Tears Fairy

Chapter 14 Family Competition Finals

Chapter 14 Family Competition Finals ([-])
Feng Shihao's solid barrier has been completely relaxed because of the interaction with his grandson, and he has a feeling for family affection!The 20-year bottleneck that had been at the peak of the late Nascent Soul was finally loosened!The solid barrier finally cracked a crack!

After Feng Shihao was shocked, he was overjoyed and laughed out loud!He threw down the leftover fat chicken leg bones in his hand, and raised Feng Tianyu with both hands while laughing disregarding his image and said with a smile.

"Good granddaughter, grandpa's precious grandson! Grandfather thank you precious grandson for the spirit chicken legs! Sure enough, he ate the spirit chicken legs and he is in great shape!"


Xie Yunyan witnessed the changes in the interaction between grandparents and grandchildren, and an excited smile began to appear on her face. When she heard Feng Shihao's ecstatic laughter, she had already confirmed her visualization.

Xie Yunyan stepped out to Feng Shihao's side, took Feng Tianyu from Feng Shihao's hand and said with a gentle smile. "This is the end of today's family dinner! Lei'er, Qing'er is going to participate in the competition finals tomorrow, go back early and get ready!
Also tell everyone a good news!Your father, grandfather's bottleneck has been loosened, and he is about to retreat soon! "


The whole family was stunned by the shock, and then they were ecstatic, congratulating Feng Shihao one after another.

"Congratulations father!"

"Congratulations, grandfather!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

The family banquet ended in the ecstasy of everyone's eyes, Feng Tianyu quietly performed a cleansing technique on himself, with a cute smile on his face all the time!
Feng Shihao explained to Feng Mingchu about family affairs, family competitions and a series of major events, and after letting him preside over all matters, he hastily retreated!

Xie Yunyan presided over the family's internal affairs and assisted the eldest son in taking care of the family's common affairs!The rule that one must be called to set foot in the Fengyuan was cancelled, and Xie Yunyan even asked Feng Mingzhi to move back to the Fengyuan.

Feng Mingzhi promised to think about it carefully, because Tianlei and Tianqing are going to participate in the final of the family competition soon!Everything can only be postponed and discussed after the competition!
Feng Tianyu was taken all the way from the "Fengyuan" in the central district to the "Pine Xiayuan" in the north district of Fengfu by her doting brothers and sisters.

The family returned to Songxia Yard, and the five brothers and sisters immediately went back to their rooms to practice. Feng Mingzhi carefully put up barriers for the five children, so that they could practice with peace of mind!
Feng Tianyu went back to her room and ate too much spirit beast meat, the aura accumulated in her body a lot, and the aura swelled up.

Sit cross-legged, and after Dad carefully laid out the isolation formation, let go of the suppressed spiritual energy, and circulate the spiritual energy in the dantian according to the practice formula, one day, two days, and three days later.

The bulging aura blended with the gray mist covering the five-color aura mass. After three weeks, the gray mist surged, and the five-color aura began to rush towards the wall curtain on the first floor of Qi training.

The gray mist surged, and the five-color spiritual energy began to spin and blast towards the wall, once, twice, and three times later.


There was a light click on the barrier, and the five-color spiritual energy broke through the barrier and entered the second level of Qi training, and the rotating five-color spiritual energy began to flow into the four meridians and eight meridians, widening the veins of the whole body!Refining the body!
An hour later, Feng Tianyu felt refreshed all over his body, and he was stabilized in the early stage of the second level of Qi training.

The black filth in the body overflowed from the pores of the body, emitting a stench into Feng Tianyu's nasal cavity, Feng Tianyu said secretly: "It stinks!"

After performing five cleaning techniques on her body in a row, there was still a smell that made her uncomfortable!She stood up and scanned the two miles outside with her spiritual sense, and there was silence in the moonlit night.

Feng Tianyu pushed open the door, quickly walked through the inner courtyard, jumped into the large water vat next to the well in the outer courtyard, scrubbed vigorously, and then returned to the room to rest comfortably.

"It stinks!"

After Feng Tianyu finished his morning training, he mobilized the gray mist to hide the cultivation of the second level of Qi training, and the first level of Qi training was still exposed. Feng Tianlei was pouring a basin of stinky water into the ditch, and then scooped water into the tank again.

Feng Tianyu pretended not to know, and didn't want her brother to continue to use her bath water, so she coquettishly smiled and said: "Brother, the water in this water tank is smelly, I just went to Zhuangbo to fetch water and change it, but I couldn't find it. people.

It's great that you're here, I haven't washed my face yet! "

"Oh! Good! Big brother will fetch water for you to wash up immediately!"

With a doting smile, Feng Tianlei used a wooden barrel to bring up a bucket of well water again!
After the brother and sister washed up, they walked to the restaurant.As soon as I entered the restaurant, I heard my father confess to Zhuang Bo: "Zhuang Bo, the water in the water tank needs to be changed every other day. The water that Yu'er and I used in the water tank today stinks!"

