Chapter 85


A big tree surrounded by three people fell down, startling countless birds in the forest.

Immediately afterwards, another tree fell, and the animals in the forest, which were already in shock, ran away again.

Trip, chop, wrap, poke, pick, lead, seal, turn!

A dog-beating-stick method is vivid, and its power becomes stronger and stronger through continuous practice and repetition.

The jade stick is like an extremely tough thin vine, after entangled the big tree, let the tree become dozens of times thicker, no matter how straight and long it is, never want to be able to break free from the shackles. !

Haunted like a ghost.

The jade stick turned into a cloud of green shadows, and hit the waist of the big tree fiercely. These points of force were all in the center, and when it was hit by the end of the stick, it broke at the middle and collapsed.

The word "trip" is like the Yangtze River, coming continuously, never allowing the enemy to have the slightest chance to breathe, and the jade stick goes to another big tree, one trip, two trips continue, a chain of hooks, the wood system supernatural powers mutually restrain each other , A big tree fell down again!

Zi Sangchanmo retracted the jade stick, and the jade stick instantly shrank into a jade hairpin in his hand.

Wiping the sweat from his head, stroking the Yaoyao in his hand with one hand, while thinking about the combat practice just now.

I kept repeating the words of Grandpa Taoshu in my mind, ten thousand years of blooming, thousands of years of quiet breeding to get such a Yaoyao.

Yaoyao itself is peach wood, so it is the most effective thing against evil spirits, and its effect on zombies is not yet sure, so it can only be tested outside the space.

But as far as its own characteristics such as calming the nerves and calming the soul, invincibility, and invisible changes are hard to find in the world.

The fight just now was the result of her bit by bit exploration combined with the video of the dog-beating-stick method.

The perfect combination of wood-type abilities and Yaoyao increased the original [-]% power to [-]%, which even surprised her.

"Yaoyao, are you tired?"

The hour hand on the watch has slipped from two to six, for a full four hours, if it wasn't for the support of wood-type powers and crystal cores, she might have been exhausted, and she would not be as energetic as she is now.

Yaoyao's voice was still proud and cold, "Master, you underestimate me."

Zi Sangchanmo was obviously choked by these words, should her family Yaoyao pull her like this.

Due to the good mood and excessive exercise today, I accidentally ate a little too much, touched my round belly, and packed myself up for nearly seven o'clock.

I went to see the advanced ghost soaked in the worry-free spring, and then I went out of the space wearing the peach blossom hairpin that turned into a demon.

Once out of the space, Yaoyao felt very uncomfortable, "Master, is this the end of the world you said? Sure enough, there are some unknown poisons in the air, which may affect the mutation of human cells after a long time."

But the topic changed after a while, "This is a trivial matter to me. Originally, these things can't get into my side. It's easy to isolate these things, so it's better for the master to keep me with me all the time."

Originally, she was pleasantly surprised by Yaoyao's words, but at the same time couldn't help the black line. What did she get?

Probably a feeling of helplessness and joy in my heart.

"Hurry up and put away your ability. If someone knows that you have this ability, you may not know how to snatch it."

Although Yaoyao didn't quite understand what Zisangchanmo said, she still obediently followed her instructions and restrained her aura.

Just in time, Han Zhengyu knocked on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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