Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 55 Injured

Chapter 55 Injured
"Hey, are you okay?"

Zi Sangchanmo dragged the man upstairs with great effort, but he didn't expect this guy who didn't look fat to be so heavy!He lightly patted Han Zhengyu's face, but there was no sign of him being awake at all.

The person who was always neat and tidy, even his hair was well-groomed, is now covered in a mess, with a lot of dust on his stern face, and the dirty things look a little funny. Wrinkled, obviously suffering a lot of pain.

I didn't notice it just now, but now I see that I have suffered a lot of injuries, large and small.

There were a lot of scratches on my legs, hands, and even my face!Especially the continuous oozing blood on the right arm, it looked very badly injured.

Zi Sang Chanmo looked at the tightly closed eyes, unable to express what she felt for a while.

"Hoo-hoo hoo"


Zombies smelling blood are coming this way!
Looking at the still unconscious person, he had no choice but to gently put the person on the ground first, take out the energy gun developed by Tian from the space, and quickly deal with the zombies staggering towards this side.

Seeing that there are more and more zombies, even though her energy gun has no bullet limit, but there is such a guy who attracts zombies, the zombies can't be dealt with at all, staying here is not an option!It seems that I still have to find a place to hide.

While hesitating, I just felt a chill behind my back and a shock in my heart!Same feeling as before!The brain reacted quickly, rolled to the side, narrowly dodging the attack!

"Jie - Jie"

The monster from before was still alive!
Do not!
Not the one before!

"Jie - Jie"

The monster obviously didn't expect Zisang Chanmo to escape its attack, and screamed at her angrily. Fortunately, this one is not a spiritual one, otherwise it would be really difficult!
However, the monster's speed was so fast that it missed a single hit, and once again stretched out its claws to attack Zi Sangchanmo!
Of course, she couldn't just wait to be beaten. When she dodged the first blow from this monster with a huge bird head and octopus claws, the speed in her hand didn't decrease at all, and the three gunshots had already been fired.

Taking advantage of the trend, the battlefield was far away from Han Zhengyu.

The monster's second attack also fell through!

Zi Sang Chanmo couldn't help but want to curse, what the hell are these?Where did all these messy things come from in the hospital!
Could it be the perverted experiment done by that pervert An Bonan?
Seemingly seeing that Zi Sangchanmo was difficult to deal with, the monster gave up attacking Zisangchanmo and aimed at Han Zhengyu who was lying on the ground without any resistance!
I really want to scold people.

"Ghost, do you still want ten crystal nuclei! Don't go save people!"

Fortunately, although this guy is usually delicious, he is still reliable at critical moments. I don’t know if the ten crystal nuclei have worked or what, so he immediately tied up the disgusting monster with pus on Bala’s body. .

"Jie - Jie Jie!"

From the space, I changed the high-power energy gun before the transformation, and wiped the sweat from my forehead casually, "I'm counting three, two, one, you should withdraw quickly!"

"Momo, you have to pay attention, people are afraid."

The trapped monster kept howling, the huge octopus claws scattered, and kept waving everywhere, trying to escape from Guigui's shackles. Fortunately, Guigui was already at the second level, otherwise it would be really difficult!

"three two--"

"One! Withdraw!"


Huge energy poured out, the guy who was extremely arrogant was instantly blasted into pieces, blood and carrion were splashed everywhere!The original thick wall also left a huge hole.

Quickly put away the energy gun, replace it with an ordinary gun, and dig out the zombie's crystal nucleus as quickly as possible.

Such a big movement is afraid that it will attract the attention of zombies and survivors, so we must leave here as soon as possible.

Zi Sangchanmo took out a wet wipe from the side of the backpack and threw it to the rose who kept clamoring to add a crystal nucleus, "Wipe yourself, I will take you to the space, and let Tian get you the crystal nucleus." .”

"Yeah! Momo is the best, Guigui loves Momo the most!"

"Stay away from me." Looking at the roses that turned from green to black with disgust, "Remember to go to the space and wash it well", and then sent Guigui to the space.

Although he said he hated him, he actually felt sorry for this guy, and he really worked hard for him today.Then he turned his attention to Han Zhengyu, who was lying half dead, and had a headache again. There was another difficult thing to do.

"By the way, Momo, I forgot to tell you. Brother Zhengyu's right arm was scratched by that monster when he was saving you. I wonder if he will turn into a zombie?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

The ghost in the space shrinks the big flower bud silently, if it says it has forgotten Momo, will it scold it?

Zi Sangchanmo took out a wet towel and wiped Han Zhengyu's dirty face, revealing the original stunning face, but the brows were tightly furrowed, and cold sweat kept dripping from his forehead.

Looking down, the blood flowing from the right arm has gone from bright red to black!
not good!This is not going to become a zombie!

At that time, the zombie seemed to be at least the second level, and Han Zhengyu was probably at the peak of the first level. The original book said that it doesn't matter if the supernatural being is injured by a zombie lower than his own, if he is injured by a zombie of the same level, he will not change The probability of becoming a zombie is only 50.00%!
But now Han Zhengyu was scratched by a high-ranking zombie...

Looking at the sky outside, it was still gray and gray. It was past three o'clock in the afternoon. It seemed that there was no way to go back today, and I had to find a place to spend the night.

(End of this chapter)

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