Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 79 Come Again

Chapter 79 Come Again
"No, there are too many wolves!"

Zi Sangchanmo took out the thorn seeds and used the supernatural power to instantly ripen them.

Throwing out the vines covered with thorns, using the ability to control the direction, the vines flexibly wrapped around a wolf's hind legs, and then pulled back hard, a wolf was thrown off the roof of the car, and its head fell heavily to the ground , Inertly paddled several meters away, leaving a long bloodstain before dying!
It disappeared from view after a while.

Before I could catch my breath, there were two more on the roof!

Probably due to the characteristics of the wolf clan, the death of the companion caused the wolves behind to rush to the roof of the car desperately!

"Go right!"

In an instant, the car instantly threw an arc under He Fang's control.

Sangchanmo's body swayed uncontrollably after such a sudden swing, and her right arm hit the car door, the heart-pounding pain caused physical tears to flow out of her eyes uncontrollably.

There wasn't much time for her as one of the wolves was pounced on her!

The wolf leg was shot by An Bonan, and instantly slid off the roof of the car.

"Thank you."

"It's okay, thanks to your snatch." An Bonan raised the pistol thrown to him by his son Sang Chanmo.

Zi Sang Chanmo nodded, and threw out the vines to deal with the zombie wolves on the roof of the car, while An Bonan was responsible for destroying the pack of wolves following behind.

"Turn left!"

"Bang bang bang!"

When the zombie wolf on the roof of the car was dealt with, Zi Sangchanmo instantly took out a gun to assist.

Seeing that the situation was excellent, and there were only the last few of the more than 20 zombie wolves left, they all heaved a sigh of relief.

"The bridge ahead is broken!"

He Fang screamed and successfully attracted the attention of the people behind. Zi Sangchanmo and the others looked forward, only to see the rushing river, and the bridge on the water had long been broken into two sections!
It turned out that a heavy rain last night caused the water to surge, and the bridge across the water was broken. Now only two ends are still there, and the middle has long been buried in the water!
"Squeak!", a sudden brake.

"No, I can't go any further, there is no way!"

An Bonan looked at the zombie wolf who was chasing up, and shot back while saying: "Take your weapon and get out of the car!"

"No! I won't get out of the car, that monster will eat me! No! I won't get out!"

No one cared about how Lin Ruxue screamed, each of them grabbed their backpacks and weapons and got out of the car quickly.

Zi Sangchanmo handed He Fang and Qiu Qianying a pistol each. This is not the time to hide something!
The pack of wolves was getting closer and closer, Zi Sang Chanmo was sweating while holding the pistol, her injured right arm was still aching, she didn't care about it just now, now she felt a little better after running the supernatural power again.

He Fang saw that her right hand was unnatural and worried, "Are you all right?"

Zi Sangchan shook her head, feeling warm in her heart, "It's much better."

(End of this chapter)

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