Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 58 Wake Up

Chapter 58 Wake Up
"Roar - roar"

There are zombies!
The vigilance developed after the end of the world made her sit up in an instant, picked up the bag and weapon at hand and entered the combat state.

Looking around, the hall is still eerily quiet, the morning sun casts shadows through the glass of the window, the zombies that died yesterday are still lying in the original place, exuding a rancid smell, probably the smell of fresh flesh and blood spread out, attracting the door The zombies outside kept banging on the door, making a muffled "dong dong".

After carefully observing the gate, it should not be damaged at present, so I feel a little relieved.

Putting down the axe, she rubbed her swollen head. It was probably caused by not sleeping well. Last night it took Han Zhengyu to clean up the zombie poison, and she didn't know when she fell asleep in the end. of.

Where is Han Zhengyu!

Only then did Zi Sangchanmo realize that something was missing!Han Zhengyu who was lying on the ground dying was gone!There was only a blood-stained quilt left, the black sportswear stained with black blood was cut into a mess and thrown all over the floor, and all kinds of scissors and gauze were scattered on the side.Everything is there, but Han Zhengyu is missing.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound from the back of the medicine shelf. Although it was very soft, she still heard it.

Picking up the dropped ax again, she wasn't sure if Han Zhengyu was human or if he had really turned into a zombie unfortunately!

"You're awake, did I disturb you?" Han Zhengyu came out from behind the shelf. Han Zhengyu, who was only wearing this black vest, was extremely sexy. His fringed bangs were not as meticulously combed as usual, and they were scattered on his forehead. The side looks a little casual, and the bandage on the right hand is tied with a bow, which looks a little funny.

He strode up to Zi Sang Chanmo, helped her straighten her messy hair, and gently tucked her naughty bangs behind her ears.

Before she could refuse, Zi Sangchanmo hugged her into her arms with her remaining uninjured hand, "Thank you, Momo."

Zi Sang Chanmo: "..."

She couldn't stand such a serious Han Zhengyu.

Avoiding the place where Han Zhengyu was injured, he gently pushed the person away, "There is nothing to thank, you were injured because of me, and I should have saved you." I don't know why, but I felt a little guilty when I said this, He didn't even dare to look into Han Zhengyu's eyes.


The ambiguous atmosphere was broken by this burst of stomach growls, and I don't know whose stomach growled first, and Zi Sangchanmo didn't feel any embarrassment, anyway, since noon yesterday, the two of them haven't eaten anything yet. It's normal to be hungry.

"Let's eat something first!"

"En." Han Zhengyu responded, and turned around to take out the things he found just now, an alcohol lamp match, some water and instant noodles, all of which he found in the office. It seems that some medical staff are here Snacks while on duty.

Looking at the things Han Zhengyu took, Zi Sang Chanmo realized that he was looking for these things just now.

Washed the stainless steel lunch box, lit the alcohol lamp and prepared to burn some hot water for instant noodles. While waiting, Zi Sangchanmo pretended to take out a bag of ham sausage and some sealed braised chicken legs from the bag, which was actually the space. What, to be honest, one bag of instant noodles per person is really not enough to eat.

He opened a bag and handed it to Han Zhengyu, and he also opened a bag of chicken legs, "When did you wake up, and how do you feel now?".

Sure enough, the products produced in the space are different. Although they are made in the workshop, the taste is not comparable to those outside!
Han Zhengyu looked at Zisang Chanmo's happy face, and couldn't help laughing: "It was just a while before you woke up. I didn't want to disturb you, but I didn't expect to wake you up."

Seeing that someone asked, but his mind was not on this at all, he was only focused on eating, and he didn't feel annoyed at all in his heart, and he still thought that she was the most real and cutest. You have to know when he was so ignored , even lost to a chicken leg!
Staring at the chicken leg in his hand in frustration, a little bit happy and a little sad, Zi Sangchanmo only realized that someone had been staring at the chicken leg helplessly after eating a chicken leg, and then noticed his injured right hand .

Taking it from Han Zhengyu's hand, he tore open the packaging bag, and handed it back again, showing a little dimple with a smile on his face, "Eat it quickly, it's delicious!"

Han Zhengyu was so dazed by the laughter, he took a bite of the chicken leg. He had never eaten these messy packaged things before, but he didn't expect the taste to be so good. No wonder his little girl likes to eat it. It seems that he should pay more attention to it in the future. We collected such things.

"The water is boiling!"

After a simple but rich breakfast, Zi Sangchanmo helped Han Zhengyu change his medicine. Of course, this time he used the medicine from the hospital. Seeing that the wound recovered so well, he thought it was Zisangchanmo's wood. The role of supernatural powers, did not do too much doubt.

Han Zhengyu groped around in his backpack for a while, and took out a large bag of crystal cores and handed them to Zi Sangchanmo, "You take these crystal cores first, and I will find more for you later."

Zi Sangchanmo took the cloth bag from Han Zhengyu's hand, and it was heavy and full. When she opened it, it was full of crystal nuclei that had been washed clean, like crystal clear diamonds, extremely dazzling.

Somewhat surprised by Han Zhengyu's generosity, he only grabbed a small handful from it and put it in his pocket. The crystal nuclei in it were at least four or five times as large as hers. Let’s restore the ability.” Although she said before that she asked him to return the crystal nucleus, she just wanted him to wake up earlier, so she really wanted him to return it.

Seeing that Zi Sangchanmo wanted to return the crystal nucleus, she immediately looked a little unhappy, "There is no reason to take back what I gave away."

Well, the guy's pride is coming up again!

(End of this chapter)

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