After speaking, he smiled friendly at He Fang.

"Rest tonight and see your performance tomorrow." Cao Yuanli did not give an answer immediately, but waited to see the strength before talking.

Zi Sangchanmo smiled at He Fang, and at worst, she would go and beg him!

 Late stage of obsessive-compulsive disorder, late stage of procrastination, late stage of lazy cancer...I'm hopeless...

(End of this chapter)

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