Tears Fairy

Chapter 2 Crossing

Chapter 2 Crossing
In the infirmary of Baicaotang, Feng Mingyuan fed Feng Tianyu a Dahuandan, sprinkled recovery powder on the injured head to stop the bleeding, and bandaged the wound with gauze.

"Tianyu's injuries have stabilized. I prepared a few doses of Qi and blood-replenishing medicine. After Tianyu woke up, she would be fine after drinking a few doses. Fortunately, the headgear magic weapon resisted the attack, otherwise I would not be able to save her. "

"Thank you Uncle Qi for saving my life!" Feng Tianxing knelt down and kowtowed to Feng Mingyuan.

"Get up quickly! Sit down!" Feng Mingyuan helped Feng Tianxing to sit down, and then put recovery ointment on Feng Tianxing's fractured calf.Take out a restoration pill and let him swallow it.

"Stay in the infirmary for one night first, and take good care of my sister." Feng Mingyuan told Feng Tianxing gently.

"Thank you Uncle Seven!"

Looking at his sleeping sister, Feng Tianxing's tears silently slid across his face and dripped onto the ground, weeping softly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

The younger sister guarded him with her life. If it wasn't for the younger sister who sacrificed her life to save him, he would have returned to the underworld.

Feng Tianxing cried and guarded his sister carefully for the whole night.The next morning, with red eye circles, Feng Tianxing picked up her sleeping sister and went back to her home, changed her into clean clothes, and covered her with a quilt.

Thinking of the culprit who hurt his sister, his eyes sharpened, he would not let them go.

Feng Tianxing took out the injury certificate issued by Baicaotang, closed the door, and walked quickly to the punishment hall.

The crime of fratricide is serious, Xingtang accepted Feng Tianxing's complaint, and immediately dispatched Xingtang's law enforcement team to arrest Feng Tiangang and others.

Feng Tiangang was sentenced to exile by the punishment court and sent to the 'Dark Valley of Punishment', and all the fifteen servants died with sticks on the high platform of the execution ground.

Feng Tiangang is the second son of Feng Mingqiang, a branch of the Feng family. Feng Mingqiang has a single spiritual root of the Jin family. He is extremely talented and is a top ten elite disciple of the Ming Dynasty.

After Feng Mingqiang received the summons amulet from his family, he knew that his second son had committed the felony of fratricide, and was sentenced to exile by the punishment court.Immediately rush back to the punishment hall from Tianjiyuan to plead for a light sentence.

After Xing Tang strongly refused, Feng Mingqiang hurriedly went to the practice room No. [-] of the Venerable Elder's Home to knock on the door. His father, Feng Shibo, was an elder of the Elder's Home.

Feng Shibo, golden and wood double spiritual roots, the peak of the late Yuanying, retreated in the No. [-] training room, preparing to attack the Yuanying Dzogchen.

After Feng Shibo left the customs, he knew that something happened to his grandson, so he immediately rushed to the "Fengyuan" where the owner lived.

Feng Shihao, the owner of Fengfu's main courtyard, received Feng Shibo in the "Fengyuan" study room, and was also very angry at Feng Tiangang's murder of his grandson, even though he didn't want Wuzi Feng to be wise, and others could not bully him.His grandson was almost killed by a collateral lineage, which not only slapped him in the face, but also challenged his authority as the head of the family.

"Patriarch, Tiangang has the audacity to hurt Tianyu and Tianxing. The family rules and laws are not merciful. I request that I use my Wanqing lineage and one year's cultivation resources to cancel Tiangang's exile sentence. I will punish you severely!" Feng Shibo said seriously. Feng Shihao said.

Feng Shihao was shocked when he heard the words, he knew that Wanqing's lineage was not prosperous, and he was also shocked when Feng Shibo exchanged a year's training resources from a lineage for a junior with average qualifications in the qi training period!

Looking at Feng Shibo's serious expression, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Then go to the Lingshi Mine to mine for three years, and I will hold a family meeting to re-announce the verdict! Do you have any objections to compensating the wise family with your cultivation resources?"

"No, Shibo thanked the Patriarch!" Feng Shibo let go of his tense mood, and solemnly thanked the Patriarch!

Song Xiayuan, three days later, Feng Tianyu was lying on the bed and hadn't woken up yet, Feng Tianxing called out sadly with tears: "Sister, sister..."

City Z, the city's No. [-] lieutenant colonel, drove a scooter on Songbai Street after getting off work in Fengtianyu, heading for Shengshi Garden Community.

When passing the traffic light, just when the red light was on, the wind and rain stopped, and I was moving forward when the green light was on.

