Tears Fairy

Chapter 13 Family Dinner

Chapter 13 Family Dinner
Feng Shihao led the crowd to the restaurant to wait for Feng Mingxuan, Feng Mingchu led his wife Lu Ying and housekeeper Feng Qingsong to welcome them.

"I met my father and my mother!" Feng Mingchu and his wife greeted their parents, and then they said to Feng Shishu and his wife, "I met my third uncle and my third aunt!"

After the ceremony, the couple led their parents to sit on the first seat.The housekeeper led Feng Shishu and others to sit on both sides.After everyone is seated.

Feng Zhizhi asked the five children to greet their uncles and aunts.

The five Feng Tianlei brothers and sisters bowed respectfully to Feng Mingchu and his wife and said, "Nephew, niece, I have met uncle and aunt!"

"Good boy!"

Feng Mingchu gave each of them a high-grade spirit stone with a smile, and Lu Ying gave each of them a bottle of Qi-invigorating Pill, which is suitable for use during the Qi training period.

A quarter of an hour later, Feng Mingxuan came to the dining room and bowed to his parents first, and explained: "I have seen my father, mother! Yu'er, I am still retreating! I came alone!"

"Okay, there is no need for retreat! Sit down!" Feng Shihao said.

"Thank you dad, thank you mom!"

Feng Mingxuan breathed a sigh of relief and just sat down.

"Nephew, niece, I met my second uncle!"

The five brothers and sisters got up and saluted Feng Mingxuan.

"Get up!"

Feng Mingxuan looked at the nephews and nieces lined up in a row and was very happy, then looked at Feng Mingzhi and his wife and smiled, "Brother Zhi is very lucky! Brother and sister have worked hard!"


Feng Zhiming scratched his head and laughed, feeling very happy in his heart.His five sons and daughters are his pride!

"Sister-in-law doesn't feel hard work! With five of them, we are very happy!" Liu Yun'er replied with a happy smile.

Feng Mingxuan looked at the five nephews and daughters, took out five storage kits from the storage ring and said, "Second Uncle doesn't have any treasures for you, so I will give you 100 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones each! You can buy whatever you want. Buy it yourself!"

"Thank you, Second Uncle!" The five brothers and sisters were overjoyed and thanked in unison.

Feng Tianyu feels that today's innocence is so blue!Touching the storage bag, the brows and eyes were curved, and my heart was bubbling with joy.It's all money!

Feng Shihao was also pleased to see everyone's joyful expressions, and the serious expressions had eased a lot.

"Let's pass the meal on the green pine!" Feng Shihao ordered the housekeeper.

"Yes!" The butler responded and went out to deliver the meal.

"Today is a family banquet. One is to celebrate your mother, (grandmother) successfully broke through the Nascent Soul peak and entered the Nascent Soul Dzogchen. Two..."

"Congratulations mother! Congratulations grandma!"

Feng Mingchu and others were overjoyed, they got up and congratulated their mother and grandmother.

"Congratulations to sister-in-law for advancing to Nascent Soul Dzogchen!"

Feng Shishu and Jiangxi Yan also stood up happily.Congratulations to the sister-in-law together.

Xie Yunyan also said happily, "Thank you!"

After Feng Shihao was interrupted by everyone, he waited for everyone to congratulate his wife, and then continued: "The second is to celebrate, Mingxuan, Tianlei, Tianqing, achieved brilliant results in the preliminary round!
Three To celebrate the upcoming finals, the three uncles and nephews can create another glory!Revitalize Wanchen's lineage, revitalize Fengjia! "

"Good! Well said!"

Feng Shishu applauded!
Feng Shihao glanced at the excited Feng Shishu, and also looked forward to the three uncles and nephews getting excellent results in the final!There was a trace of warmth on his face as the smile spread, and the serious expression gradually disappeared.

Seeing that the food and wine were set up, Feng Shihao said to everyone gently: "You are welcome at the family banquet, everyone enjoy your meal! Eat well and drink well!"

Feng Tianyu happily looked at the table full of delicacies from mountains and seas, all kinds of spiritual vegetables, spiritual poultry meat, pastries and spiritual rice made of various spiritual rice noodles.
Feng Tianqing looked at Feng Tianyu's eyebrows and looked at the various dishes on the stage with joy, and put a piece of spiritual poultry meat into her bowl with a smile on her eyebrows, and teased with a doting smile: "Baby sister, Eat a piece of spirit bird meat, eat spirit bird meat, and practice like a bird breaking through the clouds, advancing by leaps and bounds!"

Feng Tianyu's eyebrows crookedly took the spirit bird meat carried by her sister and cooperated with full of joy: "Yu'er thinks the same as sister, if I eat the spirit bird meat carried by sister, my cultivation base will definitely be like a bird Ordinary, soaring into the sky and directly ascending to the fairy world!"

After Feng Tianyu finished speaking, he took a piece of spirit carp meat for his sister, and briskly smiled at his staring sister: "My sister is going to participate in the finals of the competition tomorrow. If you eat a piece of spirit carp meat, you will be able to jump the dragon gate with a carp in the final. Towards fame, the world will know!"

