Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 75 Another Wave Comes

Chapter 75 Another wave


The sound of knocking on the door hit the bottom of their hearts, and the hearts of the two trembled a few times. It was especially frightening in the dark night.

"We're just passing by. We'll leave tomorrow morning, so we won't disturb you."

Zi Sang Chanmo has never met An Bonan here, but only saw his description in the original book, and He Fang has seen it with her own eyes, and only feels that this person is full of weirdness everywhere.

It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

Now she probably knows the source of that spiritual power, maybe she already knew that the two of them were here, and now she pretended to be passing by.

Just at the right time, a bolt of lightning struck, illuminating half of the dark night sky.

The already fair face was even paler by the flash of lightning, and Zi Sang Chanmo subconsciously wanted to take a small step back and stabilized her figure before standing still.

Probably influenced by the original novel, Zi Sang Chanmo felt that this person was a pervert from the bottom of her heart, so before meeting the male third, she always felt that this person should have a gloomy aura.

But the fact is the opposite. The tall figure in the sun and the round baby face smiled very friendly. Qiu Qianying beside him was probably asleep, leaning on An Bonan's shoulder with a gentle face.

An Bonan put one arm around Qiu Qianying's waist, and carried a large travel bag on his back. The white coat on his body did not show any trace of mess, but his skin was even paler against the backdrop.

Putting one hand on the edge of the door, he said apologetically to Zi Sang Chanmo, "I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. My girlfriend and I were going to the temporary base, but we encountered a big hailstorm on the way. Fortunately, we came across this small village. , I saw the light in this room, and thought that someone called the door in this room."

His voice is very clean, and even sounds very comfortable. It is completely unimaginable in the original book that Cheng Rongrong can't stop the feeling of trembling in her soul every time she hears his voice.

Sure enough, life still has to be tasted by oneself.

As if just seeing the swing shadow leaning against An Bonan's arms, Zi Sangchanmo exclaimed: "Sister Qianying! Come in!"

He quickly walked around and let the two come in.

At this time, a strong wind suddenly blew, "哗哗哗——", and there was a loud noise as it brushed against the window lattice.

The weather in the last days is very changeable, and the strong wind is only a precursor. A heavy rain pours down, and the big raindrops hit the ground with a "popping" sound.

A few drops of rain hit the back of her hand, causing pain. He Fang helped her close the door, and dragged out the cabinet and other heavy objects to push the door back on.

Fortunately, the two of them were not lazy just now and sealed all the windows, otherwise there would be trouble at this time.

Taking advantage of An Bonan walking in, Zi Sang Chanmo gave He Fang a look, probably meaning why he didn't recognize you?

He Fang shook her head and said she didn't know, probably because she was standing behind and didn't notice her.

An Bonan put the things on the ground, and helped Qiu Qianying to lie down on the bed in the room. After the settlement was settled, he came back to talk to the two of them.

"My girlfriend got hurt a little on the way, but don't worry, she wasn't bitten by a zombie." Then she looked at Zi Sang Chanmo and said, "You called him Sister Qianying just now, did you know each other before?"

Zi Sang Chanmo turned 360 times in her head, but before she could figure out how to explain it, the door was knocked again.

"Open the door, open the door! Quickly open the door for me! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

While letting out a sigh of relief, he couldn't help frowning. Hearing this tone, it was not easy to get along with him.

I couldn't help taking a sneak peek at No. [-] male lead, I saw him staring at the door, with the corners of his mouth curved upwards, a half-smile.

What was said in the book was indeed true, whenever An Bonan showed this expression, Cheng Rongrong would be unlucky, now that An Bonan showed this expression, does it mean that the people outside are about to be unlucky.

It may be that there are powerful supernatural beings among those people, banging on the door "bang bang bang", shaking the door every time they hit it, seeing that the door is about to be scrapped.

"If you don't open the door again, believe it or not, labor and capital will smash your door!"

There was probably more than one person outside, and the rude door calls became louder and louder with each knock on the door.

"Mom, please open the door for me!"

With his hands in his pockets, Ambonan paced over without haste, and slowly moved away all the cabinets that arrived at the door.

As soon as the door opened, five men rushed in, accompanied by strong wind, rain, and the stench of zombies.

The leader is about 30 years old, with a short and fat body, and has not lost a trace of fat because of the end of the world. He has a fat head and big ears, and his face is full of arrogance. His eyes are probably able to roll up to the sky!
A tall and thin boy came up from behind, pointed at An Bonan's nose and started cursing, "I've been barking for so long before opening the door, are you deaf!"

After scolding, he saw An Bonan's face clearly by the light of the flashlight in the living room, and he squinted his eyes for a moment, with a hint of lust in his small eyes, and licked his lips with his tongue, "Yo, what a handsome boy, boss, Look quickly, this pretty boy is pretty good, his skin is tenderer than that girl's!"

Only then did Zi Sang Chanmo see clearly that there were five people in this group, four men, and a woman in black who was being held in the hands of another fat man who was slightly taller.

Because Zi Sangchanmo and He Fang stood far away and were in the dark, few people noticed them for a while.

Ambrose smiled instead of anger, and his clean smile aroused people's desire to commit crimes.

"Are you finished?"

(End of this chapter)

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