As soon as the motorcycle stopped, a Mercedes-Benz car drove up from behind. Feng Tianyu felt a shudder in his heart. When he turned his head, his eyes suddenly widened. The car hit his motorcycle hard, and time stood still for a moment. .

The motorcycle was hit and flew on the street, Feng Tianyu was thrown into the distance by a force, Feng Tianyu felt like he was floating in the air.

The siren whistled from a distance, she looked down at the torn apart motorcycles on the street, not far away lay a woman covered in blood, when Feng Tianyu's eyes touched the bright red blood on the ground, her eyes went dark, into a spinning black hole.

Feng Tianyu was powerlessly following the rotating vortex in the black hole, and quickly traveled forward, and the time passed through the black hole did not know how long.

Suddenly, there was a strong suction in front of him, pulling Feng Tianyu who was passing through the vortex, Feng Tianyu felt his body was stretched like a rubber band, and his body became longer and thinner.

Suddenly, Feng Tianyu, who was extremely exhausted, saw a bright light, and his body entered a sea of ​​five colors in an instant, and his body floated on the surface of the sea of ​​five colors.

The five-color sea water gently soothed Feng Tianyu's tired body and nourished his exhausted soul.

A burst of drowsiness struck, Feng Tianyu fell into a deep sleep.In her sleep, she realized that she had turned into a little baby girl, lying in the arms of a beautiful woman who was tender and full of maternal love.

With the gentle care of the mother, the little baby girl grows into a healthy little girl, the kind father, the gentle mother, the eldest brother and the second sister who dote on her, the third and fourth brothers who surround her all day, the little girl grows up happily .

In a blink of an eye, the little girl was already six years old, and her father had broken through the Qi training period of Dzogchen and entered the foundation building period. His father decided to take on the family task and earn the next training resources.

The mother supported the father's decision, and decided to take the eldest brother, second sister, third brother and father to do the task together. The mother sat at the table with the naughty Feng Tianyu in her arms: "Xing'er, you stay at home when you are young." take care of my sister,"

"Mother, don't worry! I will take good care of my sister!"

The fourth brother looked dotingly at the little girl in her mother's arms, and readily agreed.

The mother gently took out the silver hairpin from the storage bag, and gently inserted it into the little girl's bun.

"Xing'er, Yu'er will leave it to you. Yu'er's hairpin is a silver magic weapon. You remember to put it on Yu'er's hair every day." Mother softly told Feng Tianxing.

"Don't worry! Mother, Xing'er will take good care of my younger sister!" The fourth brother smiled and nodded in agreement.

After the father received the task, he began to make preparations. First, he took Feng Tianyu to the test hall to test the spiritual roots. Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and rain are the five spiritual roots.

Although the spiritual root is the worst, but there is always a spiritual root. Parents told Feng Tianxing to urge his younger sister to practice, hoping that when they come back, they can successfully entrain their energy!
The next morning, my parents took my elder brother and sister out to do some tasks. When we left, my mother hugged Feng Tianyu and kissed her on the forehead!
"Yu'er, Mom and Dad are going to do missions to make money. You have to listen to the fourth brother, eat well, and practice hard. Mom will reward Yu'er with ten spirit stones when she comes back." Liu Yun'er tenderly promised to the little daughter of the money fan.

"Mother, is it true? Yu'er loves mother the most!" Feng Tianyu happily slapped mother on the face.

"Really!" Liu Yun'er gently put down her little daughter, touched her head, and followed Feng Zhiming out the door.

Today, the naughty Feng Tianyu asked for another spirit stone from his elder brother, and was bubbling with joy!I have practiced with my fourth brother for a month, but I haven't succeeded in entraining Qi, so Feng Tianyu doesn't want to practice anymore.

These days, Feng Tianyu always has to take a spirit stone before going to practice. Today, Feng Tianyu who took the spirit stone started a day of practice as usual.

"dong dong"

Suddenly, there was a banging on the door outside, and the arrogant yelling disturbed the little girl's practice.

After Feng Tianxing appeased his younger sister, he went to the front yard. Feng Tianyu didn't want to practice any more, so he followed his brother out of the training room after finishing his work. As soon as he arrived at the front yard, he saw a servant throwing a steel rod and smashing her. To the brother who fell to the ground.


Feng Tianyu was terrified, and with a cry of grief, he suddenly pushed his brother down and used his body to protect the injured brother.

"Crack" sounded in the ears.It was dark before Feng Tianyu fell into darkness again.

"Sister, sister..."

The hoarse voice reached Feng Tianyu's ears, and Feng Tianyu suddenly opened his eyes.

Feng Tianyu, who was hit by a car, and the little girl who was knocked unconscious by a stick, the two souls merged perfectly, and they had two lives.

 Collect it if you like it!
(End of this chapter)

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