Tears Fairy

Chapter 99 The Alliance of Kings

Chapter 99 The Alliance of Kings


During the ups and downs of the three brothers throwing into the air in the relay race, the happy laughter resounded through the whole building, and also rang in the hearts of the brothers.This is their beloved sister!

Feng Tianyu was also moved in his heart, as if he had returned to nine years ago.The happy laughter came from the bottom of my heart, which touched me and my brothers and sisters.

Feng Tianqing looked at her younger sister who was soaring happily in the air with a smile. In addition to being moved, she also had a deep feeling of longing for her parents who were far away in Black Rock City.

Feng Tianqing thought of her sister's childhood favorite, the love steamed buns made by her mother, and couldn't help but feel moved, and rushed to make a basket of steamed buns when the siblings were playing.

"Hahaha, I smell the breath of love, giggling..."

A burst of fragrance came to the nostrils, the three brothers smelled the fragrance coming to their faces, and heard the happy sound of the baby's sister in their ears, the three finally stopped playing, Feng Tianlei caught the sister and put it down, stretched out his hand to rub Rubbing her sister's smooth hair, she led her towards Feng Tianqing who had laid out the food and waved to them.

"What a loving heart bun, my sister is so kind, Yu'er loves my sister the most."

Feng Tianyu's eyes are moist, this is the love steamed bun, the white halo emanating from the love steamed bun is the deep love of the sister, it is the sincere love of the sister.

"Baby sister, my sister also loves Yu'er the most!"

Feng Tianqing petted her younger sister's hair with a smile, and pulled her to sit around the table with her older brothers and younger brothers. The long-lost warm atmosphere finally permeated the hall here again.

On the top floor of the League of Kings, in the small meeting room of the five brothers and sisters, the three brothers exclaimed cheerfully, one after another. The three brothers are following Feng Tianyu's new production, Feng Zi No. [-] using graphic and text detailed explanations, and using their own Feng Zi No. [-] Connector.

"This Fengzi No. [-] is really good, it's a good baby!"

"Well, we can contact each other at any time in the future, Xiao Yu'er is really smart."

"Yeah, why can't I see the mystery of this magic weapon! Yu'er, tell Brother Yu how this communicator is made?"

"Hey, I knew the third brother would be curious. I have rubbed the refining method of Fengzi No. [-] on the jade slip."

Yu Wenyan, who was lying on the soft sofa with her sister and whispering, smiled, turned and got off the soft sofa, came to the third brother and handed Feng Tianyu a jade slip as if offering a treasure.

"Thank you, Xiao Yu'er," Feng Tianyu took the jade slip overjoyed. The skill he chose in the academy happened to be refining weapons.Seeing Liexin Xichun is because of his preference and love for this skill.

Seeing her younger sister sitting down in front of the conference table, Feng Tianqing also stood up when she remembered that there were still important matters to discuss, and came to the conference table to sit with her younger sister Feng Tianyu. The theme of the League of Kings, the first meeting of the five brothers and sisters went smoothly.

Feng Tianlei talked about the beginning of the establishment of the League of Kings and the meaning of the name, Feng Tianyu listened quietly, after the elder brother finished speaking, he thought about it and sincerely said to his elder brother and sister.

"The Alliance of Kings is very good, but I have a lot of things to do, and I am young and I have to work hard to cultivate. I can only be a part of the alliance. The leader of the Alliance of Kings is the big brother. This will not change. Our five brothers and sisters are all members of the alliance. Members, now and in the future.

Times are changing now, and strength and power are the basis for self-protection. To develop our alliance rapidly, we must first gather the disciples of the Feng clan scattered in the seven colleges in Black Rock City. This is the foundation of our Feng clan in the future Tianyuan Continent. "

"Well, we have issued a gathering order from the Inner City Information Department."

Feng Tianlei smiled and continued: "It's just that I don't know how many Feng's disciples are willing to join in. We've already done almost the preliminary work."

"We have done our own preparations according to the plan, and it is their own choice whether to join or not.

In addition, if disciples from other families apply to join, they are also warmly welcome. Since the alliance should be connected with the world's talents, if the Feng family wants to take off, the alliance will also rise.

Soon the Void Secret Realm will be opened, and the tasks in hand will be handed over to the guardian in advance, and the cultivation level will be raised first. The trip to the Void Secret Realm is destined to be bloody and bloody, and it is also an inevitable bloody baptism for monks in the secret realm experience. "

Feng Tianyu's eyes were a little deep and gloomy, and the careful Feng Tianyu's eyes flashed, and his heart sank. The younger sister seemed to know many secrets that they didn't know.

"Third brother, what do you need to add?" Feng Tianyu saw that the third brother's mind was fluctuating, and his heart softened. He looked at the third brother Feng Tianyu with warm eyes and a smile.

"Sister, enter the Void Secret Realm, and you won't be able to come out until ten years later. We are all gone, can the alliance survive?"

Feng Tianyu looked at his sister seriously with clear eyes, trying to grasp some useful information from her next words.

