Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 87 Ginger is still old and spicy

Chapter 87 Ginger is still old and spicy

"It's okay, it's just a little accident." Zi Sang Chanmo shook her head and didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, it doesn't matter where she is now. Her current task is to improve her strength first.

Seeing that she was preoccupied, Han Zhengyu didn't want to talk too much, and he couldn't ask too much, so he felt rather irritable.

He rubbed his neatly combed hair, all of them were really worrying.

Even after the storm, the outside was blown into disarray, the villa seemed not to be affected by yesterday, and life was still going on in an orderly manner.

For dinner, Qiu Qianying didn't come down to eat because she was in a bad mood, which happened to satisfy Cheng Rongrong's wish. First she said a few sour words, and then she graciously greeted everyone to eat.

Cao Yuanli and the others obviously had something on their minds, so they let her go.

Before the dinner here was finished, An Yi sent someone to spread the word that they were invited to sit down with them in the evening.

Zi Sang Chanmo glanced at Han Zhengyu in surprise. Could this be part of their plan?I don't know how much influence this character not mentioned in the original book will have on them.

Cao Yuanli was not very surprised, as if he had expected it long ago, he took Han Zhengyu and Uncle Ming to An Yi's place after eating without haste.

As soon as they walked to the gate of the villa, they were still heavily guarded, and there were no fewer than dozens of people patrolling back and forth.

After layers of notifications, Cao Yuanli and the others finally saw the Lord and An Bonan who was still in a white coat.

An Yi was still the good old man before. When he came up, he first greeted warmly, "I've been too busy these days, and there are a lot of things to deal with. It's a headache. I've neglected a few of you. Satisfied? Treat everyone to a meal tomorrow as an apology."

Han Zhengyu's thoughts changed, and he couldn't help cursing this old fox secretly. He always likes to dig a hole for you to jump into, and he still plays riddles in circles even though he knows their plan.

How to answer people's dissatisfaction with the base.

Satisfied, why rush to leave?Not satisfied?Give you face!

At such a time, Uncle Ming should appear on the stage. He is worthy of being the military adviser of their team. He opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Mr. That's good, everyone in this base is waiting for Director An Ji's arrangement, so how dare they let Director An Ji spend money again."

An Yi waved his hand and interrupted Uncle Ming's words, "Oh, Uncle Ming, your words embarrass me, don't call me Chief An Ji, it's just a false name, I'm as old as Boss Cao, Uncle Ming called me Ayi is fine, and my worry-free younger brother is really thanks to Qianying’s sister’s care, so I’ve already ordered this meal.”

"Then Uncle Ming will call you Ayi, haha..." Uncle Ming changed the topic, saying haha, but he didn't mention the meal.

An Yi knew it in his heart, and thought to himself, sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot. Seeing that the opponent didn't play cards according to the routine, he had to speak first, but once he spoke, he had already lost half of the game.

"I don't know if Boss Cao plans to stay in our temporary base for a long time, or join our military. It goes without saying about welfare."

Putting aside personal grievances, he is still the person in charge of this base, and the Zi family is just a nominal one. Their base camp is in Kyoto, so naturally they look down on this small place.

Therefore, out of considerations such as ground security, this line is almost a team of powerful supernatural beings. It would be best if he stayed in his base.

What's more, Bonan's research on the zombie virus is at a time when materials, instruments and equipment are lacking. If they can help...

But for a moment, An Yi's thoughts changed.

Cao Yuanli smiled lightly, and the old fox finally showed his tail, did he finally say it?

 Thank you, Piaopiao, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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