Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 64 Don't Make Too Much Money

Chapter 64 Don't Make Too Much Money
Anyway, everyone knew that Han Zhengyu would deliver water to her regularly, so Zi Sang Chanmo simply brushed herself inside and out in the space, changed the clothes she had worn for nearly a week, washed off the oily hair, and instantly It feels like the whole world is refreshed.

Soaking in the Worriless Fountain, holding the crystal nucleus given by Han Zhengyu to stabilize the ability that had just been promoted to the second level. The world was changing too fast, and she had to keep up with the pace. Now she thought of that second-level monster. I feel a little scared.

After a rough estimate, it is estimated that the result is the same based on her current strength at the beginning of the second stage.Sighing, she threw away the crystal nucleus that had turned into ashes in her hand. It seemed that her strength still needs to be improved.

Lie down beside Yuchi, and took out her small notebook from the small table next to her.

It is said that the jade pool is indeed a pool paved with high-quality warm jade. A little warm warm jade is especially suitable for bathing. This is specially built by Tian for her to use for bathing. It is said to be produced in that mine. , can be described as extremely luxurious.

Zi Sangchanmo didn't understand these things, she just thought it would be comfortable to soak, and she kept flipping through the things that she had written down before.

Now the plot has been changed in a mess, but fortunately the main story has not changed, and the rest can only be used as a reference.

I didn't expect that my own time travel and Cheng Rongrong's rebirth would cause such a big change. First, I met the hero and heroine who shouldn't have met in advance, and then there was an extra An Yi who would not change or appear. The relationship between the hero and heroine collapsed. The base and the three male protagonists kiss me. My female protagonist was robbed by the third male protagonist!
There are also male lead and male supporting role, she really dare not think about it...

Zi Sang Chanmo propped her chin, could it be that she is not wearing a heroine novel but a female supporting role counterattack novel?
Rubbing her head, she found that such a profound question is really not suitable for her, so she should quietly follow behind to fight zombies to improve her strength, and then go away and stay away from these dangerous people!
"Momo's family is hungry..."

Guigui came out from the bottom of the Wuyou Spring, and the big flower buds covered the surface of the water. A few small leaves emerged from the flower stalks at some point, paddling leisurely in the water, saying that it was her bathing pool. It seemed that this guy was bigger than her. Use more.

He dragged Guigui out of the Wuyou Spring, and grabbed the newly grown leaves, "If I remember correctly, you ate a pot of braised pork before I came in, right? During the meal, you seem to have eaten half a roast suckling pig!"

"Hey, I feel like I'm going to upgrade again recently. I don't have enough energy in my body.", covering the big flower bud with a leaf as if shy.

"Are you going to upgrade again?!"

It's not reasonable, she practiced so hard every day, she just passed the threshold of the second level, this guy either eats or sleeps every day, and he is going to level up again!

Depressedly, he threw a small pile of crystal cores for it to upgrade, and asked Aunt Hong to prepare enough braised pork for it and also to raise more poultry and livestock!Otherwise, she really couldn't afford such an edible little thing.

What Zi Sangchanmo didn't know was that ordinary mutated plants lived by looking at fresh flesh and crystal nuclei, while Guigui washed away the tyrannical factors in her body because of her supernatural powers and space spring water and became gentle, but energy was indispensable. Supplies, so can only be obtained from food.

If there is no space, Sangchanmo may really not be able to support Guigui. Unless she is willing to use the flesh and blood of living people, Guigui will not advance so quickly. It is precisely because of sufficient energy and crystal core that Guigui will upgrade again.

Zi Sang Chanmo was lying on the bed depressed, holding an embroidery needle in her hand and planning to practice psychic powers.

Concentrate on calling out the psychic ability, divide a large piece of psychic ability into countless small pieces, and then try to twist one of them into a thin rope and pass it through the plum blossom needle in your hand.

This is the method she came up with recently to train her psychic powers, with precision and dosage.

Think about it, if you use psychic powers to investigate, full coverage is not only a waste of powers, but also may alarm many people with supernatural powers, especially after the supernatural powers reach a high level, the five senses will become more sensitive, even if they are not spiritual powers, It is not impossible to mainly pay attention to find out.

So she plans to use one embroidery needle first, and then slowly increase it. If it is really successful, then in the later stage, she may be able to control many zombies at the same time!It's exciting just thinking about it.

Of course, this is not so easy to practice. After trying many times, it is very difficult for her to even divide the most basic ability into embroidery thread thickness, let alone compress the ability and control the accuracy.

The spiritual power was exhausted, so he stopped practicing before his head tingled, and quickly took out the crystal core to supplement the power.

The time in the space is the same as the time outside, so she just sleeps outside to prevent any emergencies.

It was rare to sleep late, probably because I was too tired these days or it was too late to practice my abilities last night. In short, when I woke up the next day, everyone else in the villa except He Fang had disappeared.

"Sister He Fang, good morning!" Zi Sangchanmo greeted the only person in the living room.

"Although there is no sun today, it's almost noon, Momo, you lazy pig, are you finally willing to be bedded?"

After teasing her, she continued with her work, looking very cautious.

He Fang is gently wiping a seedling knife. The blade is about forty centimeters long, and the blade is curved outwards. The back of the blade curves along with the blade. On the face, he saw He Fang's serious profile.

There are double blood grooves on both sides and two wavy nail patterns. The handle is ten to fifteen centimeters long and is made of two pieces of ox horn. It looks like a good knife!

"Wow! Sister He Fang, where did such a good knife come from?" Although she didn't know much about knives, it looked like a good thing at this glance!

"You think it's right too!", He Fang was very happy with the treasure, and waved it twice in the void, swiping it twice as if opening a hole in the air!

He Fang laughed, "That kid really didn't lie! Fifty catties of rice plus a hundred crystal nuclei is not a loss!"

Not only is it not a loss, it is simply not too profitable!

(End of this chapter)

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