Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 88 Uncle Ming, What Do You Think?

Chapter 88 Uncle Ming, What Do You Think?

Seeing the reaction of Cao Yuanli and others, An Yi probably understood in his heart. In fact, the other party already knew that he was secretly spying on them. Come prepared.

An Yi sat on the sofa opposite Cao Yuanli, drank the tea in the cup, and knew that these people were not fuel-efficient lamps.

From the corner of the eye, he saw his younger brother who was sitting absent-mindedly, and he sighed in his heart. What are these things, who is not good in his fancy, but he just fell in love with Boss Cao's woman. Although this woman has looks and strength, it can be ruled out that she is Cao Not to mention Yuan Li's woman, it is said that she is still entangled with another supernatural being.

Rubbing his temples with a headache, he secretly scolded Cao Yuanli, the old fox, but at the same time had to consider whether he should change his plan.

The research of this zombie poison still needs An Bonan, but he is really reluctant to part with the base he built by himself. If he wants more power and status, he has to give up the existing one. You can't have both, what is he now? is not powerful enough.

Cao, Yuan and Li drank tea calmly. An Yi didn't speak, and they were not in a hurry. They came prepared. Whether this cooperation can be negotiated depends on whether An Yi is willing to make sacrifices.

The plan of Cao Yuanli and others is to cooperate with An Yi and the others, and bring An Bonan to the north to establish their own forces. Of course, An Bonan's research ability on zombie poison is what they value most. If An Yi is only satisfied with the status quo, Then there is no need for cooperation.

Looking at An Yi who was frowning tightly, Han Zhengyu felt for the first time that this old fox had been tricked, and he felt extremely good instantly.

A pen that was spinning in his hand suddenly fell to the ground, breaking the endless silence: "Oh, I'm so sorry, why don't I find one tomorrow to compensate you?" Han Zhengyu slapped his head, " I'm afraid that the time is running out, so what should I do?"

Uncle Ming said with a stern face on the side: "Ayu, how old are you, and you are still so frizzy."

The two sang together, not knowing who they were acting for.

An Yi is such a smart person, how could he fail to see that these two people are forcing him to make a decision, "Haha, alas, what to do so politely, we are old acquaintances, what is a pen, even though supplies are scarce in this apocalypse, A pen can still be found."

Now that it's out of the way, An Yi is no longer entangled, all the chaos is a good time to seize power, and these people are indeed a good choice of partners.

Immediately said: "Although there is nothing good about me, it is still possible to have a full meal. Time is not a problem, so let's do it at noon tomorrow, and I will send someone to invite everyone."

Seeing that people's attitudes had changed, Uncle Ming and Han Zhengyu looked at each other tacitly, and pretended to be hesitant to speak.

Looking at Cao Yuanli again, he said: "This,,,"

After making the decision, An Yi's heart suddenly became much clearer, and he returned to the old way when he spoke: "Uncle Ming, don't refuse, maybe you suspect that I didn't eat, please, don't worry, tomorrow You must be satisfied."

Tomorrow, I have said everything that will be satisfactory, so what else is there to continue to be hypocritical, Cao Yuanli simply stood up and said with a smile: "Since Chief An invites you kindly, we will be sorry if we refuse, and we will definitely attend the appointment on time tomorrow. "

Contesting back and forth, before I knew it, the sky outside was already dark. Even though the day was a rare sunny day, there were not a few stars in the night sky.

Nowadays, power generation is difficult and resources are scarce, and the time for ground-based power cuts is getting shorter and shorter. The periphery only has two hours of power supply from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] a day. Within these two hours, all the things that should be done will be completed. , followed by a long, dark night.

The inner circle is slightly better than the outer circle, and the power supply time at night is one hour longer than that of the outer circle. Of course, there is no such statement in the central area of ​​the leaders.

In addition to limited electricity, hot water is also a big problem nowadays.This spring is better. In winter, there is no need to count on water supply from the base. The only way to wash is to use the most primitive method of burning firewood to boil the groundwater and let it cool down.

The water on the surface is useless. Although the groundwater is not drinkable, it is still possible to take a bath after boiling it.

I am afraid that this situation will only really improve after the end of the world settles down and the researchers continue to study.

The three of them came out of An Yi's villa, and the surroundings were already pitch black and there were no people around. Even in the base, usually few people came out to wander around after dark. Cao Yuanli had a flashlight in his hand. Originally, An Yi sent someone to come. Sent, sent back by them.

"Uncle Ming, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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