Chapter 54

Afraid, of course she is afraid!
Brother, this is the second floor, the floor below is empty except for the zombies, don't you want her to jump down here?
The sound of crashes stimulated the nerves of the two of them, and the crumbling building forced her to make a decision. It seems that there should be no better way now. Thinking about her transformed body, she doesn't know if she can survive the jump. intact.

Just when she was about to die heroically, Han Zhengyu pointed to the building opposite, "Go there."


Zi Sangchanmo thought she didn't hear clearly.

If jumping from the second floor is still possible, then jumping from this building to the opposite building is just a joke!There is an aisle full of zombies that allows two cars to run side by side!

He glanced contemptuously at the confident Han Zhengyu, her ability is not animal transformation!If you want to jump over here, unless the beast turns into a big frog!

Otherwise, there are two biggest possibilities for jumping over here, one is to fall half disabled and then be eaten by zombies, and the other is to be eaten directly by zombies.In either case, it is not a solution that a normal person can think of!Now she seriously doubts that he is also making the same joke when he said that he has a way to deal with monsters!

"Uncle Han, what time is it, you're still joking!"

Pointing to the building opposite, the glass of the window has long been shattered, and the scene outside the window is clearly visible. The dense crowd of zombies downstairs is simply tingling, "Are you sure you're not joking? Then you jump one and let me see!" "

Knowing that Zi Sangchanmo misunderstood himself, Han Zhengyu shook his head in feinted surprise, "Jump over? I can't do it!"

Zi Sangchanmo was about to be pissed off by this man, and wanted to give this guy a whip when he swung the ghost. At this moment, the other side of the building began to collapse. With a sound of "coax", the whole half of the building collapsed. The whole fell down, crushing many zombies wandering below to death, and the same loud sound attracted more zombies to come here!

Zi Sangchanmo was unsteady and almost fell!Han Zhengyu's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick. He followed the "whip" he swung with his right hand just now, and gently swung one person and one flower into his arms.

Just a second before Zi Sang Chanmo was about to push him away, she said at the right time: "I'm not talking about jumping over, but using it."

He took Guigui from Zisang's hand, threw it hard, and threw it to the window of the opposite building, "Big it bigger, your cat and I are going over there, and I'll give you ten crystal nuclei when we're done!"

The ghost who had been yelling in Zisangchanmo's mind was quiet for a moment, and put the wooden splint back very obediently, one end was tied to the window edge of the opposite building, and the other end automatically made a knot on the crumbling upstairs.

Ten crystal nuclei were bought!Nothing!It's as if she usually lacks its food!
"Go!" Han Zhengyu pulled Zi Sang Chanmo to the window, and suddenly stepped forward to block the giant wings of the bat that the monster swept over!

Since his back was facing him, Zi Sangchanmo didn't know what happened, but when he turned around, he saw that the monster was forcefully forced by Han Zhengyu's supernatural attack and dared not move forward.

Even though half of the building collapsed, the zombie monster still survived tenaciously, knocking out a big hole in the thick door of the laboratory. The cry of "Jie-Jie" seemed to be mocking the two people's overestimation!Quickly prepare for the second attack!

Without hesitation, he picked up his gun and shot at this guy. Perhaps because of the heavy damage he had received before, the attack was no longer as fast as before, and the gun was enough to hold back its momentum!
Han Zhengyu didn't look back, "You go first, I'll deal with it!"

After finishing speaking, he gathered the ice ability in his palm, and a drop of sweat fell quietly from his forehead. It seemed that he planned to freeze thousands of miles with ice!
Zi Sangchanmo knew in the original book that when the ice ability reaches the tenth level, the power of this frozen thousand miles can almost freeze a radius of five miles!
The cracks in the surrounding walls became bigger and bigger, and the dust fell down. Seeing that he couldn't hold on, he didn't expect Han Zhengyu to let himself go first.

It would be a lie to say no that he wasn't touched a little, and he casually helped Han Zhengyu get rid of the zombies that followed him.

Looking at Han Zhengyu's slightly sweaty side face, "Don't love to fight, the building is about to collapse!" Then she turned around and crawled towards the opposite building on Guigui's body, staying here with her remaining abilities. Just cumbersome!

"Momo, don't scratch her waist, it's very itchy!"

Zi Sangchan moaned the black thread, and patted the guy's stem vigorously, bucket waist!
This guy is not in the mood to joke, look at the army of zombies below, life and death are between these [-] centimeters.

Thousands of corpses passed through without touching their bodies, and successfully reached this building here. Just after jumping off the window and before turning around, they heard the sound of the opposite building collapsing, and even this building trembled.

Han Zhengyu!
Zi Sangchanmo's heart beat violently.

Will not.

The dust outside the window was everywhere, and the mist blocked all sights, and the dense zombies were also submerged in it. The hand holding the pistol was tightened, and the slender fingers were pinched a little white.

I couldn't tell what it was like in my heart, and I was a little confused for a while.

"Momo, why are you still in a daze! If you don't help your man pull him up, he will be eaten by zombies! Oh, this guy must not die, he still owes me ten crystal nuclei!"

not dead?

Quickly went back to the window and looked down. One end of Guigui was tied to the window lattice here, and the other end was really drooping on the ground because of the collapse of the building over there. Han Zhengyu wrapped one arm around Guigui's thick waist, Drooping, the blood stained the black sportswear, stimulating the excited roar of the zombies below!

(End of this chapter)

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