Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 66 Official and Military

Chapter 66 Official and Military

"What do you know, tell me about everything, and first tell me about the person in charge of this base, the distribution of major forces and the rules of this trading street."

These are not difficult to inquire about, but she is not short of such food now, and now she is just adhering to the principle of helping if she can and saving trouble.

Hearing that it was such a simple matter, the little boy excitedly patted his chest to assure that those of them who are incapable of going out of the base to kill zombies have heard these things all day long, and it will not be difficult to move out now.

Looking at the two people's outfits, the weather is now warm in spring, so the two of them don't wear much. A simple jacket and jeans are better than the word clean. They both carry a small travel bag, and one of them is still behind. With a knife on his back, he doesn't look like someone to mess with.

To be able to be so refreshing and clean in the last days, and not knowing anything about the base, must be a powerful supernatural being who just arrived at the base!
After staying in the apocalypse for so long, he probably understands that now is no longer the time for rich people to run wild. People with supernatural powers are gradually stepping up to the stage, and their fists are in charge. This kind of vision is still needed.

The three of them walked and talked at the same time, not too fast, while Zi Sangchanmo looked at the commercial street in the last days.

A wide range of products flashed by, and at the same time, the young boy's voice came, "This base is controlled by both the government and the military. The head of the base is Zi Jiyang, the representative of the government. I heard that He is the son of Zi Jiuyuan, who is in charge of the base in northern Kyoto. He seldom shows up, so he has not seen many people. The deputy base chief is An Yi, who is a representative of the military. I heard that this man is young and promising. The rank of colonel, coupled with the fact that he is a powerful fire-type supernatural user, is highly respected."

After speaking, I looked towards Zi Sangchanmo, saw her nodding, and then continued: "The base is divided into outer and inner circles, and daily expenses require official points. Now everyone has an ID card. As far as information such as names, abilities and points are recorded on it, the people who live in the outskirts are ordinary people with little ability, and those with abilities can enjoy high treatment. For example, they can be assigned to a separate room and have three meals a day. , Of course, people with supernatural powers also have to contribute to the base, and the details will be notified in the mission hall."

Identify card?Zi Sang Chanmo looked at He Fang who was on the side, and He Fang shook her head to express that she didn't know either. They didn't take this thing when they came before, and she didn't know if it was just made out.

But I didn't expect that this is the end of the world, and the house is still so tight. Some people have struggled for most of their lives just for the house that they just got or didn't get, but when the end of the world comes, they have to start from scratch.

But this supernatural being still has three meals for free, which is really unexpected. Maybe they can stop by to have a look when they go back later.

"Ordinary people are not so lucky. There are seven or eight people, and some even a dozen people squeeze into a room. They only provide two meals a day. If they want to eat, they have to accept tasks to earn points."

Zi Sang Chanmo nodded. This is similar to what was described in the original book. In the original book, the heroine accidentally broke into a place where more than a dozen men lived outside because of an injury, and then was molested. No. The male protagonist saves the beauty.

The original book describes the chaos in the periphery, and it is a long time after the end of the world. At that time, the conditions were more difficult, the existing food was less and less, and there were fewer and fewer women who were incompetent. It is conceivable that the beautiful and long-legged man fell into a group of more than a dozen men who had never touched a woman.

Of course, this may also be to highlight the hero No. [-] saving the beauty and give readers a strong impact.

"Then tell me what's going on with this trading street." Now, the heroine doesn't know where the heroine No. [-] has taken her. Anyway, according to the heroine's law of immortality, her life may not be in danger. Maybe she is with Amber. Maybe Nanyou and I cultivated feelings.

What Zi Sangchanmo doesn't know is that the plot has changed now, because the female protagonist's rebirth framed the heroine and lost her virginity early. An Bonan's sick heart has always disliked his own things being contaminated by others. After the woman has been contaminated with the breath of other men, she is no longer the same as in the original book. Maybe he will still fall in love with him in the end, and is even willing to share with other men, but there is always a small hole left in his heart.

Small wounds don't hurt or itch, but they can tear if not taken care of.

"The commercial street has just been established, and anyone can set up a stall here, but I heard that a stall fee will be charged in a few days, and there are military guards here, and everyone buys and sells voluntarily, as long as both parties are willing , any food, medicine, crystal nucleus, etc. can be exchanged at equal value."

The boy licked his lips. Layers of white skin had appeared on his mouth due to long-term lack of water, but there was not much saliva, and adding more would not help.

Zi Sangchanmo really couldn't see it. In this damned end of the world, the most pitiful children are these children who have no ability to survive. She took out a bottle of mineral water from the backpack behind her and handed it to him, "Drink it."

Fortunately, she came out with a bag on her back, and there were some instant noodles and biscuits in the bag. She originally planned to see if there was anything she needed in Exchange Street that could be exchanged.

The boy's eyes widened, and he swallowed hard, "Sister, is this really for me?"

You must know that besides food, water is also the most scarce now, and what he can get every day is only a small half bottle of water, which was saved by his grandfather for him...

Thinking of his sick grandpa still lying on the bed, the joy in his eyes instantly turned dark. He will definitely find the medicine to save grandpa!

(End of this chapter)

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