"The college will protect the student forces that enter the Void Secret Realm to a certain extent. As long as there are no major problems, the forces formed by the students will have no problem in surviving."

"Baby Yu'er, it will be ten years since we left, and the disciples who joined will also go to the secret realm. What is the meaning of the existence of the alliance?"

"Wherever we are, the alliance is there. This alliance building is just our base, and the guardians can do many things in it, and use it. When we return, it is when the alliance rises."

"I understand, sister." Feng Tianqing smiled, she has always been committed to her own strength, she has no ambitions for power, her world is nothing but cultivation and becoming stronger besides her family.

"Sister, we will be together forever, and the alliance will become the top force in Tianyuan Continent." As soon as Feng Tianyu finished speaking, he unconsciously leaned on his sister again.

Feng Tianlei looked at his younger sister's laziness, and smiled indulgently, "Okay, that's it for now, the purpose of the alliance is the world's heroes, not the Feng clan, and we will enter the academy to practice in the next month or so. The room is closed until the secret realm of the void is opened."

"Let's go, my sister carried my baby and my sister went back to the room to sleep late."

Feng Tianqing looked at her sister who was leaning on her body, bent down to lift her up, waved at the three brothers and walked towards her private area.


"Miss Nangong?" Xu Yunfei was rushing from the first line of sky to Heishi City, when he suddenly saw Nangong Mei who was being blown away, his heart turned pale with shock. , raised his palm and blasted out three moves into the purgatory of fire.

"Boom, boom, boom, ah..." Three thunderous spell bombardments were accompanied by three screams, and the three monks in gray turned into a cloud of blood and scattered on the green grass slope.It was swept away by the flames again, leaving only a piece of scorched black.

"Miss Nangong, how are you? Are you better?"

"Brother Xu, thank you for saving Xiaomei!"

Nangong Mei's beautiful face was full of gratitude, and her flushed face was full of stubbornness of enduring the pain.

Xu Yunfei bandaged the broken leg bone for Nangong Mei, took out a bone extension pill and let Nangong Mei take it, and then helped her walk slowly towards Black Rock City, and entered the back of Black Rock City.

"Miss Nanguan, where do you live?"

Xu Yunfei asked softly, under the operation of Xinxue Kung Fu, he always felt that this Miss Nangong was very different from the little girl he had branded deep in his soul.Is my memory wrong?Or did the little girl change drastically when she grew up?
After the mind-learning exercises are used repeatedly, there is always a feeling of falling into the mist, which is unreal. Is it a natural change after the little girl grows up?
Xu Yunfei who helped Nangongmei walk into Black Rock City, in his mind, a handsome and thin figure flashed past in his mind, his mind was shocked, could it be because of him?

Is it because he has overshadowed the little girl in his heart?Is it because of the illusion of his position in my heart that I refuse to admit that Nangong Mei is the little girl I have been hiding in my heart for nine years?

The Nangong Mei in front of him was weak and beautiful, and Xu Yunfei felt a sense of guilt. He was attracted by a man and fell in love with him. He felt that his impure thoughts not only blasphemed him, but also caused him to bear the cinnabar mole in his heart. .

Nangong Mei secretly observed Xu Yunfei's expression, seeing his tangled and infinite guilty expression flashed by, she felt a little relieved in her heart, as long as he still remembers that love, she will be half successful, and entered the In Heishi City, watching the people coming and going at the North City Gate, her beautiful face showed a world-beating smile.

"Brother Xu, Mei'er lives at my aunt's house in the east of the city, that is, Ye Mansion in the east of the city."



"Forget it, it's not good for you to go back like this. You'd better go to my place to heal your injuries before going back." Xu Yunfei sighed in his heart, and he made up his mind that even if he finally betrayed her, he couldn't be right. No matter whether she asked or not, she was always the holy place in his heart.

"Brother Xu, can I go to your place? You are so kind. Meier was tricked during this experience. If you hadn't helped Brother Xu, there would be no Meier now."

The expression of gratitude and attachment on Nangong Meijuemei's face, and the hint of infatuation in her bright eyes made Xu Yunfei shocked and guilty when he dodged his eyes.

"Master, please get in the car!"

A luxurious flying dragon-marked dragon carriage turned around at the crossroads and chased up from behind. It just relieved the uneasiness deep in his heart. His complicated heart was agitated for a while. Xu Yunfei suppressed the irritability in his heart and carefully supported Nangong Mei got into the dragon carriage, sighed secretly in her heart, thinking of everything, let's go back and talk about it.

The moment Xu Yunfei helped Nangong Mei get into the car, a strange light flashed in her eyes, and the corner of her mouth hooked slightly undetectably.

Xu Yunfei, who was restless in his heart, suddenly felt as if he had become someone else's prey after a burst of palpitations.When I was shocked and learned the exercises with my heart to distinguish, that feeling disappeared without a trace.

He couldn't help staring at Nangong Mei who was leaning on the loose and soft wooden couch, but Nangong Mei looked back at Xu Yunfei who was staring at her shyly on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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