Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 51 Very Strong, Very Violent

Chapter 51 Very Strong, Very Violent
Under the leadership of Cao Yuanli, Zi Sangchanmo and others also rushed out of the truck, and followed the agreement with the others. The main task of everyone was to rescue An Yi's younger brother.

I can't help complaining in my heart, I don't know what kind of character this An Yi's younger brother is, and he wants to use so many people?Thinking this way in my heart, I unconsciously muttered.

He Fang replied in a low voice after hearing Zi Sangchanmo's question, "It seems that his name is An Nan? I heard that he is a very famous doctor."

"Ambonan!" No way!

"Seems to be."

Oh my god, why didn't she expect that the surname is An, and the hostess met Xiao San'er at this base, and the key point is that Xiao San'er is a doctor of medicine!

Why didn't she think of it!
It's over, it's over, now there's a good show to watch.

From her perspective, Zi Sang Chanmo could only see the back of Cheng Rongrong killing the zombies. Her proud figure was wrapped in a tight black leather jacket, and her every move was full of the charm of a mature woman. What will happen to An Bonan, who tortured her to death in her previous life?

The picture is so beautiful that she dare not look at it...

There are several different buildings in the hospital. Now they park their car at the main gate of the hospital. The first thing they see when they enter is the outpatient department, and the person they want to save is in the laboratory building behind the outpatient building!That means they have to go through the outpatient department, and the worst part is that the inpatient department is not far from here!
Zi Sang Chanmo looked at this place that had saved lives and healed the wounded, as if she could hear the screams of thousands of zombies inside!
Swinging the ax produced by the space sideways, he looked at the nearest zombie, as if there was no obstacle at all, not to mention it was like cutting tofu, at least it was comparable to cutting meat.

This greatly increased Zi Sangchanmo's confidence!

Holding the ax tightly in his hand, he cooperated tacitly with He Fang. In order to save his abilities, now he only uses cold weapons or guns to deal with zombies at close range, and kicks one of the two zombies caught towards her. Just kicked away, while dodging the attack of another zombie, the center of gravity was just stable, and then he swung the ax in his hand and slashed at this zombie!

The zombie that lost its head lost the ability to move in an instant, half of its body fell limply, and there was no time to rest. The zombie that was kicked away before crawled over unwillingly, and a few others also took the opportunity to make up for it!
Concentrate, analyze the best plan in your mind instantly, take a small step to avoid the zombie caught on the right, remove his arms with an axe, kick away the zombie on the other side with his back foot, and turn to the zombie in front, The female zombie wearing the already tattered nurse's uniform fell down!At this moment, the delicate little face has an incomparably fierce aura, like a poppy flower in the dark, so beautiful that it makes people suffocate!

Hearing Cao Yuanli's order, Zi Sangchanmo no longer wanted to fight, nodded towards He Fang who was behind her, and quickly kicked away the zombies blocking the front and moved towards the gate of the hospital.

Someone cleaned it up before, so it was not difficult for everyone to enter the hospital gate. Fortunately, An Yi's people became smarter and installed a silencer on the gun.
An Yi ordered the deputy team to take other people to complete the task of the base, and then planned to rescue people with them. An Yi looked at the crowd, "The man is on the third basement floor of the laboratory building behind."

Cao Yuanli frowned and didn't say anything. Zi Sangchanmo was a little strange. She hadn't heard of someone working on the third basement floor of the hospital. Maybe she didn't pay much attention to this aspect and didn't go into it.

Passing through the corridor, there are dozens of zombies wandering in the square behind. The stimulation of fresh flesh and blood made these zombies start to boil, one by one clawed towards this side, in order not to waste time here to attract more zombies, everyone mobilized Ability intends to make a quick decision!

For a while, all kinds of abilities went straight to the zombies, and the coolest one was probably the lightning ability of the No. [-] hero and heroine, which crackled and scorched.

Of course, the strength of the little boss and the second male protagonist is not inferior at all. What surprised her was when Cheng Muhan could fire two fireballs at the same time!
Seeing everyone's performance ability has probably reached the peak of the zeroth order, and it seems that they are about to break through the first order!
Of course, this is just a show, and I don't know if others are hiding it. Zi Sang Chanmo glanced at Han Zhengyu who was being frozen in ice, and they all chose to keep it.

Sensing Zi Sangchanmo's gaze, Han Zhengyu flirted with her with ease while dealing with the zombies.

It was rare for Momo to look at him, so he had to take good care of it.

In order not to appear special, Zi Sangchanmo followed the example of other wood-type supernatural beings, and threw a few seeds towards the place where the zombies gathered to ripen them instantly, and the layers of vines trapped the zombies firmly.

He Fang took the time to give Zisang a thumbs up, this ability is too dazzling.

Then it turned into a rhinoceros and rushed towards the zombie. In an instant, flesh and blood flew all over the zombie. The zombie was rushed to pieces, very strong and violent!
An Yi looked at the abilities of the crowd and squinted his eyes. It's only been a long time. I didn't expect that these people have grown to such a degree. This Cao Yuanli can't be underestimated!

The hospital, a place that does not distinguish between day and night, has a door that is open 24 hours a day, and it is still open. Because of the fight just now, zombies have started to come out of each building. Zi Sang Chanmo pursed her lips and held her hands The crystal nucleus is constantly supplemented with abilities.

(End of this chapter)

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