Tears Fairy

Chapter 11 The Preliminary Competition of the Family Contest Ends

Chapter 11 The Preliminary Competition of the Family Contest Ends
"Feng Tianlei...!" Feng Shihao whispered, his eyes lit up instantly, this is his grandson!Looking at his wife Xie Yunyan with excitement and relief in his eyes, he loosened his clenched fist and held his wife Xie Yunyan's hand instead.

"Yan'er, you are wise!"

Xie Yunyan nodded and looked at the excited Feng Shihao with a smile on his face.Her dull son gave them a big surprise!While the two were looking at each other, another exclamation from the elder came.

"It's sunny!"

"What speed is this?"

"It's sunny?"

"Feng Tianqing is not an elite disciple!"

Feng Shihao, Xie Yunyan was shocked suddenly, what's going on!Suddenly, he looked back at the screen.

On the People's List, Feng Tianqing went from No.20 to No.20, and then from No.19 to No.5, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen, fifteen, 2th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th... No. [-], and finally ranked No. [-] in the top list with [-] points.

"Qing girl!" Xie Yunyan murmured softly, a beautiful ten-year-old girl appeared vividly in his memory, is it you, Qing girl?

Feng Shihao suddenly remembered, isn't Feng Tianqing also Wuer Zhizhi's daughter?

"Good, good, good!"

Feng Shihao called three good words in excitement, causing all the elders to look sideways, the elder Feng Shishu is Feng Shihao's brother, he stared at Feng Shihao dissatisfied and said: "Brother, Xuan'er has fallen to the ground. Second time!"

"Second is also an elite!"

Feng Shihao was in a good mood, swept away the previous gloom, and continued: "Tianlei and Tianqing are Wu'er's sensible couple!"

"What, really?"

Feng Shishu was startled and asked uncertainly.

"O wise sons and daughters!"

"Congratulations, Patriarch!"

"Congratulations, Patriarch!"

"Congratulations madam!"

Envious of all the elders, they congratulated Feng Shihao and his wife one after another, Feng Shishu looked at the elders who congratulated his eldest brother, and suddenly laughed.

"The glory of the family, the results of the disciples in the Qi training period are on par with the last two Tianji rankings!"

Feng Shishu laughed happily and continued: "Feng Mingchen" ranked first with 590 points, Feng Mingchong ranked second with 950 points, and Feng Tianjie ranked third with [-] points.

This is also the points of the last two Tianji rankings.The elites of my Feng family come out in large numbers, and each generation is more powerful than the previous generation, and there are successors to the Feng family! "

The elders were also full of interest, looking at the screen as if they saw a brilliant future.




Suddenly, three drumbeats from the Drum Tower resounded throughout Black Rock City, the rankings on the screen stopped changing, and there was a wave of fluctuations in the square. In the center of the square, more than five thousand disciples suddenly appeared in the three fields of Tianji, Diji, and Renji.There are disciples who practice sitting cross-legged, disciples who are standing, and disciples who are in a fighting posture.There are injured and distraught disciples.




The 39 disciples, who were sitting cross-legged, burst into laughter after finishing their practice.Among them were 13 people including Feng Tianlei.

"Big brother!"

"elder sister!"

With a cheer, Feng Tianyu suddenly rushed towards Feng Tianlei who stood up in front of him, Feng Tianlei caught the little man who rushed up while laughing loudly, and threw it up.

"Hahaha... giggle..."

Feng Tianqing stepped forward and hugged cheerful Feng Tianyu from her brother's arms and said with a smile: "Baby sister, sister is back!"

"Hee hee..., Yu'er loves her sister the most!"

Feng Tianyu smiled and hugged her sister's neck tightly and said with a smile.

"Big brother!"

"Second sister!"

After Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing called his eldest brother and second sister, he stepped forward excitedly, holding Feng Tianlei's hand from left to right, and walked towards Feng Mingming and Liu Yun'er.

"Father, mother! Lei'er (Qing'er) is back!"

Feng Tianlei, Feng Tianqing, looked at the joyful and excited parents and shouted in unison.

"Just come back, just come back!" Feng Zhizhi patted his son on the shoulder.

Feng Tianqing was pulled to the side by Liu Yun'er to examine it carefully before she felt relieved.Looking at the returning siblings with a warm smile.

"The participating disciples hand in their crystal nuclei here,"

On the square, the ten elders sat in front of the temporary tables and chairs on the high platform, and a deacon brother summoned his spiritual power in front of the platform to inform the disciples who had returned from the competition to hand in their crystal cores.

"Go!" Feng Zhizhi heard the call of the deacon disciples, looked at the ten elders on the high platform and urged Feng Tianlei brothers and sisters.

"Let's go, let's go home! Let's go home and celebrate!" Feng Tianlei brothers and sisters handed over the crystal nucleus and registered, Feng Zhizhi excitedly greeted his children to go home.

There are circles in the square, groups of family members who support the return, and they gather together and interact with each other with joy. In the same scene, hundreds of thousands of people in the square are full of true feelings.

