Chapter 68 Farce
"Xinxin, stop making trouble, there are so many people watching, let's go home and talk about things!"

Looking at the woman in front of him, Wang Gang felt a little guilty, and it was really embarrassing to be caught on the spot.

But then he thought about it and felt nothing. It's the end of the world and he's afraid of a fart. He's a supernatural being now!A highly respected supernatural being!
He was no longer the bodyguard who acted on the face of the boss!

Did she think she was some kind of young lady who got angry at him for everything?
Dang is about to embrace the enchanting woman who is wearing revealing clothes, "Wang Xinxin, I'm just taking you in for the sake of your dead father. Don't be shameless!"

Wang Xinxin looked at the tall and thick man in front of him, he was so disgusting as to die, he clasped his fingernails tightly to prevent himself from being too obvious.

When did she, Wang Xinxin, suffer such grievances? Before, she had been hanging on his appetite. One of the reasons why he didn't succeed was that she didn't like Wang Gang at all. Wang Gang dared to find other women, it really made her more disgusting than eating flies.

What's more, if she meets Cao Yuanli, Han Zhengyu and the others again, once she catches their hearts, she can completely get rid of this person.

Now she was "derailed"!How could she bear it!

"Wang Gang, you treated me like this!", Wang Xinxin was good-looking at first, and she didn't suffer much after following Wang Gang after the apocalypse. Now she is still the same as before the apocalypse except that she is a little bit embarrassed.

She has a pitiful look, which is much better than Cheng Rongrong.

Zi Sangchanmo and He Fang were watching with great interest. Why did she feel that the voice was so familiar just now? It turned out to be Wang Xinxin and Wang Gang, two acquaintances.

Back then, Wang Xinxin seemed to be interested in Han Zhengyu, but they were on a mission the second day after they arrived at the base, so they also met.

After watching the excitement for a while, Zisang Chanmo took He Fang to continue shopping. In her opinion, neither Wang Xinxin nor Wang Gang was very good, and she didn't want to cause trouble.

I continued to browse the unfinished streets, and by the way, I bought a lot of small things that caught my eye.

Seeing that it was past eleven o'clock, and there was still no sun, he took He Fang to the cafeteria of the base to have a look, and then planned to go back directly. Nowadays, there are too few entertainment activities, and in the afternoon she is still honestly practicing supernatural powers at home Bar.

When they arrived at the cafeteria at the base, they found that there were already many people queuing up. After asking, they found out that the cafeteria only opens at 12 o'clock, and it only opens for an hour. Nothing to eat.

If you come back late after doing tasks outside, you can only be hungry.

It seems that today it is impossible to see the food in the cafeteria, so the two had to go back to the villa first.

When the two arrived home, the others did not know when they had returned.

Cao Yuanli and Han Zhengyu were sitting on the sofa looking at the map, and vaguely heard something about city B, bypassing something, they should be studying the route to the northern base of city B.

Since Qiu Qianying was taken away by An Bonan, Cheng Muhan seemed to have lost his soul, sitting there holding a crystal nucleus as if absorbing a supernatural power, but his eyes were looking outside the door.

His eyes lit up when they entered, then dimmed again.

It turned out that it wasn't the person he wanted to wait for.

"Big brother."

Zi Sangchanmo greeted Cheng Muhan, and also meant to remind him that if he didn't concentrate when absorbing the crystal nucleus cultivation ability, it would be easy to go crazy.

This crystal nucleus is the energy source of the zombies, and the energy in the crystal nucleus is relatively irritable. If you don't concentrate, it may really backfire.

Cheng Muhan pulled out a smiling face, his originally handsome face looked a bit sad, "Momo is back, did you go shopping in the base, tell Big Brother if you want anything, Big Brother has a crystal nucleus here."

Zi Sang Chanmo quickly shook her head, "No, no, I just wandered around, I don't want anything, and I have enough crystal nuclei here."

She didn't dare to take his crystal nucleus. Besides, their relationship is not that good. They haven't spoken a few words since the end of the world. Now she only hopes that the second male lead will not be there someday. Because the heroine gave her cannon fodder.

"Yeah", I dealt with her, and turned into a wife-watching stone again.

Zi Sangchanmo looked at the male protagonist who was studying the map next to the male supporting role boss, and then looked at the second male protagonist who seemed to have lost his soul. Sure enough, the male protagonist and the male supporting role are true love!

At this time, Cheng Rongrong was helping Uncle Ming put the food on the table attentively, and she didn't even look at them when they came back.

"Ah Li, lunch is ready, it's time to eat." Zi Sangchanmo and He Fangqi both rubbed goosebumps in the delicate voice. Ever since the heroine was gone, she said this from time to time, and I don't know why Why does Cheng Rongrong think that Cao Yuanli likes white lotus?

Lunch is white rice with five dishes and one soup. Because the group of them are all supernatural beings, the portion of the meal is huge.

Uncle Ming's craftsmanship is good, and because of Cheng Rongrong's space, these ingredients are very fresh and taste very good, and the stomach is full, and Zi Sang Chanmo is reluctant to part with the current chopsticks.

The originally harmonious atmosphere was broken by an extremely discordant voice at the door at this moment, and everyone frowned in unison. Anyone who was beaten up while eating would not be happy, let alone someone who didn't ask for help. here.

"Boss Cao, I didn't bother you, I'm eating!"

Zi Sang Chanmo had heard this voice just now, so she couldn't be mistaken, and she didn't know what Wang Gang was doing at this time.

 Thank you for your votes and rewards ( ̄3 ̄)╭, although the update may be slow, but if you have support, you won’t be cheated!Trying to type...

(End of this chapter)

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