Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 60 Chicken Drumsticks

Chapter 60 Chicken Drumsticks
With a knife in hand and a knife in his hand, his vigorous figure constantly shuttled among the zombies. The moves he learned from Han Zhengyu before are now more and more proficient, such as side kicks, swinging feet, and chopping!After a while, the number of zombies fell by nearly half.

Such a crisp and neat technique greatly boosted the morale of everyone, and the exhausted body and mind seemed to be injected with chicken blood again, and the fighting power exploded instantly.

After cutting off the head of the last zombie, Cao Yuanli asked everyone to rest first, and then said to Zi Sang Chanmo, "Let's clean up the crystal core first."

There is no objection, it's just that Cao Yuanli loves the hard work of his subordinates and digs up the crystal nucleus without complaint.

In order to prevent the arrival of the next batch of zombies, the speed of the two hands can be said to be that the white knife enters and the black knife exits and brings out the crystal nucleus along the way. The same thing has been done no less than a thousand times, and the location of the crystal nucleus can be found with eyes closed. .


The crystal cores in the team were handed over to Qiu Qianying and then distributed according to his work. Now that Qiu Qianying didn't know where it was, he had to give the crystal cores to Cao Yuanli first.

Cao Yuan looked at her steadfastly, "You deserve these, take them yourself, yesterday you... and A Yu didn't have any trouble, right?"

Different from Han Zhengyu's unruly, Cao Yuanli's black pupils are aloof and a bit shrewd. Although Zi Sangchanmo doesn't like people with too many schemes, she can really feel the scheming in Cao Yuanli's eyes. Out of a little concern.

It seems that the two cousins, Cao Yuanli and Han Zhengyu, really have a good relationship, so I couldn't help thinking.

Reorganized the language with her not-so-intelligent head, "After meeting the snake-headed bat-body monster, I met a bird-headed bat-body monster, and then Han Zhengyu was injured trying to save me, but he should be fine now. "

When he heard the words that Han Zhengyu would get hurt in order to save her, Cao Yuan could not help but frown. A Yu is not the kind of person who would give unconditionally for the sake of being accepted, unless this person is really recognized by him.

Seeing that Cao Yuanli's expression was very bad, he thought that Han Zhengyu was injured because of himself, so Cao Yuanli was angry, so he hurriedly added the last sentence.

One of her very important rules of survival in the last days and marked with a big five-pointed star is - don't offend the hero and heroine!
Cao Yuanli looked at her suspiciously, and after thinking about it, he understood what was going on, and sighed in his heart, this girl didn't seem to be enlightened yet.


After the two entered the door, they immediately closed the door. The thick door blocked the roar of the zombies.

"Ayu, are you okay with your injury?"

"Young Master Han, are you okay with your injury?" An Yi followed from the side, not knowing whether it was genuine concern or fake concern.

Zi Sangchanmo on the side lowered her head even more.

Han Zhengyu looked at Zi Sang Chanmo, who was too emotional for a moment, and was a little surprised what his cousin said to her, so he didn't want to ask more. In front of these outsiders, he was still the bohemian Young Master Han who didn't care about anything.

He waved his hand casually, "It's just a scratch, don't worry, I won't die."

Hearing Han Zhengyu's words, Zi Sangchanmo breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, if her ability were exposed, it would only bring her endless disasters.

At this time when the zombie virus cannot be suppressed at all, how desirable is a person who can eliminate the zombie virus. At that time, she is afraid that she will be the object of competition for all the powers. She is a weak person. Time is either sliced ​​and researched or squeezed endlessly.

Thinking about it now, was it too thoughtless to remove the zombie poison for Han Zhengyu at that time, but fortunately, he still had a bit of conscience and didn't tell her about it.

He Fang came to Zi Sangchanmo's side and sat down without disliking the dirt on the ground, took a bag of beef cubes and gave her a nudge, and asked, "Do you want to eat?"

While taking a piece of beef from the bag, he moved to the side and gave half of the cardboard box under his buttocks to her, "What happened to you after we left, and why did that building collapse? , and..." The rest of Zi Sang Chanmo didn't say anything, but just wrote the word "Chou" on He Fang's palm, and she believed that she could understand what she meant.

He Fang sat on the cardboard box and secretly pointed at Cheng Rongrong, who was courting the hostess while the hostess was away, smiled ambiguously, and whispered in Zi Sang Chanmo's ear: "The man has been rescued!" , but the story inside is quite long, I will tell you slowly when there is no one around."

He Fang's words aroused her curiosity, her heart was itchy, but she didn't want to ask more questions, she just hoped to go back to the base early so that she could ask clearly. To be honest, she was very curious about the meeting between the heroine and Xiao San'er. With Cheng Muhan's slumped face, something big must have happened.

"Ah Li, you didn't sleep much last night, you should eat something and rest first!", without Qiu Qianying, Cheng Rongrong became more and more unscrupulous, as if her girlfriend cared about her boyfriend, she acted so naturally, learned Hearing Xiao Baihua's whining voice was so sweet that everyone shuddered with goosebumps.

It has to be said that the male lead is the male lead, and no one can match this determination. He took the lunch box from Cheng Rongrong with a blank face, "Everyone, eat some."

Cheng Rongrong didn't feel unhappy this time, and happily distributed lunch to everyone, as if she regarded herself as the captain's wife.

It was when she was sleepy that someone brought a pillow, and when she was hungry, someone brought her food. She was worrying about being hungry, although their meals were less than Cao Yuanli's by a chicken leg.

To be honest, she doesn't want to eat chicken legs now!
(End of this chapter)

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