Chapter 59
Then let her use it for the time being. Anyway, she is now short of crystal cores. Her crystal cores were all used up last night, but it was a blessing in disguise. With such a large overdraft and replenishment, she faintly felt that she His ability is about to break through the first-order peak and reach the second-order!
Just when everyone was groping for the edge of the first level, she had already sprinted towards the second level. I have to say that this Han Zhengyu was not only her trouble but also her opportunity?
Besides, there is a rose that has been yelling in her mind. If you don't get some crystal nuclei for it, this guy will probably make a fuss. Seeing that it was conscientious last night, these crystal nuclei will replace it first. It accepts.

"What should I do next?" Zi Sangchanmo asked while throwing the leftover garbage aside. At this time, if someone could discuss it with her, she didn't want to waste her brain cells anymore.

Han Zhengyu was packing up the medicines that could be used, "Wait a little longer, your abilities have recovered?"

Zi Sangchan shook her head.

"Come here, put these in your bag." Han Zhengyu picked and picked up several boxes of medicines, and to save space, he unpacked the outer boxes.

"What are the medicines?" Zi Sang Chanmo took it. She didn't understand these things, and she didn't want anything in the space, so she didn't plan to evacuate the space like other space power users.

"Yunnan Baiyao Ointment, Band-Aid, Cold Medicine, Anti-inflammatory Medicine, Vitamin Tablets, Scalpel, Gauze, Alcohol Sponge Balls?" There are more than a dozen kinds of messy ones, but fortunately, the quantity of each is not too much and not too much. take up space.

Without even thinking about it, I casually put these in my carry-on backpack. Since it was picked by the little boss, it must be right.

Han Zhengyu was very satisfied seeing Zi Sangchanmo who was so obedient, and patiently explained: "If you're not afraid of ten thousand, you're just in case, so prepare first." Then he put some in his bag.

After tidying up, she took the crystal nucleus given by Han Zhengyu and began to meditate to restore her powers, and ignored his eager light. Now her psychology is so strong that even if the male god of her previous life fired at her, she probably wouldn't be able to. Feel.

The rare tranquility in the last days, time seems to have passed for a long time, when Zi Sangchanmo was full of supernatural powers in her body, she threw away the dust in her hands again and stretched comfortably. Before she had time to sigh the beauty of life, she heard Han Zhengyu The voice said, "Clean up and get ready to go out."

Zi Sang Chanmo looked at her watch, it was only 5 minutes after ten o'clock, and it took her nearly three hours to absorb the crystal nucleus in one go!
At the same time, it is also strange that Han Zhengyu suddenly changed his mind, "Let's go now? Go back to the base?" Zi Sangchanmo was not sure if Cao Yuan, Li Qiuqianying and the others were still here, because when they set out for the mission, they said that they would return on the same day. , and that building collapsed, I don't know if other people came out.

looked at him questioningly.

Han Zhengyu didn't answer directly, but tapped the door with his chin.

Following Han Zhengyu's gaze suspiciously, there was a little bit of halo in the fine sunlight, ignoring the roar of zombies and the stench of rotting, it was a rare and leisurely afternoon.

But the reality is that the zombies outside are still pounding on the door endlessly, and the smell of blood and fresh meat makes them reluctant to leave, and the muffled noises are hard to ignore.

Taking a closer look, the originally smooth wall began to have some cracks. With her good eyesight, she could probably see the fine dust gradually loosening. If it hits it again, the gate will probably be scrapped in less than an hour!
When she woke up in the morning, she was obviously still intact, but now she is indeed in danger!No wonder Han Zhengyu said that, even if he wanted to stay here, he couldn't stay here.

Han Zhengyu pursed his lips, put his left hand lightly on the injured right hand, and thought.

It took a long time before he said, "Go out and see the situation first. If nothing happened to my cousin, they should still be in the hospital. If the situation outside is not optimistic, we will go back to the base first." If he went according to the past, he would definitely go back to find Cao Yuanli Waiting for people to meet, but now he doesn't want to put her in a dangerous situation.

Han Zhengyu's decision seemed a bit strange, his bright eyes were full of doubts, and when he was about to say something, suddenly the sound of zombies banging on the door almost disappeared!
Things have changed!

The two looked at each other tacitly, probably guessing something, and smiled tacitly. The two took their weapons and prepared to fight.

After confirming the safety of the hall, Zi Sangchanmo walked quickly to the gate, looked at Han Zhengyu in the distance and nodded, and opened the gate from the inside. The situation outside the gate was clear at a glance.

The strong sunlight came in, and Zi Sang Chanmo squinted her eyes in discomfort, and it took a while for her to recover.

"Little Momo, I knew you couldn't die!" Although He Fang looked a little embarrassed, she seemed to be in good condition, and her voice was filled with surprise.

Hearing He Fang's concern, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, nodded towards her, smiled slightly, and glanced around from the corner of his eye, only to find that the heroine was gone!

"Damn girl, hurry up and help me!" Cheng Rongrong, the female partner, came out and jumped again!

Before I had time to ask in detail, I picked up the ax and went up to help relieve the pressure from the crowd. Just now I roughly estimated that there are about a hundred zombies here.

The zombies who had been banging on the door before were attracted by Cao Yuanli and others and stopped staring inside. The sound of Zisang Chanmo opening the door startled many zombies, and turned their heads to attack her.

Now that she has just absorbed the crystal nucleus, it is the time when she is full of energy. The ability is attached to the axe, and she can deal with the zombies quickly and accurately!
Everyone's pressure instantly decreased a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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