Tears Fairy

Chapter 97 Wind Wings

Chapter 97 Wind Wings
On the top floor of the Wind Wing Auction House in Black Rock City in the northern region of Tianyuan Continent, Luo Chuan sat down on the high seat covered with the soft fur of the Flying Tiger in the meeting hall, looking condescendingly at the people sitting on both sides of the lower head.

"Master Yi, the Ye family really has something to do with the Hunter Alliance. Feng Mingzhu, the daughter of Fengfu, has become a pawn of the Ye family. This is the relevant information found by my subordinates." After Lord Yi sat down, Feng Meng stood up. After standing up and bowing respectfully to the wing master Luo Chuan on the high seat, he handed over a complete survey information.

Luo Chuan took the information and looked at it, nodded in satisfaction and said, "Very good, finally completed the first task assigned by the master, how is your progress?"

"Lord Yi, we are following up."

"Okay, everyone, work hard, don't let the master down!"

"Yes, Lord Wing!"

"Let's go! Hurry up."


Luo Chuan waved his hand to let everyone leave, leaned back on the large and soft chair and closed his eyes tiredly, this Tianyuan Continent has become the hunting ground of the Hunter Alliance, but it is a pity that the major families are still indulging in the expansion of self-power Medium, sad, deplorable!
"Nangong Mei?"

Suddenly a name appeared in Luo Chuan's mind, hehe, the successor of a family will definitely be...

Luo Chuan frowned, and the Luo family was already mired in the quagmire, hehe... I don't know what kind of expression the Patriarch will have when he finally understands.

"Zhang Yu, what did you find in Zhang's house?" Luo Chuan, who had his eyes closed, knew it as soon as Zhang Yu entered the auction house.

"Lord Yi, I am using the identity of a person who died in an accident in the Zhang family's experience. Those who enter the Zhang family are only humble disciples from the collateral line."

After Zhang Yu entered the meeting hall, he sat down in Luochuan and said leisurely.

"In this case, let your subordinates follow up first, and you first come back to assist Feng Meng, and completely tear Nangong Mei's face off."

Luo Chuan opened his closed eyes, looked at his fellow sufferer, and Zhang Yu, who was also his subordinate, said seriously.

"Ah Meng found out?"

"This is the detailed information. You should study it and cooperate with Feng Meng as soon as possible to direct a good show before the opening of the void secret realm so that all disciples who enter the secret realm can understand it."

Luo Chuan handed Zhang Yu the information that Feng Meng had given him, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.Good shows will continue to be staged, the master's overwhelming net is probably completely scattered, and their time has finally come.

Zhang Yu took the information from Luochuan and looked at it, put it aside and said in a deep voice: "The master will definitely enter the void secret realm, as long as we act fast enough, we can help the master, Hunter Alliance, we must let the They're completely out of shape."

"So I want you to follow Nangong Mei's clues. The Valley of Heaven's Punishment and Yixiantian are controlled by the Temple of Heaven's Punishment. Nangong Mei has had several contacts with Xing Wuming, the lord of the Hall of Heaven's Punishment. You should start here. Check it out.

As for the rise of the Flying Dragon Mercenary Group, I believe Xu Yunfei will not spoil the matter of the master. I have asked Wang Guoguang to form the Phoenix King Adventure Team to join Xu Yunfei's Flying Dragon Mercenary Alliance, as long as Guoguang keeps an eye on it. "

Luo Chuan told Zhang Yu all the information he had so far.Then lazily relaxed.

Zhang Yu, Wang Guoguang, and himself were all recruited by the master when he became the general of the Golden Armor Army. After they went to the Golden Armor Army camp, they followed General Feng and became General Feng's personal guards. , and was finally rescued by the general from the Land of Heaven's Punishment.

He is also a general of the third rank, after the order was withdrawn, the wise man seemed to see a bright light, and he just wanted to prove his small wish in his heart.

Until Xu Yunfei descended from the sky and appeared in the big tent of the Chinese army, he finally burst into tears with joy. The lifespan of a mortal is a fatal injury to a monk, and he waited for his current master to rescue his General Feng.

"I'll go find Feng Meng first."

Zhang Yu picked up the information and turned to leave. Time was pressing and they needed to run forward. They were the master's soldiers, and of course the general ordered them to fight, so they desperately wanted to expose the hunter alliance's conspiracy.

"Brother Xing, do you really want to win over the Feilong Mercenary Group?"

"Yes, although Xu Yunfei is an abandoned son of his elder brother Xu's family, his current strength has completely surpassed that of the aristocratic family. We only have to win him over and have his huge power support, and our actions will be much easier. Junior Sister Nangong This is our only chance, if we fail, we can only perish naturally in Tianyuan Continent."

