Tears Fairy

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

After Feng Tianyu came out of Fengying's white mansion, he went directly to the Angel Building in Taihe Lane without stopping.

On the top floor of the Angel Building, in the meeting room, Feng Wuxin formally appointed Feng Mingyi and Feng Minger as the owner of the building as the chief deacons inside and outside the Angel Building, and explained to Feng Mingyi and Feng Minger what they will do next in the Angel Building As for their job authority, the Angel of the Wind has just been created, and the manpower is very limited. After they came, they happened to be of great help to him.

Feng Tianyu suddenly appeared in the meeting room on the top floor, and the three of them suddenly turned pale with shock, but when they saw that the girl who appeared was Feng Tianyu, the three of them who were shocked and paled couldn't help but greeted with joy: "Feng Wuxin, Feng Mingyi , Feng Minger, I have seen the master."

The corners of Feng Tianyu's lips curled into a smile and said: "Everyone sit down, Angel of the Wind. Now that it has been formally established, it's time for you to flex your muscles." As soon as he finished speaking, he took out ten Wind Angels Number one is placed on the conference table.

"Uncle Feng, this is the No. [-] Fengzi communicator, the ultimate magic weapon I refined, and it should be helpful for your future development."

Feng Wuxin heard the words and glanced at Feng Mingyi and Feng Minger, who also didn't understand why, what is this?Feng Wuxin picked up a magic weapon with a shining blue light, Fengzi No. [-], and searched it with his spiritual sense. After finding nothing, he looked at his master with some helplessness.

Just now he heard from his master that she forged it with her own hands. Wouldn't it hurt the master's heart if he told the master that this magic weapon is useless?
"Hehe!" Seeing Feng Wuxin's troubled face, Feng Tianyu smiled, and handed Feng Wuxin a piece of paper with 1234567890 in Arabic numerals and said with a smile: "Uncle Feng, this is the password for Fengzi No. Let the three of you recognize each other first."


Feng Wuxin took the slip of paper that his master handed him, and upon looking at it, it was indeed a password.A single twisted worm is lined up in a row.Feng Wuxin wrinkled his brows slightly and carefully recognized them.

It is not easy to doubt the master's words, it took Feng Wuxin a while to remember each password shape similar to a bug.He hurriedly handed the password slip to Feng Mingyi.

"Bug password?"

Feng Mingyi took the paper and saw that it was a row of distorted worms, and couldn't help but blurt out, Feng Minger was right next to him, and quickly stretched his neck to have a look, "Well, it's really a row of worms with different shapes!"

"Cough cough," Feng Wuxin coughed twice when he saw that the two were speaking in a vague manner, Feng Tianyu waved his hands and smiled, "Wufang, let's make a clear distinction first."

The two who reacted, Feng Mingyi and Feng Minger, who were sweating on their heads, finally felt relieved when they saw that the master was not angry, and began to distinguish the shape of the bug carefully. After the people looked at each other.

"Master, we agree!"

"Okay, here are ten numbers. You fill in the ten worms you just identified in order." Feng Tianyu handed each of them a piece of paper with numbers from one to ten written on it.

When the three of them saw this, their hearts moved, and they hurriedly filled in the numbers with bugs. After filling in the numbers, they saw that it was indeed a unique password.

"This is the abbreviation of numbers, and it is also the key to the use of Fengzi No. [-] communicator. I invented and made the Fengzi No. [-] communicator. There are nine Fengzi No. [-] here. The three of you and Fu Juan and the six of them happen to be each one."

Feng Tianyu handed the chips made of nine sensing stones and Chaokun stones to Feng Wuxin, "This is the password for Fengzi No. [-]. You just need to put the chip in the groove on the side, and press the button on the side to open the contactor. After that, it can be used. The magic weapon has its own spirit absorber, no need for spirit injection, and it can be used forever."

The three of Feng Wuxin took a chip, wrote down their password, and followed the master's instructions. After the Fengzi No. [-] contactor was activated, after their own password was displayed, they added their own names and streamed for a while. In a flash, a red dot appeared in the middle of the screen.

"Spiritual consciousness is imprinted on the red dot on the screen to recognize the master. After the master is recognized successfully, Fengzi No. [-] will be officially activated. Well, it can be used normally now."

When the three of Feng Wuxin heard it, how should they use it?They all looked at Feng Tianyu with unclear eyes, Feng Wuxin asked: "Master, how do you use Fengzi No. [-]? Have you never heard of a communicator before?"

"Hehe, I invented this and you must have never seen it before. I will teach you how to use it." While speaking, he took out his Fengzi No. [-], pressed the button with his fingertips, and the screen cover opened upwards. No. [-] quickly zoomed in and hung in the air, Feng Tianyu reached out and tapped the Tong character icon on several icons on the screen and said, "This is the call sign."

After clicking the Tongzi icon, the digital password that Feng Wuxin and the three had just met appeared, and the three of Feng Wuxin felt excited, and it was time to witness the miracle, but the password number clicked by the master on the screen was exactly Feng Wuxin's password .

"Jingle Bell……"

Feng Wuxin's No. [-] Feng Zi rang suddenly, Feng Tianyu smiled and looked at Feng Wuxin, Feng Wuxin picked up his No. [-] Feng Zi, and lightly pressed the screen cover to open automatically.But on the left side of the screen, there is a word rejecting and a word accepting on the right.Feng Wuxin saw his master looking at him with a smile, so he stretched out his hand to touch the socket.

"I'm Feng Tianyu, hello, what can I do for you?"

