Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 80 Redemption

Chapter 80 Redemption
He Fang looked at the zombie wolf that was rushing straight, and the alarm bells in his heart were loud. He grabbed the Miao Dao and prepared to attack, and said worriedly: "This zombie wolf is too fast, there is no way to attack!"

Zi Sangchanmo looked back at the female lead and the third male lead, and secretly sighed in her heart: "It would be great if Cheng Muhan was here. With the speed ability and the fire element, there is definitely a great chance of winning."

But he said: "Look for their weak point first, maybe it's the head."

She remembered that those zombie wolves fell from the car, unless they hit their heads, they would not die so easily.

"I have two, each of you has one." An Bonan calmly analyzed, "The front one is mine, the two behind are Qianying on the left, Chanmo on the right, and the last He Fang is for you. !"

Seeing An Bonan's arrangement like this, Qiu Qianying was both happy and angry. On the one hand, she felt that An Bonan gave her a sense of security as a man, but also felt that he was too inconsiderate of his own safety.

"I'll help you." Although Qiu Qianying always felt that she was forced to do what happened before, when An Bonan was really in danger, she began to worry again.

It was impossible to take back the words that blurted out, so I had to bite the bullet and wait for the next article.


Qiu Qianying wanted to say something else, but the two zombie wolves in the front were so close in front of her eyes that she didn't have time to react!
Ambonan took out two scalpels and controlled them with supernatural powers, as if being pulled by an invisible thread, the two scalpels flew towards both sides flexibly at the same time.

Still half a beat slow!

Zombie wolves, even though they are extremely rotten and disgusting, they are still as fast as lightning and extremely ferocious!
An Bonan's face turned slightly pale. Manipulating the scalpel from a distance requires a lot of power output. Now he has just touched the threshold of the second level, and it is really difficult to use it.

It's not that Ambonan finds it tricky alone. Others also think that this zombie wolf is too difficult to deal with!
The limbs are flexible and the movements are fast. It is not a supernatural power but it is better than a supernatural power.

Zi Sangchanmo threw out the thorny vines vigorously, and the soft vines spun at high speed under the influence of supernatural powers. The thorny vines were both beautiful and dangerous, and the speed was so fast that they only brushed shoulders with zombie wolves.

Seeing this scene, He Fang felt that no matter how sharp the Miao Dao was, it would be useless at this moment.

So he gave up the idea of ​​using the Miao Dao, and instantly transformed the beast into a one-horned rhinoceros!
The huge size, perfect proportions, and ferocious attacks make Zi Sang Chanmo envious every time.

I saw it rushing into the pack of zombie wolves with lightning speed, the wolves that had come aggressively were instantly scattered by the spring, and made a circle on the ground, but it was a pity that they didn't hurt their heads, and they still crawled relentlessly stand up.

At this moment, a sudden mutation occurred.

A zombie wolf that was originally attacking An Bonan suddenly turned around and attacked Qiu Qianying when he saw that he had encountered a difficult opponent!
And An Bonan wanted to reach out to help at this moment, but it was too late.

"Thousand Shadows!"


Unexpected damage did not come!

A blurry figure instantly took him aside, and a fire dragon appeared on the spot, and the rushing Zombie was instantly swallowed by the fire dragon.


A zombie wolf was stuck by the fire dragon and turned into ashes in an instant, leaving only a peanut-sized nucleus, which glistened under the sunlight.

The attacks of the remaining zombie wolves were obviously weakened. Wolves are naturally afraid of fire, and even if they become zombies, they can't change their natural weaknesses.

"Qianying, I'm fine, I'm so worried about you! You're finally back!"

Looking at the haggard Cheng Muhan in front of her, Qiu Qianying's heart softened, he was like her redemption, whenever she was in trouble, he was the one who saved her from fire and water.

Give her warmth and love, maybe she can accept him.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt exploded from the pack of wolves, blood and flesh splattered everywhere in an instant, extremely bloody!
Zi Sangchanmo and the others were overjoyed, Cao Cao Cao Cao will be there as soon as he thinks about it!
Zombie wolves are afraid of fire, coupled with Cheng Muhan's speed ability, zombie wolves can't take advantage of the advantages, and coupled with the nemesis of fire, they are now a sure win.

And Cao Yuanli and Han Zhengyu drove over quickly after Cheng Muhan arrived.

While in a daze, Zi Sangchanmo and He Fang were completely relieved when they each dealt with the remaining two wolves.

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling like they were alive after a catastrophe. He Fang recovered herself, and the two leaned against the car, resting while watching a good show.

Three men earn one woman, this is something to see.

Now watching the excitement is not a big deal, Zi Sangchanmo also took out two mineral waters with spring water from the space in the backpack, but the amount is so small that ordinary people can't find it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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