Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 53 Trapped

Chapter 53 Trapped
"Jie - Jie Jie"

"Master Han Zhengyu, didn't you say you have a solution? There is a solution!"

Now there are only her and Han Zhengyu here, so she no longer hides. While using the wood-type power to manipulate ghost interference, she gathers the spiritual power into a thread in her mind, just before the monster escapes the ghost. When entangled, it instantly attacked the monster's brain!
Zi Sangchanmo was a little bit out of strength, and this time consumed nearly half of her abilities.

The snake-headed bat-body monster didn't notice, but she was hit. Immediately, his body became a little unstable and began to fall rapidly. Just as she was about to take a breath, this guy suddenly revived with full blood!

"Jie Jie—Jie!", if it was a small fight before, it can be regarded as a real gun now!
The monster's cry was accompanied by a mental attack, which shattered her previous attacks. If she hadn't withdrawn so quickly, she would have almost been backlashed by the mental power!
Xiaoqiang is really unbeatable!Zi Sangchanmo's current ability is in the middle stage of the first level. Although she is not very familiar with it, the power is still not small. I didn't expect to be unable to hit half of the blood on this guy!It seems that the strength is still higher than hers, at least it has reached the second level!

Han Zhengyu pulled Zi Sangchanmo away, blocked the monster's attack with his supernatural power, and led her to run forward. Fortunately, all the zombies were eliminated, otherwise it would be a double attack.

Zi Sang Chanmo was amazed, was able to block the blow just now, did Han Zhengyu break through again?
Holding Guigui's hand slightly tighter, I thought she had worked hard enough, but I didn't expect that she was still not as good as these people who are more favored by the heavens.

However, she will not give up trying!

"Give me the gun!" Although there is a gun in the space, she can't say it. From their indulgence to Cheng Rongrong, it can be seen that they are bound to gain space for Cheng Rongrong!
What a temptation it is to have a space that can store things and plant spiritual springs, let alone her, who is even more heaven-defying, although her space cannot be taken away by others, if she is placed under house arrest and forced to drain her space Woolen cloth?Every time she thinks about this kind of thing, she becomes more cautious!
Without asking Zisang Chanmo why she wanted a gun, Han Zhengyu drew one from his waist and handed it to her.

"Bang—bang bang" three shots, one shot hit the thick wing of the monster, and the remaining two shots were aimed at the zombies rushing out from the next room!

Han Zhengyu was a little shocked in his heart, and his lips were tightly closed. He didn't expect that she still had so many secrets. It seemed that he didn't know her well enough.

"I'm in charge of the zombies in the front, and you are in charge of the back. Let's lead this monster to the room at the far end!"

Zi Sangchanmo nodded and wiped the sweat from her forehead. It was spring but she felt drenched all over. Now she couldn't think of any other way, so she could only follow Han Zhengyu's way and trust him once more, "Okay !"

Zombies in white coats kept rushing out of the rooms on both sides. The roars of the zombies and the constant mental attacks of the monsters deeply stimulated the eardrums of the two.

While Han Zhengyu continued to open the way, he also helped Zi Sangchanmo shoot the monster behind him. The tens of meters long corridor was like a road to the underworld of hell, and his soul was broken accidentally!
Just when they finally reached the door, there was a heavy bang from downstairs, and the ground began to shake a little.

Do you want to be so unlucky!


Zi Sangchanmo and Han Zhengyu looked at each other. It was a sound from the ground. It seemed that something happened to Cao Yuanli and the others!

Seeing that the building was crumbling, the previous plan was of course no longer feasible, and the brain quickly made a decision to escape first!
The two attacked the monster in tacit agreement, and the psychic ability and the dark ability attacked the monster at the same time!If one person's ability is not good, what about adding up the two?

The monster that was attacked by the supernatural ability screamed, and the rotten skin began to emit black pus, which swelled almost to burst, and fell heavily on the ground with a loud noise!It was obviously hit hard!

Although it caused a lot of damage to the monster with a snake head and a bat body this time, the two of them knew that it was only a temporary dizziness, and the difference in power by one level is often the difference between heaven and hell!Now they have to use up their powers ahead of time, but they don't want to fight anymore.

The ground kept shaking, and the sound of equipment chairs shaking, as if going back to the day of the earthquake, Zi Sangchanmo looked at the back in front of her, and suddenly wanted to ask, "Is that you?"

She couldn't tolerate her hypocrisy, the situation this time seemed to be more violent than last time, the dust around the room fell down, and the surrounding glass quickly cracked and shattered into pieces.

"Han Zhengyu, you bastard, you drag me if you want to die!"

Zi Sangchanmo was really angry this time, she didn't care about the image of a little white flower, so she just scolded her!

It's all because of Han Zhengyu's claim that he has a way to deal with the monster, yet he insisted on pulling her along!She will never trust him again!
Han Zhengyu laughed softly, didn't reply to her words, turned around and took her hand and ran forward.

How dare you laugh?
Throwing away his hand, he fired two shots at the two unsteady zombies blocking the way, "Don't pull me, men and women can't accept each other!"

Han Zhengyu: "..."

The little greedy cat has become a little wild cat.

Suddenly Han Zhengyu's expression changed, and before Zisang Chanmo could react, he hugged her and rolled aside!
"Bang!" The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground!

Then he quickly pulled out his gun and fired two shots. Zi Sangchanmo also reacted at this time, and fired a few shots at the revived monster.

House seemingly endless rain!

Quickly dodged to the next room, once the door was closed, the monster was separated, and the sound of impact kept coming, seeing that this door and this building can't last long!

Han Zhengyu pulled Zi Sang Chanmo to the window, his eyes that should have been cold were burning hot, "Are you afraid?"

 I've been waiting for a long time, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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