Feng Tianyu's brisk voice immediately rang out from Feng Wuxin's Feng Zi No. [-].

"Master, this No. [-] Feng Zi is really amazing." Feng Wuxin said happily.

"Master, this No. [-] Fengzi is really amazing."

Feng Wuxin's voice of surprise came from Feng Tianyu's No. [-] Feng Zi immediately.

"This is the communicator I prepared for you, as long as you enter the password, you can talk to each other. The bookmark on the screen is the password book that saves the other party's password, and you can directly click to open the call." After speaking, Feng Tianyu demonstrated again .

"Let's just leave it at that. This is the detailed explanation I just drew. If you don't understand it, you can refer to it. If necessary, you can apply for Fengzi No. [-] in the future. Okay, you guys study it slowly, I'm leaving. "

Master, let me go back with you. "Feng Tianyu waved his hands and smiled: "No need, you can study slowly, the sky is already dawn, Fengying's matter has been resolved, and there is no problem with safety, don't worry! "

Feng Tianyu left the Angel Building and went directly to the carriage station. She was going to see her brothers and sisters. It was time to give them Feng Zi No. [-]. It would be convenient for the five brothers and sisters to contact each other in the future. After getting on the flying boat, they were busy. After a whole night of wind and rain, I entered my room and hurried to rest.

Half an hour later, Feng Tianqing appeared refreshed and refreshed on the top floor of the League of Kings. Today, Feng Tianqing happened to be presiding over the internal affairs of the League of Kings.

Seeing Feng Tianyu suddenly appearing in the League of Kings, he was overjoyed and said, "Your sister is really you, baby, I want to kill my sister!" The color of ecstasy.

"Hey, I miss my sister too, I miss her every day, my good sister, look at Yu'er, who misses her so much that her face is thinner." The smiling Feng Tianyu began to act coquettishly in her sister's arms.

The elder sister's arms were as warm as ever, and the fragrance was as soft as the fresh smell of the morning light, which made Feng Tianyu linger on her, and hung directly on her elder sister who was a little taller than her.

"Sister, I won't go back today, I will play with my sister today"

"Really? I just don't have to go back to the academy today, and I just happen to spend a day with my sister," Feng Tianqing said happily, her eyes brightened.

Feng Tianqing dotingly hugged her younger sister who was hanging on her body on the soft sofa beside her, and nestled in together with her younger sister.

"My sister showed you something good, you must have never seen it before." Feng Tianyu said proudly.

"Really" Feng Tianqing asked cooperatively.

"That is!"

"Feng Zi No. [-], the contactor, I invented it myself, isn't it good!" Feng Tianyu took out his Feng Zi Hao to show off.

"Crazy One? What stuff?"

"My good sister, it's Fengzi No. [-] communicator! It's not Madman No. [-]."

"Oh, the communicator, it sounds like a good thing. How can it be used?" Feng Tianqing became serious.

"Sister, you should first understand these password symbols, this is the key to using Fengzi No. [-]"

Feng Tianyu handed Feng Tianqing a piece of paper with ten numbers and ten Arabic numerals 1234567890 on it.

Feng Tianqing took the piece of paper, but saw a row of distorted worms on top of a row of numbers, and these symbols corresponded to a row of numbers. Hearing what his sister said, this is the key to Fengzi No. [-], so he read it carefully. Get up, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ninety, after a while, Feng Tianqing asked, "Sister, are these symbols the codes of number symbols?"

"Yes, my sister is really smart." Feng Tianyu smiled, her sister is always awesome.

"Okay, it's really amazing." After Feng Tianyu said yes twice, the two sisters began to teach me to learn.

Time, two hours passed quickly during Feng Tianqing's learning to use Fengzi No. [-], Feng Tianqing, who had mastered the Fengzi No. After the name was mentioned, a burst of pleasant light music sounded from Feng Tianyu's Feng Zi No. [-].

Feng Tianyu joyfully jumped onto the glazed tiles on the roof, and started a distance conversation with her sister. For a while, laughter and laughter resounded through the League of Kings.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting, it's really fun, baby sister, you really are my baby sister, awesome baby."


"Hehehe! Yu'er has always been the best, hahaha..."

"What's so happy about it?"

"Is Yu'er coming? Yu'er?"

When the three Feng Tianlei brothers entered the League of Kings, there was a long-lost laughter inside, and it turned out that it was their precious little sister who had come.

After Feng Tianxing asked, he went up to the top floor in a flash and shouted excitedly: "Yu'er, sister!"

"Fourth brother, I'm here!" Feng Tianyu's clear voice came from above his head, when Feng Tianxing raised his head, Feng Tianyu had already rushed into his arms.

"Brother, Yu'er misses you so much!"

"Sister, sister! Fourth brother misses you too!"

"Sister Yu'er!"

"Yu'er," when Feng Tianlei's tall figure appeared in the hall, he softly called out to his younger sister who was nestled in the arms of his fourth brother. He stepped in front of Feng Tianxing, and when he raised his hand, Feng Tianyu was just like when he was a child. Was thrown into the air by the elder brother.

"Hee hee...giggle...hehehe...hahaha...."

 Green Water in the Wind needs the strong support of book friends!There is sufficient motivation to perform extraordinary, and the newcomer author looks forward to everyone's support!The Green Water in the Wind sends hope to everyone, and I hope everyone will continue to support the Green Water in the Wind, and Lai Nv Xian looks forward to your support!Please recommend, please collect!Thanks again!


(End of this chapter)

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