Chapter 52
There seemed to be no end to the zombies that followed one after another. If one fell down, there would be another one to make up for it. The endless zombies would only consume one's physical strength. The longer it dragged on here, the greater the danger.

Taking advantage of the gap, An Yi nodded towards the crowd. Everyone understood, and rushed straight to the laboratory building. When Cheng Muhan was the last to come in, he locked the door instantly!
The gate only temporarily blocked the zombies on the front, but how could there be a small number of zombies in the laboratory building!

Waves of zombies outside the door hit the door one after another, and the loud noise attracted more zombies. Everyone put away their abilities and began to use them. In the eyes of everyone, she was only roughly taught some basic skills by Uncle Ming, so she was not assigned a gun.

All the power supply systems were destroyed, so if you want to go underground three times, you can only take the stairs, and the gate is in the middle. If you want to go to the safe passage, you must go through the entire hall!
The fresh flesh and blood carried a bewitching aura, and the zombies kept gathering without deliberate effort. Several of them were good gun players, and when they hit each other accurately, even Cheng Rongrong and He Fang were not inferior.

Maybe rich people like to play this game?When He Fang said she would, Zi Sang Chanmo was surprised.

If Zi Sangchanmo can't get in the way, I can't even think about using psychic powers to investigate, because An Bonan has psychic powers, and people with psychic powers are very sensitive to psychic powers, and they may be discovered if they are not careful. !

Always keep an eye out for fish that slip through the net, and if any zombies come over, give him an ax and keep them in the west.

From coming in just now to now, the entire hospital has not seen a single living person!But according to the protagonist's law of immortality, An Bonan will never die, so what about An Yi?Could someone not mentioned in the original book have died in this operation?

Fortunately, the strength of the few people is astonishing. It didn't take long for the dozens of zombies in the hall to be perfectly resolved. Without making any extra stops, everyone went to the safe passage. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a black figure suddenly sprang out from the corridor. So fast, before he could see the shape, he came directly to the door!

"Be careful!" Not just someone yelled!
Zi Sangchanmo only had time to dodge to the side according to instinct, as if only a gust of wind brushed past her ears, and then the ax she swung completely smashed through the air!

what the hell!

Taking a closer look, a very disgusting monster snarled at them "Jie Jie" on the left wall. The upper body was clearly a big snake with thick arms, but the lower body looked like a huge bat!If you look carefully, you can clearly see that the snake's eyes are abnormal gray-white, which is obviously zombie-like!
"Jie-Jie Jie", the half-rotted mouth is dripping with various mixed liquids, no wonder there is no sign of living people in this building, probably all of them have entered this guy's stomach!
The rough voice was like fine sand stuck in the throat, passing straight through the eardrums, irritating the nerves, and the pain in the temples, not caring about anything, Zi Sang Chanmo activated the psychic power to isolate the shock wave, this I feel better.

Turning around to look at the others, except for Han Zhengyu, all of them looked very ugly, especially He Fang. She has a mutated body, and her resistance to elemental attacks is much weaker than that of others!
"Let's go and lure this monster away!" Han Zhengyu said to Zisang Chanmo without any sign of joking at this time.

"Ayu!" Seeing that Han Zhengyu said such words, Cao Yuanli disapproved very much, and shot at the monster without hesitation.

It's a pity that the monster is very flexible, coupled with the attack of psychic abilities, it is difficult for everyone to hit it!

"Okay!" Zi Sangchanmo nodded towards Han Zhengyu. Since Han Zhengyu said so, there should be a solution, and she also has many ways to save her life!

Apparently Han Zhengyu was very happy with Zisang Chanmo's trust, and threw an ice pick at the monster just to irritate it!

"Cousin, you go first, I have my own way!"

The ice pick hit the monster's wing, as if it was in pain, it screamed, wanting to rush over!
Cao Yuanli knew Han Zhengyu, so he looked into Zisang Chanmo's eyes, "Be careful!", turned around without hesitation and led the others downstairs.

Seeing Cao Yuanli's eyes makes my heart skip a beat!Ignoring Qiu Qianying's vague gaze, he was frightened by this monster's attack without daring to think about it!
Fortunately, it was Han Zhengyu who pulled her aside and threw the ice pick at it!Although they were dodged and did not cause any actual damage, fortunately they blocked the attack and bought them some time!
Han Zhengyu pulled Zisang Chanmo and ran towards the stairs, but it was in the opposite direction from Cao Yuanli and the others, they were going upstairs!
Cooperating with Han Zhengyu's attack, Zi Sangchanmo threw Guigui and strangled the monster's neck fiercely. Who would have thought that this monster was not afraid of a seven-inch wound, and would bite Guigui off if it turned around!

At this time, the two had reached the stairs on the second floor. Seeing that the monster was about to be led to the second floor, Han Zhengyu kicked open the half-hidden door, who knew that there were dozens of zombies wandering behind the door!

Hearing the voice here, he rushed towards the two of them in an instant.

All of a sudden, he was attacked from both sides, and he was about to fall into a dilemma!Han Zhengyu pulled Zi Sangchanmo behind him, and stared coldly at the zombie in front of him. The dark power poured out, and the zombie in front of him burst from the brain nucleus in an instant, turning into a pool of dirty blood and rotting flesh, and the blood and flesh flew all over the place. , extremely disgusting!

This is the first time she has seen him use dark abilities, and she doesn't want to watch it a second time!
At this time, the snake-headed bat-body monster had already caught up, trying to ignore the needle-like pain in his head, mobilizing the supernatural powers in his body to help Guigui replenish energy, and Guigui instantly turned into a long whip with poisonous thorns!Under Zi Sangchanmo's movements, the "swipe" and "swipe" rings non-stop!

"Jie - Jie"

Even under such a fierce attack, the monster still didn't slow down!Scream piercingly!

(End of this chapter)

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