Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 76 Angels or Demons

Chapter 76 Angels or Demons
The tall and thin man didn't feel any danger at all, instead he took a step forward and stretched out his haggard hand, trying to touch An Bonan's face.

At the same time, the nasty words on one side of the mouth continued: "Hey, the little boy has lost his temper. When my brother makes you unable to get out of bed, let's see how you can still laugh, hahaha..."

That blatant greed, hypocrisy, and obsession with sex is simply more disgusting than zombies!
The last days have exposed human nature even more unreservedly!
Several other men around also laughed. The tall and fat man threw the woman in his hand on the ground as soon as he entered the door, without any sympathy, as if he was treating a commodity.

Zi Sang Chanmo took a look, the woman who was thrown down was lying on the ground motionless, she didn't know whether she was dead or alive, the saddest thing in the last days was probably the incompetent women, old people and children.

Those who can be the male lead must have certain strengths, except for the female lead, how can they be touched so easily!

Ambrose took out a scalpel at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and slashed at the tall and thin man's hand.

In an instant, there was only a scream like a slaughtered pig, "Ah!"

The blood flowed all over the place, and Ambrose took a step back slightly to prevent it from splashing on himself.

Smiling slightly, it looked extremely sunny, it was hard to imagine that it was this person who just cut off four fingers of others without making a sound.

"I'm really sorry, I'm a clean freak and I don't like people touching me."

The tall and thin man was already extremely angry, but An Bonan's words made him completely lose his mind.

The other hand tightly covered the injured one, his eyes were red, and the sound of the rain seemed to stimulate his nerves, "Ah! Smelly bitch, I'm going to kill you!"

Clutching his hands, he went straight towards An Bonan, probably out of pain and anger, the tall and thin man couldn't even stand upright, he slammed into the corner of the table with too much force, and died on the spot.

Zi Sangchanmo was shocked. Although she had killed so many zombies, she had never killed a single human being, even if the person was extremely disgusting.

But she didn't say anything, because she knew that if she wanted to survive in this world, she had to be ruthless, whether it was towards others or herself.

Unnecessary mercy will only harm others and oneself in the end.

Others may not have seen it clearly, and only thought that the man was too strong and unstable, so he hit the corner of the table and died.

Zi Sangchanmo is a psychic supernatural being, and she couldn't be more sensitive to the perception of psychic power.

Just when the man rushed over, she clearly felt that a spiritual force was heading towards the man.

Even if the man hadn't hit the corner of the table, he would have died.

Hitting the corner of the table was just a better excuse for his death.


Probably the eldest among these few people, the short and fat man saw the monkey die like this, and couldn't believe it for a while!
Even though he was fine just now, he died in the blink of an eye. The man's eyes flashed with a hint of ferocity. Someone dared to kill the person in his hands. He hadn't been insulted like this since he became a power mutant!
"Damn it, I want to avenge the monkey!"

An Bonan's eyes widened innocently, with a half-smile, "It's none of my business, he hit the corner of the table himself!"

"Brothers, come on, I want to take care of this little bitch! Avenge the monkey!"

"Oh? Are you sure you want to avenge him?", the bony hand was playing with a delicate scalpel, which shone coldly under the light.

Suddenly, Ambrose took his hand away, but the scalpel was still floating in the air, miraculously like a magic show.

Originally extremely fierce, the person clamoring for revenge widened his eyes in disbelief, his cheeks trembled uncontrollably, and muttered for a long time, "Spirit...fine...spiritual abilities!"

An Bonan put away the scalpel and said in surprise: "Ah! You still have some knowledge, but there is no reward for the correct answer."

At this moment, Ambrose's smile was no longer pure and harmless to them, it was simply more terrifying than the devil from hell.

Several people thought of a sentence in their hearts, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are!

The sound of heavy rain outside the house still couldn't break the terrifying silence inside the house.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the villain has eyes but can't see Mount Tai.", how can I care about avenging the monkey!

Your life is almost gone, and you still want to avenge a dead man?
An Bonan gave a friendly smile, as if nothing had happened, "It's okay, I don't hold grudges."

An Bonan glanced at Zisang and He Fang who were standing beside him, walked into the room on the first floor, and carried Qiu Qianying upstairs who seemed to be asleep.

"Oh, right."

Humpty Humpty and the others were all startled, for fear that he would say something for revenge.

"I'm a clean person and I don't like to be disturbed, except ladies."

The last sentence was said looking at Zi Sangchanmo and He Fang, which meant that they could come upstairs.

Humpty and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and a boulder fell to the ground suddenly, only then did they realize that Zi Sangchanmo and He Fang were standing in the dark.

With a flash in front of his eyes, the desire that had just been extinguished began to burn again.

The younger one was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a fair face that looked like a young girl, charming but cold, and a pair of apricot eyes that were as clear as water, which could almost captivate people's souls.

And the other one is probably more mature, with a sexy and hot figure that makes people think about it.

But fortunately, he was still a little sane. The meaning of the man's words just now was so clear that he included these two people in his range.

In addition, I have just been taught a lesson, so naturally I dare not act recklessly, and there are many people who are ruthless and daring.

Several people hurriedly threw the monkey's body out, didn't you hear, the psychic just now can be said, he has a cleanliness!
I don't know the meaning of An Bonan's words, but Zi Sang Chanmo feels uncomfortable, what is the feeling of being given alms!

Now she is confident and capable to guarantee her own safety!
(End of this chapter)

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