Tears Fairy

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
Tianyuan Continent.

Northern Territory, Black Rock City.

The entire Black Rock City is made of black steel stones, so it is named Black Rock City!
The Feng family in the north of the city is the number one family cultivating immortals in Black Rock City. Similarly, the Feng Mansion is also built with black steel stone. The magnificent black steel stone building looks extraordinarily solemn.On the tall gate wall, the two vigorous and powerful characters of "Fengfu" shone brightly in the sun.

'Feng Mansion' is the first of the three immortal cultivating families in Black Rock City. The buildings of the Feng family cover half of the northern urban area, covering an area of ​​a hundred miles.

The clan owns a middle-grade spiritual stone mine, a low-grade spiritual stone mine, and [-] disciples in the clan. Talented people come out in large numbers, and the overall strength is strong.

In the remotest north of Fengfu, there is a wide street separated from the North City Gate. The North City Gate is connected to the 'Boundless Forest'. The mercenaries and monks who want to go out of the city to experience all enter the Boundless Forest through the North City Gate.

Inside the remote and towering courtyard wall of Fengfu, there is a small courtyard with two entrances.On the gate of the courtyard, there are three big characters of "Pine Xia Courtyard".At this time, the door of the Matsushita courtyard was closed.

Inside the Matsushita Courtyard.

"Brother, you give me a spirit stone, and I'll go to practice!" A little girl's delicate voice reveals a money fan.

"Okay!" A boy's petting voice was helpless, he took out a spirit stone from his pocket and gave it to the little girl, reached out and touched the little girl's head and said with a doting smile: "Okay, the spirit stone is here for you, Hurry up and practice!"

"Hee hee, I'm going to practice now!" The little girl put the spirit stone in her pocket, waved her little hand at the boy, and happily walked towards the training room!
The boy shook his head and smiled helplessly, and followed the little girl into the practice room.

In the training room, the little girl was already sitting on the futon and began to practice hard. The boy looked at his younger sister who was practicing hard, then sat down on the futon next to the little girl, and started a day of training!

The young man is the fifth son of the Feng family, Feng Zhizhi's fourth son Feng Tianxing, Feng Tianxing is just ten years old this year, with the same three spiritual roots of water, wood and fire as his father, and a late stage of Qi training.

The little girl is Feng Tianyu, Feng Zhizhi's youngest daughter. She is only six years old this year. Wu Linggen has been entraining Qi into her body for a month, but she has not succeeded in entraining Qi. Feng Tianxing is a little anxious.

Feng Zhiming's qualifications are mediocre and his cultivation level is not high. He only entered the foundation building period at the age of 39. There are many masters in the Feng family. Kill monsters, pick elixir in exchange for cultivation resources.

The young Feng Tianxing stays at home to take care of his younger sister, and urges her to practice, hoping that Feng Tianyu, who has a bad spiritual root, can successfully induce Qi as soon as possible.

"Dong dong..."

Suddenly, outside the courtyard door, there was a banging sound accompanied by an arrogant and sharp shout: "Feng Tianxing, come out quickly, you trash!"

Feng Tianxing and Feng Tianyu were woken up by the sound outside the courtyard door, Feng Tianxing opened his eyes and glanced at the disturbed sister, furious in his heart, stopped practicing after finishing his work, stood up and smiled at his sister comfortingly: "Sister, don't be afraid, Don't go out here, brother go and drive them away!" He said and strode out of the courtyard.

Seeing her brother leaving the practice room, Feng Tianyu was a little worried about her brother, and after thinking about it for a while, she stopped practicing, stood up, walked out of the practice room, and walked towards the entrance of the front yard.


The courtyard door was knocked open with a loud slam, and a tall, thin boy of 13 rushed in with a group of servants, crowding half of the front yard.

As soon as Feng Tianxing came out of the practice room, he saw the courtyard door collapsed in the courtyard, and the tall and thin young man rushed in with his servants, and he couldn't help saying angrily, "Feng Tiangang, you bully Dasheng!"

"Why, you're willing to come out! Hand over the spirit stone you received today, and I will let you be a waste!" Feng Tiangang, a thin and tall boy, yelled arrogantly at Chaofeng Tianxing.

"You're dreaming!" Feng Tianxing glared at Feng Tiangang, and stretched out his hand to grab the handle of the ordinary soldier's sword at his waist.

"Don't eat the toast, eat fine wine! Smash it on me!" Feng Tian just yelled at the servant. There was a sound of "crash" and "ping pong", and all the servants began to beat the potted plants in the yard with sticks in their hands, and the yard was smashed beyond recognition.

