Chapter 56 Rescue
Pulling up Han Zhengyu's other uninjured arm, after thinking about it, he should find a safe place first and then deal with the injury.

It's a pity that she underestimated the gap between herself and Han Zhengyu. With her height of 1.6 meters, she couldn't handle this big man of nearly 1.9 meters at all, okay?
It’s okay to grow so tall, it’s enough, these days she has been supplementing her body with milk, but unfortunately she hasn’t grown in size, but her chest has grown a lot, she was so scared that she quickly stopped the milk, and it would be great if it continued to grow.

Asked Tian to help her make a temporary crutch, and supported the crutch with one hand, but unfortunately Tian couldn't come out to help and had to come by himself. He reached out and grabbed Han Zhengyu's left arm, and leaned the big guy against his shoulder with all his strength. On the road, I staggered and almost fell, I really regretted it to death, the best way this guy said is to hurt himself like this?

Slightly turned his face to look at Han Zhengyu who put his head on his shoulders, his long eyelashes cast a shadow, his wheat-colored skin was slightly pale, his brows were furrowed because of the pain from being scratched by the monster, his body was suffering It was unimaginable torture.

In the empty corridor, apart from the two of them, there were piles of corpses of zombies and the blood and flesh of monsters.

He dragged the person to the stairs on the first floor and put him down gently, wiped the sweat from his brow, took out the energy gun from the space, turned out from the stairs, and the situation in the hall was clear at a glance.

There are a total of six wandering zombies outside. Before the end of the world, they should be patients or their family members. They can't see the situation inside the counter clearly. It is roughly estimated that there are about three to five people. His eyes lit up, it seemed that there was a good place to spend the night tonight!

There are at most a dozen zombies in the hall, so it is not difficult to solve them.

Because he was worried about Han Zhengyu's injury, he also accelerated his attack. After dealing with the zombies wandering outside, Zi Sangchanmo came to the counter and looked inside from the thick tempered glass stained with blood. The originally clean office Being knocked into a mess by the zombies unconsciously, various types of documents were scattered all over the floor, Zi Sangchan frowned, if they want to stay here at night, this tempered glass cannot be broken.

It took a lot of effort to open the door, but Zi Sangchanmo didn't go in, just stood at the door, and there would be zombies throwing themselves into their arms.

After using the energy gun to quickly solve the problem, he immediately closed and locked the door, dragged Han Zhengyu out from the stairs, and closed the door of the safe passage before he could rest for a while. What's the point of sharing a room with zombies now? Let's have dinner She is not disgusting anymore!

Take out a clean quilt from the space and spread it on the floor of the pharmacy, put Han Zhengyu on it, avoid the wound and cut off the rest of his coat, patches of blood mixed with mud have scabbed, and the clothes are even connected to the wound Sangchanmo's hands trembled every time she tore off a piece.

Fortunately, this person is in a coma, otherwise I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it.

Finally, the clothes sticking to the wound were removed, and the place where the bleeding had stopped oozes again. Zi Sang Chanmo was so tired that she was sweating, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was a black sleeveless vest, Otherwise, it will hurt again!
Trying to ignore the looming good figure, Zi Sangchanmo took out a bottle of diluted Wuyou spring water from the space to help him clean the wound bit by bit, as the black blood continued to wash down, revealing the original fresh and tender flesh, Soon it was covered with blood again, and the ten centimeter wound was so deep that the bone was visible. She took a deep breath, even though she was mentally strong, she couldn't help but tremble.

I found a sterilized alcohol cotton ball from the pharmacy and gently wiped off the dirt around the wound, and then replaced it with spring water with a higher concentration after washing, so that the wound would no longer bleed but the speed of healing was not as amazing. Sprinkle the wound medicine produced by the space, wrap the gauze and tie a beautiful bow to complete the work!

Wiping the sweat streaming down his cheeks, he took off his coat, and helped him treat a wound. It was as if he had been fished out of the water, and his whole body was drenched.

Sitting at the side, staring at Han Zhengyu who was lying quietly, Zi Sangchanmo couldn't tell what feeling she was feeling in her heart, but she wanted to reach out her hand to smooth that frowning brow.

She has done everything she can do, and now it depends on whether he can survive by himself, what if there is a miracle?

Think about why you always encounter such unlucky things when you are with him. She saved him last time. If it was him this time, she might be the one lying here now.

By the way, last time she used psychic abilities to guide the wood-type abilities to help him resolve the tyranny of the dark-type abilities, so this time it can also be done!

Thinking of this, Zi Sangchanmo couldn't sit still because of the excitement, and took two deep breaths before gradually calming down.

Tian felt Zisang Chanmo's thoughts from his heart, and couldn't help worrying, "Master, you almost lost your body last time just to save him, you can't do this again!"

After listening to Tian's words, Zisang Chanmo felt warm in her heart, but she did not give up her plan, "It's okay, I'm fully prepared this time to get more crystal cores, and even if there are any problems, I will ask Guigui to help me be vigilant."

Tian knew that although she had no temper, she was also stubborn, so she said: "Then master, let's eat something first."

Looking at the time, it has been almost an hour since he was injured, looking at Han Zhengyu whose face was blue and white, Zi Sangchanmo was really afraid that he would turn into a zombie, now he has to give it a try no matter what!
Rejecting Tian's kindness, dragging Guigui out of the space, "Guigui, from now on, I want to give you an important task, which is to be responsible for our safety, and I will give it to you when your brother Zhengyu wakes up." Twenty crystal nuclei!"

Gui Gui, who was dragged out and still a little emotional, was immediately excited. Twenty crystal nuclei are enough for a long time, so he quickly lit the big flower buds and said, "No problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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