Fengfu, Fengyuan, Fengmingxuan returned to the inner courtyard with his older brother Feng Mingchu who greeted him. Feng Shihao and Xie Yunyan sat side by side on the main seat in Yunyan Pavilion and talked about the results of today's preliminary competition.

After Feng Mingchu and Feng Mingxuan came in, they saluted their parents and said, "My child has met my parents!"

Feng Shihao's majestic expression quickly softened when he met Xie Yunyan's angry eyes, "Sit down!"


After the two sat down, Xie Yunyan asked Feng Mingxuan gently, "Xuan'er, was there any injury in the secret realm?"

"Thank you mother for your concern! The child was never injured!" Feng Mingxuan glanced at his father, "It's just that the child misses the mother, mother, you have been in seclusion for five years, and the child misses the mother so much!"

Xie Yunyan looked at his son with a funny look and said with a smile: "How old are you, you are the only one with sweet lips!"

Feng Mingxuan chuckled and said: "No matter how old the child is, he is mother's son!"

"Cough cough!"

Feng Shihao coughed twice, Feng Mingchu looked at the second brother, the second brother among the five siblings was able to make mother happy, and father showed a little more tolerance and love to the second brother.

Xie Yunyan gave the eldest brother a warm look, then looked at the second son, and said to Feng Shihao: "Xuan'er is back, and I have also left the customs. Take the opportunity of taking a day off from the preliminary round to let the children come back, for Xuan'er's sake." Celebrate with the two grandchildren!"

"Well! I haven't seen Zhi'er for three years! Mingchu, you can make arrangements!"

"Yes, Daddy!"

Feng Mingchu stood up and said goodbye, "Father, mother, son, let's go get ready!"

Xie Yunyan nodded and smiled, "Go!"

"Xuan'er, you just came back, so you should go back to rest earlier, and you will participate in the finals the day after tomorrow!"

Feng Shihao glanced at his wife and said to Feng Mingxuan gently.Feng Mingxuan glanced at his mother.Xie Yunyan said with a smile: "Go!"

"Retire, baby!" Feng Mingxuan bowed to his parents and left Yunyan Pavilion.

Feng Shihao and his wife watched their son leave, Xie Yunyan smiled.

"I didn't expect that Zhi'er's qualifications are mediocre, but a pair of sons and daughters are so outstanding. We have ignored him these years, so that we don't know that the outstanding grandson is around. I heard that Zhi'er has had a hard time these years!"

Feng Shihao was silent for a while, and said with a wry smile: "Zhi'er is honest and honest, not good at speaking! Every time I see him, I just chat for a few words, and there are many things in the clan, so I become more and more alienated!"

In the Songxia courtyard, Feng Zhiming, father and son, on the stone platform in the inner courtyard, sighed repeatedly around all the experiences of Feng Tianlei in the secret realm.

Feng Tianqing followed her mother to busy lunch in the kitchen, Feng Tianyu looked at a piece of spirit snake meat, almost drooling, modern snake meat is delicious, this spirit snake meat must be very delicious too!

Seeing this, Feng Tianqing secretly laughed, the little baby sister is so funny.

The lunch was prepared by Liu Yun'er and his wife, mainly spirit beast meat.

When the family was preparing lunch in the restaurant, Feng Mingchu came. Looking at the happy family, Feng Mingchu suddenly began to envy the fifth brother!
"Brother is here, sit down quickly, today's main course is the spirit beast meat brought back by Qing'er! Brother must try it!"

Feng Mingchu looked at the dull fifth younger brother who was rubbing his hands excitedly, and heard his younger brother and sister warmly greet him to have dinner together.Feng Mingchu sat down at noon, the servant Zhuang He hurriedly added the bowls and chopsticks and then stepped back.

"Fifth brother, fifth brother and sister, congratulations!" Feng Mingchu respected the two who raised their wine glasses.

"Tianlei respect uncle!" Feng Tianlei stood up and toasted Feng Mingchu.Tianqing, Tianyu, Tianxing, and Tianyu also stood up and toasted Fengmingchu: "Tianqing, Tianyu, Tianxing, Tianyu, to Uncle!" Feng Tianyu stood on a chair and made a toast to Fengmingchu.

Feng Mingchu looked at the little man's agile eyes
Shining brightly, he took out a jade pendant in his heart and hung it around Feng Tianyu's neck, saying: "This is a self-defense jade pendant, which can withstand three attacks from monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul. It is a gift from your uncle."

"Thank you uncle!"

Feng Tianyu looked at Yingbai Yupei and thanked Feng Mingchu with crooked eyebrows.

"Thank you bro!"

"Elder brother, hurry up and eat vegetables." Liu Yun'er thanked her eldest brother for the gift, which is a life-saving treasure.

"Fifth brother, I am here by the order of my parents to invite you to go home tomorrow, to celebrate the victory of Mingxuan, Tianlei, and Tianqing in the preliminary round, and go home early tomorrow!" Feng Mingchu looked at the five nephews and daughters after eating. , smiled gratifiedly.


Feng Zhizhi was overjoyed and said hello again and again!Liu Yun'er gently held Feng Zhizhi's hand, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

 Seek collection, seek support!

(End of this chapter)

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