Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 81 He is not worthy of her

Chapter 81 He is not worthy of her

"Little cat! You can act without authorization in the future and see how I deal with you!"

Han Zhengyu looked at the two people who were eating and drinking and watching the play leisurely, his original joy suddenly turned into resentment.

Because the two left the team without permission yesterday, and last night's storm made him worry all night, he dragged his cousin to find someone early this morning, but the person was found, and the danger was indeed there, but what's the situation now?
The two of them were just like normal people, eating and watching a good show!
Zi Sang Chanmo stared at Han Zhengyu with big innocent eyes, she didn't seem to act without authorization, they kept a note.

"I left a note to tell you that I am not acting on my own initiative, we are just doing a simple task."


Han Zheng didn't know what to say, he really couldn't beat him or scold him.

It is me who is happy, it is me who is worried, and it is me who is sad. Whether this feeling is good or bad.

Sighing helplessly, he had no choice but to sit next to the two of them and watch the play together.

After Cao Yuanli got out of the car and threw a thunderball, he stood quietly by the side, pretending to be paralyzed, without saying a word, nor expression.

Probably only he himself knows, when he sees that the worried people are all right, he is really completely relieved.

While thinking about it, should he reflect on his management ability, and things that are out of his control will never be allowed to happen in the future!
Seeing Qiu Qianying leaning against Cheng Muhan's arms, a flash of determination flashed in Cao Yuanli's heart. If it wasn't for the sake of his company for many years, how could there be sand in his eyes.

However, Cao Yuan's silence does not mean that no one has any objections.

I saw a scalpel attacking Cheng Muhan quickly, but Cheng Muhan, ashamed of being a speed supernatural being, dodged in an instant with Qiu Qianying in his arms.

Qiu Qianying looked at the scalpel flying past her ear, still in shock.

Although she sensed the danger, it was a pity that she didn't have the speed ability. If it wasn't for Cheng Muhan, it would be difficult to dodge it.

Fortunately, she thought this man was worth relying on just now, but she didn't expect to be slapped in the face, "An Bonan! You pervert!"

Qiu Qianying has mixed feelings in her heart, atmosphere, grievance, unwillingness, she is obviously her own man, why should she treat herself like this!
Qiu Qianying turned her head and looked at Cao Yuanli who stood aside without any reaction. They were still boyfriend and girlfriend, right? Why couldn't he care about her meticulously like Mu Han?
Fortunately, she has other men. For the first time, Qiu Qianying felt that it was not that she was not good enough for him, but that he was not good enough for her.

"Oh?" An Bonan chuckled, his small baby face looked even paler in the sun due to the excessive consumption of abilities.

He kept playing with a scalpel in his hand, pointed at himself, and said jokingly: "Am I a pervert, didn't you already know?"

Walk to Cheng Muhan's side and stand still.

One is everyone's cold-blooded son, and the other is everyone's perverted doctor.

Two completely different types of men are elites in their respective fields, and countless women are crazy about them, but now they draw their swords at each other because of the same woman.

In an instant, the flames blazed everywhere, which was very dangerous.

If it wasn't for the conditions, Zisang Chanmo would have wanted to bring out popcorn and Coke.

It is simply a blockbuster movie that combines excitement, thrills, love triangles, squares, sadomasochism, love and killing each other!
As if nothing had happened, An Bonan smiled friendly, brightly, looked at Qiu Qianying and said, "Is he your first man?"

Wow, He Fang pinched Zi Sang Chanmo's arm and shook it vigorously, as if she had heard a great event.

Looking at the two women next to him, Han Zhengyu was speechless, but thinking of Qiu Qianying's actions, he shook his head in his heart.

I don't know when she became like this. Is she still the one he knew who killed Qianying like a playboy?

Looking at the cousin who was not responding now, the mood of watching the show was brought up in his heart. Poor, he was put on a cuckold again.

Here, Qiu Qianying's pupils shrank sharply when she heard An Bonan's question, and she couldn't help being startled when she thought of the matter between her and Cheng Muhan.

Probably not available, always the best.

Her eyes drifted to Cao Yuanli involuntarily, maybe there was still a glimmer of hope in her heart, she wanted to know Cao Yuanli's reaction.

More expectation, more disappointment.

Cao Yuanli not only didn't say anything, but turned around and went back to the car.

"Go back if you're fine, there are still a lot of things to deal with in the base."

(End of this chapter)

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