Tears Fairy

Chapter 12

Chapter 12
Under Liu Yun'er's caress, Feng Zhiming managed to calm down his excitement.Feng Mingchu looked at the loyal fifth younger brother, and understood his admiration for his parents, after Feng Mingchu said goodbye.

Feng Zhizhi is both excited and excited!The spirit is flying in the action!
The next day, Feng Zhizhi led his wife and children to the main courtyard "Feng Yuan" early. Feng Mingchu led the housekeeper and disciples of the Feng Yuan to wait at the gate of the courtyard early.

Seeing Feng Mingzhi's family of seven walking towards Fengyuan through the Hundred Gardens, Feng Mingchu smiled affectionately and said, "Fifth brother, fifth brother and sister, you are here! Three uncles and three aunts are in the "Qingfeng Hall" in the front yard. Accompany parents, and lead the children in! Parents and uncles and aunts were thinking about you just now!"

"Okay! Brother is waiting for someone!"

"Yes, Mingzhu was notified yesterday, and I'm here to welcome you!"

"Then let's go first!"

"go in!"

"Fifth Master, please!" A deacon disciple led Feng Zhiming to Qingfeng Hall.

Because of special reasons, Feng Mingzhi's family had to wait for Feng Shihao and his wife to summon him before they could enter the Fengyuan.

Because of his poor aptitude, Feng Zhizhi was treated coldly. His parents haven't summoned him for almost four years. Feng Zhizhi didn't know that his mother had retreated for five years, and he hadn't set foot in Fengyuan to see his parents for almost four years.

Walking in the corridor of the lotus pond in Fengyuan again after four years, I have mixed feelings. If the sons and daughters hadn't strived for success, maybe he would have slowly disappeared into the world of his parents!
Liu Yun'er walked into the Fengyuan, watching the flowers blooming in the courtyard, the small bridge and flowing water, surrounding the rockery with emerald greens, and the wonders of the lotus pond.

When I first set foot on the corridor of the lotus pond.

"Are you the Liu Yun'er who made Xiaozhi fall for himself?"

"Third sister, this is my Taoist companion, my wise wife! Please don't insult Yun'er and show some kindness!"

Feng Mingzhi looked at his embarrassed and humiliated wife, and begged the third sister to show them some kindness, after all, he and Liu Yun'er had already become Taoist couples.

"Human face? Since you rejected the marriage of Huangfu's family, you have lost these two words!"

The third sister, Feng Mingzhu, sneered and continued: "Father and mother don't want to see you, you go away!

Seeing your worthless appearance makes me want to vomit, how could I have such a worthless younger brother like you?
Not to mention lacking in talent and aptitude, but willing to fall into a shabby household without repentance, I don't have a brother like you!And you broom star! "

"Mingzhu, let your brother come in!"

Feng Mingzhu, who was pointing at Liu Yun'er and scolding vigorously, looked at Feng Mingzhi and his wife, who were standing in the corridor tremblingly, their faces full of despair!
Feng Mingzhu, who was enjoying herself, heard her mother's voice coming from Qingfengtang!Surprised in his heart, he stared at Liu Yun'er bitterly, then turned and walked towards Qingfengtang.

In Qingfeng Hall, Feng Shihao and his wife sat at the main seats, Feng Mingzhu stood behind Xie Yunyan and looked at her mockingly.

Liu Yun'er's first impression of Feng Zhizhi's parents was majesty and femininity!Feng Shihao, who looks cool and majestic in his 30s, and Xie Yunyan, who is elegant and feminine in his 20s,

Feng Mingzhi took Liu Yun'er and knelt down in the hall and saluted respectfully: "Son, daughter-in-law, please meet your father and mother!"

After Qingfeng Hall was quiet for a while, Feng Zhiming felt uneasy and never turned back!Quietly knelt on the ground and waited for the punishment to be pronounced!

Feng Shihao's majestic voice reached his ears.

"Smart, you refused the marriage without the consent of the family, now it's done, and your mother and I will not break up your marriage!
But the consequences of this matter are serious, you moved out of the central area of ​​WindClan to appease the family's complaints!Move to Beiyu Songxiayuan!

From now on, there will be no summons from me and your mother!Don't set foot in the wind courtyard! "

"Father, mother, Hai'er and Yun'er thank you for your success!" Feng Zhiming and Liu Yun'er bowed down.

"Zhier, live a good life, mother hopes that you are safe and sound! I also wish you well!"

Xie Yunyan looked at the dull and stubborn Yaoer and blessed him gently.She smiled again and said to Liu Yun'er: "Your third elder sister has nothing to say, so don't take it to heart, I'll leave Zhi'er to you! You have to live a good life!"

"Thank you mother! Don't worry! I will take good care of him!"

It has been 20 years, and today I set foot on the corridor of the lotus pond again, but today there is no Feng Mingzhu who hurt people, but there are five more children.Liu Yun'er smiled softly, very proudly!
Passing through the corridor, the three characters 'Qingfengtang' came into everyone's eyes. Unlike their parents' various moods, the five brothers and sisters were full of curiosity about Fengyuan!This is where the owner's grandfather lived?In their hearts, grandpa is tall.