"Sister, baby! My sister wants to become famous all over the world, thank you, baby Yu'er!"

Feng Tianqing had just ascended to the Immortal World from her younger sister's soaring into the sky, and when she came back to her senses, she heard her sister say that eating spirit carp meat would make her famous all over the world!For a moment, he smiled like a flower and smiled happily at his baby sister.

Feng Zhiming listened to the intimate and joyful words of the two sisters with delight, and Liu Yun'er's smiling eyes were full of happiness!
The three Feng Tianlei brothers, it's not surprising that the two sisters will stage a similar scene every day!They never get tired of it, and they also enjoy this intimate and joyful scene very much!
Although Feng Zhizhi's family of seven dined with everyone in the hall, in addition to respecting each other's elders during the meal, the family of seven was harmonious and comfortable surrounded by a special atmosphere, peaceful and warm!Full of joy!
At the dining table, the monk's keen perception made the elders at the head lose their minds without knowing it.

Feng Mingchu and his wife met each other's eyes, expecting and yearning!

"I've decided! I want to have one, two, three, four, five children!"

Feng Mingxuan got up suddenly and left his seat and announced heavily.

Feng Shihao and Feng Shishu were still in a daze, Feng Mingxuan's sudden words awakened the four of them, and they couldn't help looking at Feng Mingxuan.

Feng Mingzhi's family also suddenly looked at Feng Mingxuan.

"Father, mother, I, I, I'm done eating! I'm going to participate in the finals tomorrow, so I'll go back and prepare first!"

Feng Mingxuan, who came back to his senses, was embarrassed, saw everyone looking at him, and ran out of the hall after he finished speaking!

Feng Tianqing lowered her head and blinked at her sister, the corners of Feng Tianyu's mouth raised slightly, as if she had gnawed out a chicken wing!
Feng Shihao looked at the second son who seemed to be running away, his warm and gentle face froze, Xie Yunyan's eyes flashed, and he looked at Feng Shihao and chuckled.

"Hehehe! The second boy is shy! No matter what, he will have children, one, two, three, four, five children!"

Feng Shihao recalled the previous loss of consciousness!He couldn't help but look at the five grandchildren with the bold words of the second child, his eyes softened!Isn't this his one, two, three, four, five grandchildren?
A ray of doting eyes passed over the five grandchildren one by one, seeing the youngest granddaughter still competing with the chicken wings, very happy!The doting look became more and more obvious.

Following Feng Shihao's gaze, Xie Yunyan saw the cheerful appearance of the little granddaughter!I also remembered the joyful interaction between the two sisters just now!
Xie Yunyan had a smile in his eyes and the corners of his mouth. The five grandchildren are all her treasures!After that, no one can be bullied again.

Feng Shihao tried his best to smile, he seldom smiles in front of juniors, his smile is a bit stiff, but there is more love when he smiles than when he is serious!

Feng Tianqing lowered her head slightly, but caught her grandfather's pampering leaking out of her stiff smile.

Feng Tianqing glanced at the baby sister who was eating happily, but saw the younger sister grabbed a chicken leg with a smile, and smiled at her!
"Grandfather, do you want to eat chicken legs? Yu'er invites you to eat chicken legs. After eating chicken legs, you will feel great!"

Feng Tianyu's chicken leg suddenly raised two feet higher in front of Feng Tianqing's eyes, and he was cute to his grandfather at this moment!Delicate and smart charm is natural.

Feng Tianqing's eyes flashed with light!

"Good! Good! Be good, grandson!"

Feng Shihao was looking at his little granddaughter with a smile on his face, but he saw a fat chicken leg raised up by his little grandson, let him eat the chicken leg and his body looks great!

Feng Shihao's joyful face and self-satisfied smile are very natural, how is your grandson!

Feng Shishu was a bit out of sorts, when did the elder brother have such a kind side.In other words, isn't this a portrayal of myself in front of my grandson?

"Let's go, let's go home and tease Gao Er!"

"Let's go! Let's go!" Feng Shihao waved his hand indifferently.He raised his feet to Feng Tianyu, reached out to take the fat chicken leg, took a bite out of the image and said, "That's right, as expected, my granddaughter's filial piety has melted sweetly into the delicious spirit chicken leg, it's a special feeling in my heart!"

Feng Shishu pulled Jiang Xiyan up from the dining chair and confessed to Xie Yunyan: "Sister-in-law, let's eat and drink! Let's go back to tease Gaoer too!"

Feng Shishu said that his eyes are hot, and he wants to go back to tease his grandson!Jiangxi Yan smiled helplessly at Yunyan, and they knew each other tacitly!

Facing the natural charm of his little granddaughter Feng Tianyu, Feng Shihao completely relaxed and enjoyed the strange feeling to his heart's content!It turns out that family love can be shared like this!
Surrounded by the auspicious charm of the two, Feng Shihao had a momentary sense of family affection!Family affection is the foundation of human nature, how can a cultivator forget his roots!
There is a crack in the barrier that straddles the peak of the late Nascent Soul!
(End of this chapter)

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