"Yes, sir!"

Zhuang Bo blankly agreed.

Wind and rain mourned Zhuang Bo's innocence for a while, and entered the restaurant with his brother!
Soon, Feng Tianqing and Feng Tianxing came in with a plate of desserts and said, "This is the Ling Noodle Osmanthus Cake that Mother made early for us, after eating it, we will go to the square!"

After a moment of thought, the family hurriedly ate breakfast and went to the central square together.

The final venue of the family competition was held in the central square of Fengfu.

At this moment, the 36 great elders of the Zunyuan were surrounding the three ranking lists, arranged in fixed positions according to the 36-star Tiangang formation, and at the same time drove the formation flags in their hands into the ground.

Feng Mingchu is the next young patriarch appointed by Fengfu. Feng Mingchu presided over the final of the family competition today instead of his father Feng Shihao.

He stood solemnly in the center of the square, holding three red jade talismans, and seeing 36 array flags smashed into the ground, he suddenly flew to the sky above the three ranking lists, and three red lights shot from his hands to the three ranking lists. Lasing away from the red vortex.


Dengwen's drum rang, but the three ranking lists began to deform.

"Boom! Boom!"

The Dengwen drum rang twice, and the three ranking lists had become three seven-story towers.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The Dengwen drum rang three times, and the three towers lit up with the bright and ostentatious Golden Crow light. For a moment, Fengfu was reflected by the Golden Crow light into a sacred fairy mansion.

On the three towers, there are three bright streamers, three big characters that seem to fly through the towers, "Tianji Tower, Earth Tower, and Human Tower, respectively" are engraved on the gates of the three towers.

The three towers are solemn and majestic!
The 36 Great Elders of the Venerable Academy retired after their accomplishments. The ten deacons and elders climbed up to the high platform and sat on the high platform respectively. Feng Mingchu sat on the first seat on behalf of the Patriarch.

The deacon's disciple stepped forward and announced: "The disciples on the Tianji leaderboard, come forward and receive the pagoda jade card in front of the elder's platform."

The Tianji disciples lined up in ten rows and received the jade plaques in front of the elders' platform.After the Tianji disciple finished receiving it, the deacon disciple announced again.

"The disciples on the top of the earth ranking list, go forward and receive the pagoda jade card in front of the elder's platform."

The disciples on the top ranking list lined up in ten rows in front of the elder's platform to receive the jade card for entering the pagoda.

The disciple of the deacon announced for the third time: "The disciples of the Renji Rankings went forward to receive the pagoda jade card in front of the elder's platform."

Feng Tianlei went up to the Elder's Terrace in front of the second row of ten rows, Feng Tianqing followed behind the eldest brother, both brothers and sisters had a little excitement on their faces!

After the brother and sister received the pagoda jade token, they waved the jade token in their hands to Feng Zhizhi and others who were standing far away from the stage!
Feng Zhiming was both nervous and excited!He is honest and honest, with a nervous and excited expression on his face!He couldn't help clenching his fists, and the light of hope rose in his heart!

Liu Yun'er smiled warmly as always, and looked at the pair of Jiaoer as gently as water. She believed that they could make her proud!
Feng Tianyu's sunny face is a kind of wish and yearning, he looks forward to three years later, he can also stand on the high platform and wave the jade token in his hand like his brothers and sisters.

Feng Tianxing reached out and hugged his younger sister Feng Tianyu who was beside him, and waved to his older brothers and sisters together with his younger sister.

"Big Brother, Second Sister, come on!"

"come on!"

Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing looked at each other, stretched out their hands and clenched their fists together and said cheers together!
In front of the gates of the three towers, corresponding to the division of the towers, stood the disciples of the Tianjibang, the Earthbang, and the Renjibang respectively!
The law enforcement elder stood on the high platform and announced the rules for entering the tower to the participating disciples.

"For the disciples who participated in the finals, the competition will start from the first floor you enter. After you enter the pagoda, the disciples who pass the assessment will be transferred to the next floor. Every time you pass a floor, the pagoda will have a gift!
Inside the pagoda, there will be unknown dangers!When your lives are in danger, you will be sent out of the tower after crushing the jade token!

Now the young Patriarch is giving you a speech! "

Feng Mingchu stood in front of the stage, and everyone in the square fell silent.

"Heaven, earth, people, the pagoda of three talents is the foundation of our Feng clan, and there are great dangers and great opportunities in it!
After entering the tower, everything depends on your luck!Wish you guys good luck!Now I announce the start of the finals! "

The ten deacons and elders entered special formulas in the three towers respectively. The gates of the three towers were wide open, and inside the tower gates, only white mist surged. The disciples from the three directions began to enter the white mist. Moving pylon.

(End of this chapter)

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