At the gate of Qingfeng Hall, the deacon went in to report, and after a while he came out and stretched out his hand to Feng Mingzhi and others, asking: "Fifth Master, the Patriarch invites you in!"

Feng Mingming and Liu Yun'er nodded his thanks, and led the five Feng Tianlei brothers and sisters into the Qingfeng Hall.The four pairs of eyes in the hall immediately turned to Feng Zhizhi's family.

"Son, daughter-in-law, meet your father and mother!" Feng Mingzhi and Liu Yun'er knelt down and saluted respectfully.

"Get up!" Feng Shihao looked at his son who had already established his foundation, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you dad!"

Feng Mingming and his wife stood up and bowed to Feng Shishu Jiangxi Yan and his wife beside him, saying: "Nephew, nephew-in-law, pay respects to third uncle and third aunt." "Get up!" Feng Shishu and his wife helped Feng Zhiming and his wife to salute.

Feng Zhizhi looked at the five children, and Liu Yun'er called softly: "Children, this is your grandfather and grandmother! Come up and pay your respects!"

"Grandson Tianlei, Tianqing, Tianyu, Tianxing, Tianyu, meet grandparents!"

The five brothers and sisters knelt down and kowtowed to their grandparents.

"Okay, okay, okay! Get up quickly!"

Feng Shihao was overjoyed seeing the five brothers and sisters looking beautiful, and said three nice words in succession.

Feng Shihao took out the five jade pendants in a great mood and said with a smile: "This is a gift from your grandfather.

Five Nascent Souls are sealed on the jade pendant to attack in the late stage. After the sacrifice, inject the jade pendant with spiritual consciousness and it will launch an attack! "Waving his hand, the jade pendant floated in front of the five people.

"Thank you grandfather!"

The five brothers and sisters happily accepted the jade pendant given by their grandfather and thanked them in unison.

"Tianlei, Tianqing, Tianyu, Tianxing, Tianyu, my uncle and my uncle!" the five brothers and sisters greeted Feng Shishu, his wife, and his wife.

Looking at the five grandchildren, Xie Yunyan was filled with emotion. The eldest has been cultivating the Grand Ceremony for more than 20 years and still has no children.

The second child and the seventh young lady from the Huangfu family have been married as a double monk for five years, and there must be no movement.

The fourth child has been traveling abroad for 20 years without any news.

Zhi'er, Zhi'er's five sons and daughters are the treasures of this line!They all ignored it and made mistakes that shouldn't be made!There was even an accident!Fortunately, God bless!
Xie Yunyan took out five seventh-rank spiritual swords from the storage ring and gave them to his five grandchildren, "Grandmother will give each of you a seventh-rank flying sword! You can use it up to the middle stage of alchemy!"

"Thank you grandma!"

The five brothers and sisters were overjoyed, and hurriedly took over the flying sword that floated.

Feng Shishu and his wife looked at the eldest brother and sister-in-law who gave the treasure, and looked at the five nephews, then smiled and said: "You can't be stingy even if you are your uncles and grandparents!

Uncle will give each of you three fifth-grade spiritual talismans and ten thousand sword talismans, which can seriously injure monks in the early stage of alchemy! "Speaking, each person gave three talismans.

"Grandmother, I'll give each of you a bottle of master's seventh-grade nourishing elixir!" Jiangxi Yan said, taking out five bottles of elixir and handing them to five people. "Thank you, great-uncle! Thank you, great-uncle!"

The five siblings thanked their uncles and grandmothers with beaming smiles!
Feng Shishu looked at Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing and nodded, "Yes, Lei'er is at the beginning of the tenth level of Qi training, and Qing'er is 15 years old and at the beginning of the eighth level of Qi training, not bad, not bad!" His eyes were full of joy and relief.

Feng Shihao also nodded with a smile and said with a gratified smile: "Wanchen's lineage is branched again from the Yuanzi generation. There are only 55 people in the Tianzi generation of Yuanwu's direct line, and the Tianzi generation of the father's knee has only the second eldest son Minghan's son Tian Xin, the second son of the third brother, Mingpeng's two sons, Tianfang, Tiangao, and Tianlei five siblings!"

"Hey!" Feng Shihao sighed and said, "Those three sons of mine have not had a drop of blood since now! I am so anxious!"

"The direct lineage is bigger than the single book, it's not a family blessing!" Feng Shishu said worriedly with the same feeling.

"Fortunately, Zhizhi gave me a surprise!" Feng Shihao smiled after calming down.

Looking at Xie Yunyan who was sitting on a chair and gossiping with the five siblings, Feng Shihao had an imperceptible pampering hidden in his eyes!When looking at Feng Zhizhi, his expression softened a little.

"The owner's lunch is ready, when will the meal be delivered?" A middle-aged steward came to ask for instructions.

"Isn't Mingxuan here yet? Tell someone to pass it on. If Mingzhu doesn't come, there's no need to wait!" Feng Shihao ordered the steward.

"Yes, master!"

"Third brother, let's go! Let's lead the children to the restaurant first!"

"Children, let's go to the restaurant with grandpa!"

(End of this chapter)

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