Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 65 Trading Street

Chapter 65 Trading Street

"Sister He Fang, where did you get this?" Of course, Zi Sangchanmo is purely curious, and has no desire to covet it. There are more ores in her space that are better than this. Some people send a good knife
Just like her previous dagger made according to the style left by Zisang Xiangxiang, it also cuts iron like mud, and she never leaves her body.

"There is a trading street in the base. Now everyone can go there to buy or exchange whatever they need. The crystal core can be eaten, drunk, or bartered, as long as it is voluntary.", just got a treasure, it is fresh, Although she was answering, she didn't even look at Zi Sangchanmo.

Trading Street?Could it be like the commercial street before the end of the world?In this way, the base is doing pretty well, and it hasn't been long since there is even a trading street.

With a thought, at this time, it is basically for food, maybe it is possible to find treasures like He Fang, she really wants to see and see.

Although He Fang was indulging in the surprise of finding the treasure, she couldn't bear Zi Sang Chanmo's softness and stubbornness, so she dragged her out to accompany her for another stroll.

Zi Sangchanmo was a house girl in her previous life, but at least she still has a bit of a woman's nature of shopping. Even if she is too lazy to go out, she still does a lot of online shopping.

The sky in the last days seems to be like this forever. Even at ten o'clock, the sky outside is still gray like a big veil, stuffing people in it, not allowing a breath of wind, and suppressing people's hearts all day long.

I don't know if staying in this weather for a long time will affect people's lifespan, Zi Sangchanmo thought so.

It took only a few minutes to walk from the central area of ​​the inner circle to the location of the trading street.

The so-called trading street sounds like a street, but in fact the whole factory is only about a hundred meters away. It is at the junction of the inner circle and the outer circle, and you can see the end at a glance. It is slightly different from what you imagined. disappointment.

But when she got closer, she realized that she had misunderstood. Although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs, and people come and go. It is rare to see such a lively place in the last days.

There are those who are neatly dressed, and their complexion seems to be the same as before the end of the world except for the bad color. This kind of people probably has rights because they have supernatural powers in their families. Such people are the best money earners, so stall owners They all tried their best to greet them, for fear of missing a good deal.

Occasionally, there are those who have just returned from missions, full of hostility, and there are still traces of fighting zombies on their bodies that have not been cleaned up in time, but they are capable at first glance, and there are many people who greet them.

There are all kinds of people who set up stalls, including the elderly, children and young people. Most of them are people who have little ability to kill zombies, hoping to exchange the once useful things for some food that can provide them with survival.

"This trading street has just been built, and there is no charge for the stalls for the time being, but the base requires that no fighting, and forced buying and selling happen here."

Zi Sang Chanmo looked at He Fang who was on the side, with her long miao knife behind her back, her bright red hair still so bright, she didn't know that she was so familiar with the affairs of the base.

As if seeing her doubts, he turned his head and nodded with his chin, motioning her to look over.

Following He Fang's gaze, a few children happened to be running towards them at this moment.

Probably because He Fang's attire was rather cold, so several half-grown children all approached Zi Sangchanmo.

One of the most clever little boys said first, "Beautiful sister, do you need an introduction? I know everything about the base. It's very cheap. A pack of instant noodles is enough."

The other children did not show any weakness, and struggled to say: "I know everything, all I need is a pack of biscuits."

"Beautiful sister chooses me, half a pack of biscuits."

"I, me, me, just give me something to eat."


Zi Sang Chanmo looked at these innocent children who had to run around to survive, and felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

She felt that she was not a very kind person, just like in her previous life, when she saw people begging in the streets and train stations, she rarely gave money, but now she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

The first boy who was smarter was chosen, "It's just you, I will come to you again when I need it next time."

As soon as the other children heard this, they all left obediently, without much disappointment. Being rejected is a very normal thing. Every time it is just luck. In today's society, who is not short of food?It's just some small things about the base, and you can know it after a little inquiring, so few people really need it.

The one who was left behind was naturally lucky, only hearing the joy in his voice, "What do you want to know, beautiful sister?"

The boy looked to be only seven or eight years old, but he was extremely thin due to the end of the world. His big eyes stood out from his small face, and his body was well-groomed, which made it easy for people to like him.

Even though He Fang already knew the general situation of the base, Zi Sangchanmo still kept people here. Now what others lack the most is also what she lacks the most.

It's not that she is reluctant to eat, but it's because she doesn't want to cause trouble. If she distributes food to each child so clearly, it is equivalent to telling everyone that her son Sang Chanmo has food and drink, and she will wait for others obediently. Come grab it?

After all, she is still selfish, maybe one day she will stand at the pinnacle of the world, then all this will not be a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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