Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 50 Departure to the Hospital

Chapter 50 Departure to the Hospital

Since Cao Yuanli didn't refuse, He Fang stayed there logically. Fortunately, there were quite a few rooms, so Zi Sangchanmo chose the leftmost room on the second floor. He Fang didn't care about this, and lived next to her. Next, the women live on the second floor, while the men live on the first floor.

He didn't plan to stay at the base for too long, so he just tidied up and started preparing dinner. During this period, Lin Shengrui sent someone to invite him, but Cao Yuanli refused.

After a simple dinner, a party was held as usual, but it was just to confirm the general itinerary for tomorrow, nothing special, and then everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

The next morning, the biological clock woke up Zisang Chanmo on time, rubbed her swollen head and sore arms, mobilized the wood-type abilities to walk through her body, and felt much better. Last night, she was excited because of the new weapon. It took most of the night, and it was almost early in the morning before I could barely fall asleep.

It's only been less than six hours, alas, she's so sleepy, let Tian help her to make a cup of coffee, get dressed quickly, brush her hair that sleeps like a chicken coop, and put the sleeping ghost out of bed. Tear it off at the wrist, make a knot twice in the hair, and you have a beautiful ponytail!
Open the curtains, there is no clear sunlight through the glass, the gloomy sky is like a big net, gloomy and devouring people's hopes bit by bit, like a heavy boulder pressing on people's hearts, making people breathless Come on, the relaxed mood that was originally there is now even more gone.

The originally turbid air seemed to be covered with a layer of dust, forcibly reducing the visible range by five meters!
Zi Sangchanmo frowned, it seems that the weather today is not very good, I hope nothing will happen.

At 10:[-], [-] minutes before the agreed time, when everyone appeared in front of the gate of the foundation, An Yi had already brought people to wait.

Two large military trucks, plus a large truck, roughly estimated that there are about 30 people. It seems that this task is very important, but I don't know whether it is people or things that are important.

Everyone has seen each other nodding as a greeting. This time they didn't drive, but sat in one of the large trucks. There were several other supernatural beings sitting with them. After introducing each other, Zi Sang Chanmo Knowing that not only the army but also some ordinary supernatural beings went out this time, they all participated in this mission to earn supplies.

Zi Sangchanmo couldn't help but think of Lin Shengrui's group. Originally, they agreed to take them to the base, and they left the rest of the matter out of their hands. After they arrived at the base, they separated. Judging by Lin Shengrui's temperament, he probably wasn't safe. People who are in the status quo don't know how they are now.

The road is uneven, the road is full of potholes and blocked by zombies and abandoned vehicles, so the driving all the way is slow, the sun gradually rises behind the thick clouds, and the light is blocked by layers of thick clouds, leaving only a hazy halo .

The air was filled with gray smog or faint black smog, and the rancid smell filled the whole nasal cavity, which always made people ignore something.

Zi Sangchanmo held the modified ax tightly in her hand to prevent unexpected situations. Since this morning, she felt very uneasy, and reviewed the original work carefully. Unfortunately, at that time, she only focused on the heroine. There is no information to provide, plus she was only watching the plot at the time, who cares about it, besides, it has been so long that I really can't remember some small details, and I couldn't find it after looking through her previous notes Something useful, touching Guigui hidden in her sleeve, if not for special circumstances, she still doesn't plan to show Guigui out.

As if seeing Zisang Chanmo's uneasiness, He Fang patted her hand lightly, as if to comfort her.

Ignoring Han Zhengyu's gaze, he smiled at He Fang, indicating that he was fine, took out half a bottle of juice from his bag, and handed it to her.

When Cheng Rongrong saw that Zi Sangchanmo actually took out the leftover juice she drank and gave it to others, she couldn't help but sneered, "Shame on me!"

Of course she never drank this juice, but it was just to add some Wuyou spring water, thinking that if He Fang couldn't hold on later, it could help her gain some strength, but she didn't expect the embarrassment of giving away half a bottle.

He Fang thinks differently from Cheng Rongrong, she just thinks that this girl is sharing her favorite things with her, who cares about those after the end of the world, she took it happily and said, "Oh, my little Momo is right I'm so good, I'm just thirsty!"

"Some people say that grapes are sour because they can't eat grapes!" After taking a sip, they still didn't forget to provoke Cheng Rongrong.

"Tch, a bottle of water is so happy!"

I don't know what's going on, but He Fang just doesn't like Cheng Rongrong, and seeing Cheng Rongrong being crushed by He Fang's hands every time, Zi Sang Chanmo can't bear to laugh, but the depressed mood is much better.

He Fang couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw Zi Sangchanmo's smile from the corner of his eyes.

The originally depressive atmosphere has become much more relaxed. Qiu Qianying now very much hopes that He Fang will stay in the team, and someone will confront Cheng Rongrong, so that she will not bother herself all day long and be more kind to He Fang for a while.

All the way through He Fang's provocation and Cheng Rongrong's frustration.

It was almost noon before I saw the building of the hospital, which was a densely populated place before the end of the world, which means that this is the place where zombies gather after the end of the world, and what they have to do this time is to break into the zombie nest!

The urban area seems to have fallen, and there is no one in the depression, and the shaky figure can be seen as a zombie at a glance. It has no life, no thoughts, and only has an extremely strong desire for fresh flesh and blood.

The movement of the car attracted the attention of a large number of zombies. As soon as the car stopped, a group of well-trained soldiers jumped out of the car one after another. Others prepared to rush into the hospital under cover as soon as they got out of the car!
(End of this chapter)

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