Tears Fairy

Chapter 100 Thunder on the ground

Chapter 100 Thunder on the ground

Black Rock City, the headquarters of the Flying Dragon Mercenary Alliance, Qinghe Garden where Nangongmei lives, welcomed the shocking adventurer she had been waiting for for a long time. Under her secret operation, a team of 13 people successfully entered the Flying Dragon Mercenary Alliance, and then She was successfully selected and sent to Qingheyuan as her exclusive guardian team.

Because of Xu Song, Nangong Mei opened the door to convenience in all aspects. In just one month, she took root in the Feilong Mercenary Corps.

Because Xu Yunfei felt guilty, he asked Xu Song to take care of her as much as possible in these small things, hoping that she would feel more secure when she lived in the alliance.

In the meeting room on the top floor of Fengyi Auction House, Zhang Yu sat under the wing master Luo Chuan, with a playful smile on his lips and said:
"Suddenly high-rise buildings rose from the ground in the five major domains of the Tianyuan Continent. Feng Ying, with the five absolutely powerful forces of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, distributed in the five major domains of the Tianyuan Continent, and has risen powerfully with lightning speed."

Son of the Wind, Wind Shadow? "

"Yes, Son of the Wind!"

"The master is indeed playing a big game of chess, hehehe, the big era when brothers belong to us has finally come, hahaha!"

Luo Chuan burst out laughing three times. Being wise, he already knew that the family era has entered the countdown. The master not only has the world's wealth, but also has the strongest and most loyal soldiers.

"" We have to step up our steps, we can't be weaker than the queen, Ayu, it's time to pull the master of the Temple of Heaven's Punishment from the altar. "

"Xing Wuming is the young master of Tianwuzong, are you sure to do it now?"

Zhang Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at his playmate he had known since childhood. He knew that he was a kind-hearted and cruel fox.

"There's no time to wait. Put Ye's family aside and attack the Heaven's Punishment Hall with all your strength. It's time to bury that place."

Luo Chuan's dark eyes flashed away, which was where his nightmares had been for 80 years.He will destroy it with his own hands.

Zhang Yu felt sad, and sighed, that was where his nightmare was, and where he had gone mad, now that he has decided, let's do it!

At the entrance of Yangming Alley in Beicheng District, "Old man, you have successfully aroused my anger. Hand over the jade token and leave you with a dead body."

The white robe wins the snow, and on the flawless and beautiful face of the jade face, there is already a hint of anger hidden, and there is a murderous intent in the calm words, and he is facing the old monk in the green robe who is laughing.

"Hey, as the most honorable Hall Master of the Heaven's Punishment Hall, you are just a piece of broken jade, so what if you give it to the little old man to have a drink?"

"You, old man, you are indeed the most unforgivable scoundrel. I will let you enjoy the wine in the Temple of Punishment today, and I will let you eat enough to fill you up."

On Xing Wuming's handsome and noble face, a thin layer of anger was covered by a sneer, and he suddenly shouted into the air, "Turn him to death."

As soon as Xing Wuming finished speaking, thirteen men in white robes suddenly appeared around Yangming Lane in Beicheng District, forming an enveloping pattern and outflanking the old monk in green robes.

"Oh, it's over, the deacon elders of the Heaven's Punishment Valley and the Heaven's Punishment Hall are going to kill the little old man." The green-robed old monk saw thirteen white-robed people surrounding him, and immediately shouted.

The thirteen people in white robes who suddenly appeared in Yangming Lane in Beicheng District were the thirteen deacons and elders of the Heavenly Punishment Hall in the Valley of Heavenly Punishment.

Yangming Lane is connected to Beichengmen Avenue, and the old monk in green robe saw that the situation was not going well and immediately ran towards the street. With a twist of his mouth, he rushed towards the busy Beichengmen Avenue.

"Stop him, waste!" Angrily shouting, Zhong Xing Wuming's figure flashed, and with a fierce offensive, he and the thirteen white-robed deacons rushed at the fleeing green-robed old monk at the same time.

The jade token must never be lost, it is his identity jade token as the first disciple of the Hunters Alliance, the thirteenth elder Long Tian's direct lineage, so there is no room for any mistakes.

After Xing Wuming's big handprint grabbed his green robe, the old monk in green robe immediately shed his shell and threw away the green robe, and he had plunged into the crowd of chariots and horses.

Xing Wuming, in a rage, the cyan robes in his hands turned into dust in the wind, and fourteen people, like fourteen white streamers, plunged into the slow-moving chariots and horses from all directions, taking off their cyan robes. The old monks in robes surrounded him.

After a group of people turned their backs on the street, almost all the people on the street were forced to kneel on the ground by the coercion of the thirteen white-clothed Law Enforcement Transformation Gods.

Of course, there were a few accidents, the old monk in green robe discarded the green robe and put on another one, but seeing him still giggling a little naughtily, he waved his hands to the guards who were still standing in front of the dragon carriage.

"call out!"

With a hissing sound, the jade token in his hand flew towards the carriage guarded by several guards.The old monk in green robe was also lightning-like, and he slammed his palm at the red-faced guardian in white robe who was closest to him. , the green-robed old monk slapped his palm abruptly, and a huge phantom leopard suddenly opened its mouth, and its three-foot sharp teeth rushed to bite the white-robed red-faced deacon.



