Chapter 69
Cao Yuanli put down his chopsticks and pursed his lips, obviously in a bad mood.

At this time, everyone had basically finished eating, so Uncle Ming and Cao Yuanli looked at each other, "Let me go and have a look, you guys continue to eat."

"no need."

Uncle Ming gave Cao Yuanli a strange look.

"People have come."

Because Uncle Ming's back was facing the gate, he didn't see Wang Gang coming directly into the restaurant.

"Boss Cao, what a good life you guys are living. Is this a green vegetable? I never thought there would be such juicy green vegetables!" Wang Gang looked at the vegetables on the table. The remaining fragrance lingers for a long time.

Looking at this luxurious small villa again, I feel both envy and jealousy in my heart.

Swallowing with force, thinking about what I ate just now, it was just two steamed buns and half a pack of pickled mustard from the cafeteria. Compared with this, it is simply not a life that a person should live!

He also has rice and vegetables, but Wang Xinxin used to be a young lady who didn't touch the spring water with her fingers. She didn't know how much water to put in for cooking. In the end, it was either raw or burnt, and a lot of rice was wasted!
Originally, she was good-looking, so she should be pampered, but it's been a long time, and he still won't let him touch her.A hint of desire flashed in Wang Gang's eyes, he can't get what he wants now, but he is just a woman!

His eyes swept over the three women on the table. These three women must have good looks and strength, especially when they saw Zi Sangchanmo.

When I saw her before, she kept her head down and said nothing, combed her thick bangs, and wore old-fashioned clothes, which always made people ignore her existence and her original appearance.

Now the contrast of everyone's disheveled appearance came out. The thick bangs were combed up, and the watery eyes were almost enough to make people see. Just this one look was enough for him to remember for a lifetime.

Before he saw that this group of people's meals were cooked by her and that Uncle Ming, and with the wood-type abilities, if he could get her...

"what's up."

Cao Yuanli's voice was almost cold, and Wang Gang was so cold that he woke up instantly, and the eyes of those people who looked around could eat him up!

Secretly shocked, I didn't expect this girl to have such a high status in this team.

Hurry up and put away the thoughts just now, these people are all supernatural beings who are not easy to mess with!
He immediately apologized and said with a smile: "Boss Cao, haven't we seen each other since we arrived at the base? Captain Lin asked me to invite you to get together."

A moment of embarrassment, just looking at the food that others eat is much better than them, and I don't know if they can appreciate this treat.

Since they arrived at the base, they have only been on a mission. Without the help of Cao Yuanli and his group, the pressure has doubled instantly. Those ordinary people have never gone out to kill zombies since they hid in the base. Now they still have the people who brought them to the base. Ordinary people have to take care of them, but now that I think about it, they are really a bunch of burdens. No wonder Boss Cao tried his best to separate the relationship at that time.

It was just a group of blood-sucking worms, and they refused to leave the base all day except to eat. I really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, Wang Gang's eyes flashed fiercely.

"It's really a coincidence. I just had an appointment with a friend this morning, and we will go on a mission together tomorrow. It's better to avoid the treat. It was agreed at the beginning that we will go our separate ways at the base. It's not polite."

Although it is a polite word, it is not polite at all.

Zi Sangchanmo lowered her head and listened very relieved. Don't think she didn't see Wang Gang's disgusting eyes. Originally, she wanted to find time to try itching powder on him!Unexpectedly, Cao Yuanli vented her anger for her, and the goodwill in her heart couldn't help adding a point.

Wang Gang also knew that this sounded like a treat, but it was just a disguised flattery, and it was very embarrassing. But anyway, he followed the big boss all over the world. Although he was angry in his heart, he didn't show it much.

"In that case, I won't bother you. I'll invite you when I'm free next time."

Cao Yuanli nodded, and drove them away.

Wang Gang saw that he was really angry, and his joints creaked and creaked. After all, he is also a power mutant, and he is sought after wherever he goes. What kind of person is Cao Yuanli, and he looks down on him so much.

For a while, he didn't care about being polite, and snorted coldly, ignoring Uncle Ming who sent him out, and slammed the door away.

Uncle Ming looked at the crumbling gate and shook his head helplessly, "I don't know if there is anyone in this base who can repair gates."

The originally depressing atmosphere was suddenly amused by Uncle Ming, and Han Zhengyu joked: "Uncle Ming, you shouldn't worry about family matters now, but think about what to do if Lin Shengrui gets angry and comes down to make trouble."

Uncle Ming adjusted his glasses, ignored the broken door, and walked to the table to help Zi Sangchanmo clean up the dishes, "What are you afraid of? Aren't you here? If you can't even deal with a power mutant, Then stop messing around."

Zi Sangchanmo nodded viciously in her heart, it was indeed the case, if the male protagonists were all inferior to a small shrimp, what qualifications did they have to be the male protagonist?

In fact, Cao Yuanli did not lie when he said that he had an appointment with his friends to do tasks. This morning they went to An Yi to discuss the matter of Qiu Qianying and An Bonan, but they had not yet discussed a good way to make up, and the plan could only be shelved temporarily.

Not long after the meal, An Yi sent someone to deliver everyone's ID cards, saying that all the 500 points from the last mission had been entered into it, and asked someone to tell them to go to dinner at night.

Not to mention what kind of old fox An Yi is, he has done a good job in human relations.

Zi Sang Chanmo is holding an identity card, but it is a green card, which looks similar to an ID card before the end of the world. The difference is that this identity card is a collection of points, name, and abilities.

The one held by Zi Sang Chanmo is green, which represents the wood type, Cao Yuanli's is purple, which represents the thunder type, Han Zhengyu's is light blue, Cheng Rongrong's is golden, and Cheng Muhan's is red.

Probably a color represents a kind of ability. He Fang is a mutant, so it is black, while ordinary people are pure white.

(End of this chapter)

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