Feng Tiangang's right hand pinched the hand formula, and a rain of fire hit Feng Tianxing. Feng Tianxing hurriedly used his spiritual power to cast the shower formula. On the second level of Qi training, Huoyu passed the Shower Jue. Although the rain and fog from the Shower Jue weakened the momentum of Huo Yu, there were still fiery clouds of fire and rain rushing towards Feng Tianxing.Feng Tianxing's face was hot and smoky, and his face was pitch black!


Feng Tiangang looked at the embarrassed Feng Tianxing and laughed.All the servants also burst out laughing, "Hahaha..."

Feng Tianxing was furious and furious, he pulled out the ordinary soldier Qingsteel sword, stabbed at Feng Tiangang with one sword, and a move of "Desperate Chase Soul" rushed to him, Feng Tiangang, who was laughing wildly, had no time to cast the spell, and pulled a family in panic. The servant stood in front, and his head was blown off by Jue Ming's sword, causing a burst of fog and blood to splatter all over his head.

Feng Tiangang and all the servants were terrified, Feng Tiangang was so frightened and angry that he no longer cared about the family law, and decided to teach Feng Tianxing a lesson.So he yelled at his servant: "Hit, beat me to death!"

More than a dozen servants swung their sticks and attacked Chaofeng Tianxing from all directions.

Feng Tianxing used the "Following the Wind Footwork" to walk through the stick, and avoided it every time at a critical moment. Feng Tian just saw this and drew out a first-grade spirit sword to join the battle circle.

After Feng Tiangang joined the battle circle, the gap in cultivation was suppressed by Feng Tiangang, he was a step slower in dodging, and was knocked on the leg by a servant.

One of Feng Tianxing's feet stumbled and fell to the ground, Feng Tiangang stabbed at Feng Tianxing's face with a move of 'Lightning and Thunder', Feng Tianxing flipped his sword, and blocked the green steel sword of ordinary soldiers and was defeated by the first-grade spirit sword , the green steel sword broke in the middle, turned several feet to avoid the moment the sword broke, a "hoo" sound of a stick sounded above his head, when Feng Tianxing looked up, a servant's thunder stick hit his forehead When he got down, Feng Tianxing, who was lying on the ground, had no time to dodge.Seeing that Zhiming's stick fell, Feng Tianxing said to himself: "My life is over!" He closed his eyes in grief and indignation.

Seeing that Feng Tianxing was about to become a dead soul under the stick, Feng Tiangang and a dozen servants couldn't help but turn pale with fright.There is no rush to stop it.

Although Feng Tiangang often came to the "Songxiayuan" to find troubles with Feng Tianxing's family, but he did not dare to kill them. Panicked and paled, he said to himself: "I'm in big trouble, the Feng family's family rules are a death penalty for killing each other!"

"elder brother!"

When Feng Tianyu walked to the yard, he happened to see his elder brother dodging Feng Tiangang's Benlei sword by turning three feet away, but he was shrouded in the deadly steel rod of his servant. Throwing his elder brother down, Lei Ting's stick made a soft "Kapu", and the steel stick hit the back of Feng Tianyu's head.

Hearing his sister's voice, Feng Tianxing suddenly opened his eyes, and the scene that caught his eyes made Feng Tianxing's vision cracked, and his eyes were blood red.A bright blood flower bloomed on the back of the younger sister's head, and a burst of blood splashed on Feng Tianxing's body.

"younger sister……"

Feng Tianxing let out a mournful cry, picked up his younger sister who was lying on him with trembling hands, dragged his injured leg and rushed to Baicaotang, who was frantic, a silver hairpin stuck in Feng Tianyu's bun had been shattered into powder. on the ground.A head of beautiful hair spread out on his forehead, and the person passed out.

Feng Tian just looked at Feng Tianyu who had a cerebral hemorrhage and yelled in a daze: "It's over!" His legs went limp and he sat on the ground, and he looked at Feng Tianxing in fear, holding Feng Tianyu and dragging his injured leg towards Baicao Hall go.

After the servant who injured Feng Tianyu came back to his senses, he suddenly dropped the steel rod in his hand in shock, his face suddenly turned pale and his whole body trembled!He yelled in amazement, "Ah!" He suddenly raised his palm and slapped his own Tianling Gai, there was a sound of "popping", the skull shattered, the Tian Ling Gai was shattered, overflowing blood splashed all over the ground, and the servant fell to the ground dying And died.

The family rules and laws of the Feng family are strict, and the servants who killed the master not only had cramps and skinned, but also burned the soul of the soul with a soul-refining lamp until it died.The servant knew he was going to die, so he didn't want to be tortured and committed suicide.

More than a dozen servants looked at the servants who had fallen to the ground, their faces were ashes, and they all collapsed on the ground.However, all that awaits them is death.

 New original works, please give me advice!
(End of this chapter)

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