Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 73 Ominous Premonition

Chapter 73 Ominous Premonition

The two of them had been delayed for a while, but now it was dark, and now they had to find a safe place to spend the night.

In this way, he walked towards the building at the entrance of the village that he was optimistic about.

At this time, in a bright basement not far from the two of them, the operating table was filled with various glass containers containing various unknown liquids.

The man was sitting by the console, groping for a test tube with slightly pale slender fingers, suddenly, his hand paused, and his thin lips uttered a syllable as if talking to himself, "Huh?"

A woman was lying on the big bed beside her, covered with a thin silk velvet quilt, and her smooth shoulders showed that there was no thread inside.

"Why, what else are you worried about?" The provocative meaning was very obvious.

The man chuckled, put down the test tube in his hand, got up, walked to the bed and sat down.

Raising his hand, he stroked the woman's face lightly, with a hint of coolness.

Qiu Qianying glared at An Bonan, turned her head to one side, trying to hide, but unfortunately, she didn't know what drug was injected, and she had no strength at this moment.

A few red marks appeared on the white neck, and An Bonan's eyes darkened, and a storm was brewing in the dark eyes, "Qianying, you are so beautiful."

Qiu Qianying's heart trembled, even though her face was still full of anger, the red tips of her ears betrayed her thoughts.

Turning her head, a pair of peach blossom eyes stared straight at the man above her, her heartbeat speeded up inexplicably.

In fact, he is also pretty good, he looks very cute, when he is with her, except for a little pride, he is very gentle at other times, even last night...

No!What's wrong with her, why does she think this way, she is not such a frivolous woman!Staring angrily at the man in front of her, her red lips curled up, and she spat out two words: "Pervert!"

An Bonan was still smiling, but not reaching the bottom of his eyes, his dark eyes flashed fiercely, his fingers slowly brushed from his face to the red marks left last night, rubbing them repeatedly, "Qianying, I thought you She's a clean woman."

Qiu Qianying was startled, an ominous premonition came to her heart, and she didn't realize what An Bonan meant for a while, but An An Bonan didn't say any more.

The subject changed, "Didn't you always want to go back, I'll take you back tomorrow!"


"This looks like a newly renovated house."

The house was newly built, and it looked solid. There were bright red happy characters pasted on the door, the freshly painted building, and brand-new furniture all showed that this place was once a warm residence for a couple.

Zi Sangchanmo looked around first, and then just closed the door, then found the refrigerator cabinet next to it, and dragged it behind the door to hold it against the door.

Because there is an element of uncertainty here, not sure what will happen at night, it is better to be careful.

"Well," He Fang nodded, pointing to the blood on the ground and said, "But I don't know whether the groom ate the bride, or the bride killed the groom."

Zi Sang Chanmo: "..."

"Let's see what else is useful here first."

The two split up, He Fang went to the second floor, and Zi Sang Chanmo planned to go to the back kitchen to have a look. Although both of them brought some stuff to fill their stomachs, who would want to live a better life if conditions permit.

This kind of rural two-story building does not occupy a large area. There is only one room downstairs besides the living room, and a wing room. From the living room through the wing room, there is the kitchen.

The moment she stepped into the kitchen, she felt a wave of spiritual force sweeping over her body, she paused when she stepped out, and then stepped forward as if nothing had happened.

Now she still doesn't know the purpose of the master of the spiritual power, she can't startle the snake, rummage in the kitchen without changing face, but she is always vigilant in her heart.

Not to mention, probably no one has been here yet, not even zombies have visited here, which really allowed her to find a lot of things.

In the corner of the kitchen are two bags of shelled rice, and a small pile of potatoes and yams, all of which are better preserved. There are also some bacon and sausages hanging on the beams, which are common foods in the countryside.

It seemed to be a normal inspection, and the mental power never appeared again after it was swept away.

After carefully confirming that the mental power was indeed gone, he quickly put one bag of rice, half of the sausage and bacon into the space. She and He Fang couldn't take so much of these things, so they were left here to rot and waste. It's better to make her cheaper.

I went around the kitchen again, there was a firewood-burning stove and a gas stove, but luckily both of them could be used, and she didn't need to bother to get any pots and stoves.

But water is a big problem, so Zi Sangchanmo simply went back to the room on the first floor and put a water dispenser and a large bucket of unopened bottled water.

Who said there can’t be water dispensers in rural areas? People have air conditioners, washing machines, and solar water heaters, not to mention a small water dispenser.

At this time, it was already dark outside, Zi Sang Chanmo took out a strong flashlight from her backpack, and pointed it up at the ceiling, the whole living room was brightly lit.

Just as he was about to go back to the kitchen, he saw He Fang coming down from the second floor with a flashlight as he passed the living room, so he asked casually, "Did you find anything?"

He Fang shrugged, "Nothing special, how about you, is there anything to eat in the kitchen?"

There must be nothing upstairs, and the reason why He Fang went upstairs was because she thought that if she lacked something at night, she could take it out from the space, "There is a lot of food in the kitchen, and I can have a good meal tonight. I also found a bucket of water in the room, I saw it was sealed, and I could still drink it."

The two moved the water to the kitchen, used the stove to stuff a large pot of bacon rice, and steamed a few large yams next to the rice to save for tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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