Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 57 The Worst Ending

Chapter 57 The Worst Ending
Take out all the crystal nuclei collected before from the space, and go to dig out all the zombie crystal nuclei just now. I roughly counted eight hundred if not one thousand. I didn't expect that she would collect so many without knowing it. Adding what she used before and what she didn't have time to collect, how many people should she have killed...

Put a small pile of crystal nuclei aside and tell the good ghost to take a crystal nucleus and start to absorb it. Now she is like a sponge in the desert short of water. The moment she mobilizes her abilities, the energy in the crystal nucleus They scrambled towards her body.

After adapting to the tyranny of the external energy at the beginning, every bit of energy absorbed afterward made her want to groan comfortably.

No wonder it is said that the effect of absorbing the crystal nucleus is the best after exhausting the ability. As expected, while absorbing the crystal nucleus, she obviously felt that the ability was slowly increasing, even if it was slow, it was progress anyway.

Rivers and seas cannot be formed without accumulation of small streams.

Feeling that the powers in his body had almost recovered by seven or eight points, he stopped wasting time, and first scanned the surroundings with mental powers, and then prepared to help him clean up the zombie poison after there was probably no problem.

Keep a small pile of crystal nuclei at hand for easy access at any time, hold the crystal nuclei in your hand to absorb continuously, and concentrate on calling out the two supernatural powers in your body at the same time!

When the two abilities were output at the same time, a sense of dizziness hit him, and then he quickly regained his clarity, shook his head, and concentrated again.

She doesn't know if this can save him, at least the original book only mentions that the wood-type ability can only have a healing effect after reaching the fourth level, and it doesn't mention whether it can clean up the zombie virus, after all, like her, she has both wood-type and spirit There are almost no supernatural powers. Using spiritual powers to open the way and wood supernatural powers to clean up, it is estimated that these two conditions can be met at the same time, and I am afraid that even thousands of miles cannot pick one.

Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!
Just like last time, spread the spiritual power into a big net and wrap the wood-type abilities in it, and went straight into Han Zhengyu's body. In the space invisible to the naked eye, Zi Sangchanmo's abilities were wantonly in Han Zhengyu's body. Wander through the body, and finally go straight to the brain!

Yes, like zombies, supernatural beings also have crystal nuclei in their heads, and supernatural beings who lose their crystal nuclei will become like ordinary people. In the original book, An Bonan did this experiment with many supernatural beings. , Of course, this also includes Cheng Rongrong.

That's why Zi Sangchanmo sighed so much when she first saw Cheng Rongrong working so hard to save people.

I don't know what happened to the hero and heroine, whether An Bonan was rescued, but unfortunately she couldn't follow behind to watch the show.

The brain is the weakest and most heavily guarded part of a supernatural user. Even though Han Zhengyu is unconscious at this time, the dark and ice supernatural abilities still keep her out, and she can clearly see the surrounding area around Han Zhengyu. The three strands of energy in Yu's body.

In addition to his own abilities, there is also a very tyrannical energy wandering around his mind, it seems that this is the source of zombification!
The three energies wrestled together, and it could be vaguely seen that the tyrannical energy had the upper hand, constantly devouring the other two energies. Every time the dark aura increased, Han Zhengyu's face became more ugly.

Zi Sangchanmo lingered outside, very anxious, and dense beads of sweat oozed from her forehead. After all, she didn't dare to force such a weak place, and she couldn't do it for a while.

Do you really want to watch him turn into a zombie?
Ignore the inexplicable emotion in her heart, even for the sake of being her own savior, she can't give up!

Cold sweat dripped down, and the previous dizziness came again. He patted his forehead, trying to stay awake, threw away the crystal nuclei that had turned into powder in his hand, and grabbed a new one.

"Han Zhengyu, you black-hearted duck, are you so harmful? It doesn't matter if you die yourself, don't drag me down! Tell me about you, this is the first time, every time I meet you, nothing good happens, Last time too, I owed a huge debt to save you, and this time the debt came, and I might have to owe something again to save you. Tell me, are you born with a grudge against me? Let me tell you Ah, I paid back the ten crystal nuclei you owed Guigui for you, you have to pay me back with interest, and this time you owe another twenty, if you don’t wake up, you can’t afford to pay it I tell you."


After speaking in one breath, she choked on herself, retracted her ability, and pulled the backpack behind her to find a bottle of water. What she didn't notice was that a crystal nucleus was pulled by her and rolled towards Han Zhengyu's hand. Someone's hand moved slightly.

He regrouped again and pointed his supernatural power towards Han Zhengyu's supernatural power, "Uncle Han, you can't die. If you die, I will ask someone for debt. Let me tell you, you still owe me the crystal nucleus. You owe the Ghost Crystal Core, you owe me the favor to save you, and you still..."

Zi Sangchanmo didn't even realize how much she didn't want to let the man she hated so much die.

The psychic ability lightly probed the crystal nucleus in Han Zhengyu's brain, "Uncle Han, I'm saving you here, you won't let me in, you're dead... huh!"

"Go in!"

Zi Sangchanmo was still thinking about whether to try some violent means, anyway, no matter how bad it is, it will end up turning into a zombie.

Unexpectedly, as soon as it touched the crystal nucleus, it went in unimpeded!

He glanced suspiciously at Han Zhengyu who was motionless and pretending to be dead, and really didn't understand what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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