Chapter 77

The whirring wind wrapped in the torrential rain and slapped the window lattice, making a constant rattling sound.

The windows blocked by heavy objects could not see through the slightest light, but the rumbling thunder still kept ringing in my ears.

The whole night, Zi Sang Chanmo didn't feel sleepy at all, until He Fang woke up in the morning and barely squinted for a while.

Suddenly feeling a stranger approaching, Zi Sangchan suddenly opened her eyes, her sharp eyes seemed to be able to freeze icicles!He quickly picked up the backpack and ax beside him and stood up with a bang.

Even without the use of mental power, the perception intensity of a psychic is still several times that of others.

So when a stranger approached, she could feel it immediately, and defense became almost instinctive.

Lin Ruxue was taken aback by this series of actions by Zi Sang Chanmo!The red eyes looked almost scared to cry.

Zi Sang Chanmo frowned, "Who are you? What are you going to do!"

The end of the world has been going on for so long, how did such a weak and crying woman survive?

The woman had long hair and shawl, wearing a slightly larger white dress, a small denim jacket, and a pair of white canvas shoes, looking pure and beautiful.

Seeing that Zisang Chanmo couldn't help frowning, elder sister, this is the end of the world, why are you still pretending to be a goddess?

The woman looked at Zi Sang Chanmo pitifully, with an expression of reluctance to speak, as if Zi Sang Chanmo had bullied her and dared not speak out.

"I, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to wake you up for dinner."

At this moment, He Fang came upstairs, and Zi Sang Chanmo didn't want to talk to this woman. Although this woman was good-looking, she just didn't want to deal with this kind of person.

Probably hypocrisy, or the Holy Mother, anyway, it's not her favorite type.

Then he smiled and said to the woman: "I see, thank you, you go down first."

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, He Fang walked up to Zi Sang Chanmo and asked, "What's wrong?"

He glared at the woman viciously, then turned his head to look at Zi Sangchanmo, meaning to ask if the woman bullied her just now.

Zi Sangchan shook her head to express that she was fine.

Probably frightened by He Fang's appearance, the woman ran away like a frightened little rabbit.

Zi Sangchanmo put down the axe, sat down again, and rubbed the aching forehead, "Sister He Fang, who was that lady in white just now? She wanted to take my bag while I was asleep. Fortunately, I reacted quickly." .”

She didn't miss the flash of greed in the woman's eyes.

"What! She wants to take your bag!" He Fang was surprised.

"She is the woman who was dying last night. Who knew that when I woke up this morning, I found that the men from yesterday were gone, and there was only this woman left. I kindly fed her something.", said She looked at Zi Sangchanmo with some embarrassment.

"You didn't see that she was tortured by those men, tsk tsk tsk, it's horrible."

"So Miss He Fang thought she was pitiful, so she left her to go on the road with us?" Zi Sangchanmo finished the second half of the sentence for her.

"Uh, not all of them. She begged me to come with us. I thought I'd go back today, so I'll take it with me along the way." After speaking, she was even more angry than Zi Sangchanmo.

"It's really kind to save a white-eyed wolf!"

The wind outside has stopped, and the rain is still not falling. It is rare to see the sun once in the last days, and my originally depressed mood suddenly became much brighter.

The heavy rain last night seemed to have washed away the traces of the zombies, and the blood on the ground was washed away. If it wasn't for the withered yellow and no green and the rancid smell in the air, it would have been a rare good weather.

For breakfast, there are only Zi Sang Chanmo, He Fang, the heroine, the third hero, and the new virgin just now, Lin Ruxue.

Qiu Qianying didn't know when she woke up, she was a little embarrassed when she saw her and He Fang, and soon returned to normal.

As for what happened after being kidnapped by An Bonan, the two of them didn't ask anything, and they didn't know who An Bonan was. It's better to know less about some things.

He just cared a little bit about her body, and if she didn't say anything else, they just pretended not to know.

Of the four men last night, the monkey offended An Bonan and was dealt with on the spot, leaving three of them.

According to He Fang, she left by herself early in the morning. Zi Sang Chanmo smiled and said nothing, because she knew that An Bonan's temperament would not let these people go.

After finishing breakfast, I consulted with the hostess, and finally decided to go on the road together, of course, there was Lin Ruxue who followed with a shameless face.

Fortunately, they parked the car under the shed in the yard last night, otherwise the hailstorm would have destroyed it or it would have been destroyed.

He Fang was still driving, and Zi Sangchanmo seemed to be in a light sleep sitting in the co-pilot, but in fact, she kept imagining the black faces of the male lead and the male lead after returning to the base.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but chuckled, making the other people in the car look bewildered.

Zi Sangchanmo was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly changed the subject, "I was wondering why this zombie disappeared all of a sudden."

Although this topic turned a little far-fetched, but what he said really shocked a few people!
Indeed, overnight, the zombies seemed to disappear suddenly.

If the zombies in that small village were all killed by Zi Sang Chanmo and He Fang, but they have been out of the village for a long time, and they have not seen a single zombie!
Ambrose tried to sense it with mental power, but the result made him frown.

 Who do you think the hero is?
(End of this chapter)

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