In the Heaven's Punishment Valley and the Heaven's Punishment Hall, Xing Wuming's handsome and noble temperament deeply attracted Nangongmei's obsessed eyes.

"What should I do, Big Brother Xing?"

"Close to him!"

"Close to him? Do you want me to seduce him?"

Nangong Mei suddenly stood up, and looked at Xing Wuming, who was handsome, elegant and elegant like a fairy, in disbelief.

"This is the information of Feng Tianyu, the young master of the Fengfu. Nine years ago, when he was a six-year-old girl, he rescued Xu Yunfei. Until now, under the constant interference of our people, he has not found the one who saved him. little girl, and that's the only way we've created for you to get close to him.

Meier, our future is in the Yuanli Realm. Leaving the Tianyuan Continent is our cultivator's pursuit. If you lose this opportunity, the consequences, I believe, are not what you want. "

Nangong Meihua's face was pale, and a strong and firm belief surged on her beautiful face. The future of her and her senior brother is in the Yuanli Realm, not in the Tianyuan Continent.

She and Brother Xing must successfully pass the assessment of the headquarters during this hunting, and then they can be recommended by their master to enter the Yuanli Realm. This is their only chance.

There was finally a smile on Xing Wuming's handsome face. He was handsome and handsome in white clothes, and he was naturally noble, and he naturally exuded the powerful aura of a superior, comparable to a king.

Xing Wuming is not only the lord of the Heavenly Punishment Hall in the Valley of Heavenly Punishment, but also the young lord of the "Tianwuzong" in the central region. Xing Wuming is the 150th third-generation lord of the Heavenly Punishment Hall. His mission is to control the rise of monks in the Tianyuan Continent .

Xing Wuming has studied under the mighty Long Tian since he was a child, and rarely returns to the sect. The [-] disciples of the Tianwu Sect only know that there is a young suzerain, but no one has ever seen the young suzerain Xing Wuming. face.

Nangong Mei is a peerless genius in the direct line of the Nangong clan. She is the direct daughter of the patriarch Nangong Liuyun and the next successor of the patriarch. However, she was favored by Long Tian of the Tianyuan Continent during a training experience, and she became his dragon in the door wall. Heaven's named disciple.

During the three years when Nangong Mei went out to practice, it was the time when Long Tian taught and inherited skills. During the three years, the brothers and sisters also encouraged each other, and three years passed in mutual learning. However, time is the catalyst for the germination of emotions. A trace of affection.

"Meier, everything is for the future, Brother Wuming will never let you down." When Nangongmei showed her strong side, Xing Wuming stretched out his hands and gently hugged Nangongmei into his arms. Nangongmei's eyes were completely obsessed Lost in the gentle and magnetic voice of senior brother Qingyue. "

"Brother Xing,... Meier listens to you!"

"It's so beautiful..."

The two hugged each other, but the emotional Nangong Mei didn't see her big brother Xing, the wildness flashed in her eyes, those were wolf-like eyes, cruel and ruthless, in order to enter the Yuanli Realm, a woman must What?
"Master, the person you are looking for has already been found. Here are the details of the investigation."

At the headquarters of the Flying Dragon Mercenary League, a black-clothed monk handed Xu Yunfei, who was sitting in the meeting room, a copy of his investigation materials.

"Since it has been verified, we will withdraw the people we sent out and start to rectify and improve the Tianlong Information and Intelligence Department."

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Yunfei took the materials handed over by the monk in black and waved him to go down.After giving a salute, the black-clothed monk retreated quietly. He is the guardian of the master, and he is also the one who understands the master's heart best.

He knew the obsession in the master's heart. The person who had been inquiring for seven years finally found his whereabouts. The master must be extremely excited. What Xu Song had to do was to protect him. When he went out, Xu Song closed the door of the meeting room.

"finally found you!"

Xu Yunfei excitedly held the information tightly, but at the moment of excitement, a vivid figure flashed in his mind.

"Fengtian!" When he blurted out his name, his heart felt sore again, hehe, he finally had the heart to throw their father and son in the boundless forest.

After Xu Yunfei calmed down, he looked at the information in his hand and opened it with a smile. Feng Tian is the existence he looks up to, how can he be profane!

"Nangong Mei?" The name that appeared on the front page of the information surprised him, and he couldn't help exhaling in shock, that little girl could be her?Xu Yunfei's heart was shocked, and he couldn't help repeating in a low voice.

"Nangong Mei?"

(End of this chapter)

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