Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 74 Eventful Night

Chapter 74 Eventful Night
"Sister He Fang, I didn't expect your craftsmanship to be so good!"

He Fang opened the lid of the pot, and Zisang Chanmo sniffed fiercely at the side. The moment the scent filled the nasal cavity, the secretion of saliva in the mouth could not be stopped.

The fat part of the bacon is separated from the lean meat, and the color is bright and clear. After being cooked, part of the oil is immersed in the rice. The meaty and charcoal aroma that is smoked on the skin of the sausage is not wasted at all, and it is delicious.

The rice grains change from white to shiny brown, mixed with the glutinous aroma of potatoes and a touch of sweet potato.

Because of the supernatural ability, coupled with the strong amount of exercise in the afternoon, now as soon as he smells the aroma of the food, his whole stomach growls and sings non-stop.

He Fang looked at the pretty bacon rice in the pot, and frowned slightly, "Ah, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and there are too few ingredients, so I can only make do like this."

Zi Sangchanmo moved the table to the side of the stove, moved two stools, wiped it with a wet towel, put the flashlight away, looked at He Fang and said seriously: "Sister He Fang, I don't feel forced at all. "

Fortunately, she still thinks that her craftsmanship is good, compared with these great gods, she is instantly reduced to scum.

He Fang was amused by her, and while filling up the rice in the pot, because considering the two people's current appetite, she simply filled two full bowls with a big big bowl, and kept saying, "That's it, sister. There is no average person who can't learn technology in seven or eight years."

"Forget it then. If I have this skill, I might as well kill a few more zombies to improve my abilities." Zi Sangchanmo answered with a somewhat absent-minded look as her gaze followed the bacon rice.

Usually, Uncle Ming is in charge of cooking, and she just needs to be on the sidelines. She has space, and there is Tian in the space, and occasionally she can add extra meals. With such unique conditions, if she doesn't work hard to improve her abilities, she will be sorry for the time traveler.

It was already dark by the time the two of them really started eating.

is eating,


There was a flash of lightning in the dark night, and there was a loud "crack", which instantly tore apart the dark night sky, just like daytime.

"Boom——" Thunder came one after another!

The weather in the post-apocalyptic world is always unpredictable, and it is not surprising that there is a sudden heavy rain.

He Fang frowned, "Is it going to rain?"

Zi Sangchanmo buried her head in the bowl, munching on the rice and said vaguely: "It should be, don't worry, this house is strong enough, and as long as the rain is not too heavy, it should not affect tomorrow's itinerary."

"I hope." He Fang was still a little worried.

After eating, the two simply cleaned up, locked all the doors on the first floor, and then used heavy objects to push them to death. After confirming that they were correct, they went up to the second floor.

At this time, there was a strong wind outside, and the wind blew on the bare tree branches, creaking and creaking, and because it was close to the mountain, there were bursts of humming in the valley from time to time.

The two were lying in the guest room on the second floor, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

"Sister He Fang, why don't you go to bed first, I'll watch the night, and wake you up when I get sleepy?"

Although the zombies outside the village were all slaughtered by the two of them, she still had to be vigilant, and she had to keep an eye on the master of the psychic powers all the time to prevent accidents.

"Oh," He Fang turned over and continued, "I can't sleep, I always feel uneasy, why don't you go to sleep first."


With a loud bang, the rushing sound was like countless beads falling to the floor, and the crackling sound didn't sound like rain at all!

The two sat up instantly and listened carefully, "It's hail!"

The momentum of the hail became more and more fierce, and its size became bigger and bigger. From the size of soybeans at the beginning, it was about the size of a ping-pong ball after a while!
After a while, all the glass windows were smashed!

The two had no choice but to find some wooden boards to block the windows first. It seemed that the second floor could not be accommodated, so they had to move to the first floor to settle down. Fortunately, the house in this rural area is strong enough.

Zi Sang Chanmo couldn't help but think of those people living in tents in the base, how many people were injured in a big hailstorm, and there are many poor children like Lele.

"What's the matter, why are you thinking so engrossed?"

When all the windows were finished, both of them slumped on the chairs in the living room.

"No, I was just worrying."

Fortunately, the hailstorm came and went quickly, and it took less than half an hour in total. After the two of them fixed all the windows, the hailstorm had stopped.

"Bang bang bang-"

Zi Sangchan stood up from the chair instantly, a thorn seed appeared in her left hand, mobilized the supernatural powers in her body, and held the ax in her right hand, ready to enter the combat state at any time!
There was a knock on the door just now!

It's so late, and now there are only the two of them here, so everything should be done carefully.

"Bang bang bang-"

The knock on the door didn't mean to stop, as if he knew someone must be in the house.

A gleam of determination flashed in Zi Sangchanmo's eyes, "I won't be offended if people don't offend me!"

"Is there anyone? I'm An Bonan. I was a doctor before the end of the world. My girlfriend and I just arrived here and there was a hailstorm. It's too late, can you let us go in and hide!"

Zi Sangchanmo and He Fang looked at each other, obviously they both saw disbelief in each other's eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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