One of the white-robed red-faced deacon's right arm had been bitten off by the phantom leopard slapped by the phantom spirit palm. After a scream, he punched the phantom phantom leopard with his left hand. With a bang, the phantom phantom leopard turned into spiritual energy scattered around.

"Hahaha!" The green-robed old monk laughed and rushed out of the encirclement of 14 people.

Xing Wuming's handsome jade face was filled with evil spirit, "Kill, no pardon!"

"Yes," the six deacons in white robes chased after the old monk in green guard robe.

"Fellow daoists inside, please return the jade tablet that I just lost." Xing Wuming asked to bow to the dragon carriage that the jade tablet flew into.

A few guards stood on both sides with expressionless faces, the dragon carriage was still as quiet as a fellow, and Xing Wuming's warm and jade-like face began to cast a thin layer of anger, so courageous.


"Are you the master of the Valley of Punishment?"

Just when Xing Wuming thought that the people in the car would not make a sound, he called out again in a deep voice to Fellow Daoist, but was interrupted by a calm questioning voice from inside the car, "Is the Lord of the Valley of Heaven's Punishment you?"A question suddenly shocked Xing Wuming.

"Yes, fellow daoist, please return the jade token that is still below." Xing Wuming's face was as pale as paper, and while suppressing the fear in his heart, he answered yes, and asked the person in the car to return the identity jade token again.

His secret identity was completely exposed, and he was about to face the alliance's punishment for leaking the secrets, a major demerit, damn old thief.Xing Wuming clenched his fists, cursed in his heart, and looked vaguely at the silver car curtain that isolated his consciousness.

"Hehehe! I have lived in vain for more than a thousand years, but I only found out today that the hidden Hunter Alliance still controls the Temple of Heaven's Punishment on the Tianyuan Continent. Xing Wuming, the thirteenth envoy of the Hunter Alliance, Long Tian The eldest disciple is indeed a young hero."

Bai Zizai waved his hand, and the jade plaque flew out of the car towards Xing Wuming.

"Let's go," Bai Zizai Qingfeng said indifferently, just as the word "go" fell, the driver of the car was already protected by the guards, raised his whip in his hand and waved, and the dragon carriage immediately drove towards the gate of the city.

On the main road of the North City Gate, after Xing Wuming led his people to leave, the hustle and bustle of the past resumed, but the hot topic of discussion among each other has changed to Xing Wuming, the wise and sacred Lord of the Heaven's Punishment Hall. The eldest disciple of the Long Thirteen Messenger of the Hunter Alliance who has not been born for a long time.

On the top floor of Fengyi Auction House, the old monk in green robe has appeared in the meeting hall on the top floor. The old monk in green robe changed his smiling face and cupped his hands to Luo Chuan, who was sitting high, and said, "The martial arts under you are fortunate enough to be honored. Come back!"

"Okay, Brother Fang has worked hard. There are not enough people everywhere right now. Brother Fang needs you to continue to work hard on the matter of the Ye family." Luo Chuan looked at his former best friend, because he entered the Land of Heaven's Punishment six years ago, but came out like that. It's been a generation.When there was a lot of regret in my heart, my kindness to my master became more and more dignified.

"Don't worry, the master's business is my Fang Wu's business. I can return to the Tianyuan Continent, and my strength and life will be reborn. Fang Wu's life is only the master's order. The master's great kindness Fang Wu will never forget."

"Okay, Brother Fang, I understand. This is the latest information." Luo Chuan felt something in his heart. He reached out and picked up the document on the table and handed it to Fang Wu. He patted Fang Wu's shoulder and smiled, finally feeling relieved.He is also very stressed when the big bosses in the Mahayana period serve under him.

In mid-June, in the five regions of Tianyuan Continent, southeast, northwest, and central, countless unknown forces appeared overnight, hiding within a radius of ten thousand miles of Tianshan Canyon.

Black Rock City in the Northern Territory, the tenth ranked cultivator family in the Northern Territory, the Ye Family’s Ye Mansion, was breached overnight by unknown forces, causing heavy casualties, and all the treasures of the clan were looted. God is very powerful, and with his powerful strength, he fully assisted the Ye family in investigating the unknown forces that attacked the Ye family.

Three days later, the Ye family found out the hidden power of the Hunter Alliance in Ye Mansion, and the figure of the Temple of Heaven's Punishment.In one night, the Heavenly Punishment Hall was completely destroyed by the Ye family, however, the lost family treasure could not be found.

The Ye family started a frantic pursuit. When the Ye family attacked the Heavenly Punishment Hall, Xing Wuming and his two guardians fled back to Tianwuzong from the boundless forest in a hurry.

The hunters hidden in the dark were finally fully exposed in front of the people after a thorough investigation by various forces.

The Hunter Alliance, which had always been hidden from the world, was suddenly confirmed that they were by their side, and even participated in all their decision-making.Shocked and annoyed at the same time.

In Tianyuan Continent, the Hunters Alliance was shocked by the overwhelming condemnation, and all plans fell short. Li Shengxing, the leader of the Hunters Alliance, shouted to Long Tian standing under the high seat in a deep voice.

"Long Shisan, you have an inescapable responsibility. The Void Secret Realm will be opened soon. Order the Thirteen Taibaos to lead [-] elite disciples into the Void Secret Realm to hunt and kill. Xing Wuming has temporarily recorded a big mistake. The trip to the Void Secret Realm , Let the strength record speak for itself."


(End of this chapter)

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