Chapter 86 Next

Zi Sangchanmo pinned the hairpin turned into a demon into her hair, took out a small mirror from the space, and took a picture.

The light pink peach blossom hairpin is dotted in the black hair, which adds some playfulness and cuteness, which is suitable for the youthful and lively at her age.


Frowning, he took Yaoyao off his head again, "Yaoyao, you should become a small earring. This hairpin probably isn't suitable for the end times, it's too conspicuous."

Although Yaoyao was proud, she was still very obedient, she immediately shrunk, the branches became needles, and a delicate peach blossom earring appeared in Zi Sangchanmo's palm.

Putting on the delicate and small earrings, looking in the mirror, it wasn't too abrupt, and then he was satisfied to open the door for Han Zhengyu.

"I've been hiding in my room all afternoon, and it took me so long to open the door. Could it be something shameful?"

As soon as Han Zhengyu entered the door, he looked Zi Sangchanmo up and down, quite suspicious.

He kept looking into the room, as if he wanted to see a flower in this small room that can be seen at a glance.

Zi Sang Chanmo stepped forward and wanted to block the room, but unfortunately Han Zhengyu's gaze passed directly over her head, so he could only stare at him, "Yes, Uncle Han, you also want to know my little girl's secret?"

She closed the door with her backhand. There was nothing in her room, but the more Han Zhengyu wanted to see it, the more she refused to show it!

Seeing that his line of sight was blocked, Han Zhengyu was not really angry.

Flicking Zi Sangchanmo's forehead with her fingers, "You ghost girl, going out with He Fang to do missions caused everyone to worry, I have to teach you a good lesson! Let's see if you dare to act without authorization in the future."

Speaking of this, a trace of guilt flashed in Zisang Chanmo's heart.

"Yes, I dare not."

She responded obediently with her mouth, but she couldn't help but habitually refute Han Zhengyu in her heart. When she became stronger, she would not only act without authorization, she would also act independently from the organization!
She has ghosts and demons, she has space and abilities, and when she leaves them, she fights zombies and upgrades abilities. She doesn't know how chic she is.

But then think about it.

In fact, after getting along with everyone for so long, it would be a lie to say that they have no feelings at all. Although they have secrets from her, doesn't she have bigger secrets that she hasn't told everyone?
Although she couldn't see through Uncle Ming, Uncle Ming's concern from time to time really warmed her heart. Even Han Zhengyu, whom she kept yelling and hating, was actually hurt twice because of her. Her heart was not a stone, so naturally Can't stand still.

My mind is always vacillating, so the plan cannot be implemented for a long time, and I push it again and again.

Han Zhengyu couldn't tell that her words were wrong, but he didn't bother to expose her, but then he thought of his cousin's plan, and felt quite irritable.

"You pack up first, take a good rest these two days, exercise your abilities, and I will teach you martial arts when you have time. We may be leaving for the northern base in a few days."

"So soon?" She thought they would stay here for a few more days.

After all, it was written in the original book that the heroines stayed in this temporary base for nearly a month, and they didn't start to set off until the relationship between the first three heroes was completely sorted out.

Wouldn't it be a mess if we set off now?

This simply changed the plot into a mess, and Zi Sang Chanmo was almost confused. In this way, the original work can only be used as a reference for the background, and the other plots are all messed up.

"Why, what else do you have to do?" In fact, it was his suggestion to start early. After all, there is still such a distance from the northern base, so I don't know what will happen during the period.

According to his estimate, it would take at least one month to at least half a year to reach the northern base. It is the best time to start at this time. If the spring passes, the summer will be difficult.

Another important point is that he discussed with his cousin that if he wanted to get a share of the power center in the northern base, it would be better to go early.

So this time, after investigating the matter of Dr. A, that is, An Bonan, he planned to speed up the next thing.

(End of this chapter)

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