Tears Fairy

Chapter 10 Family Contest Preliminary

Chapter 10 Family Contest Preliminary Competition ([-])
After Feng Tianlei and the others hunted down the squirrels, they hurried towards the place where the rumble shook the sky. Everyone held back their energy and wanted to make a final charge, and strive for a score of more than [-] points. It's not worth the trip to upgrade to the best point jade card.

In the central square of Fengfu, the ranks of the heaven, earth and people's points ranking list are constantly changing.

On the Tianji list, Feng Mingxuan ranked first with 350 points, Feng Tianlong ranked second with [-] points, Feng Mingqiang followed Feng Tianlong with [-] points.

The square was crowded with people, and many clansmen stood on the square watching the rankings displayed on the three screens.

"elder brother!"

Watching Feng Tianlei rise from No.7 to No.6, Feng Tianyu couldn't help cheering.


Seeing that Feng Tianlei had risen to No.6 again, Feng Zhiming and Liu Yun'er called Lei'er at the same time excitedly.

Excited, Feng Tianyu pulled Feng Tianyu's hand and shook it.

"Look, big brother has been promoted to No.5!"

"Up to No.4!"

"Up to No.3!"

Feng Tianlei climbed to No.3 with 2 points, only 950 points less than No.[-] Feng Tianhun, and Feng Tianwu ranked first with [-] points.

The cries of Feng Tianyu, brother and sister, and the excitement of Feng Zhizhi and his wife made the clansmen in the square look sideways.

"Feng Tianlei!"

"Look, Feng Tianlei!"

"I rushed to No.3 so quickly!"

The clansmen in the square looked at Renjibang following the gazes of Feng Zhizhi and others.When I saw Feng Tianhun, who jumped from No.7 to No.3, and followed No.2 in points, I couldn't help feeling restless!
The clansmen are not calm anymore, this Feng Tianlei is not very famous, even very strange!When did a dark horse break out?The clansmen looked at Feng Zhizhi enviously, Feng Tianlei was his son!
Feng Tianyu took his brother's hand and raised his eyebrows, looking at Feng Tianqing, who was ranked fifth in 290, huh?what's the situation!
Feng Tianyu looked up at the top five in 290, and his heart skipped a beat!
"Dad, mother, brother, look at the second sister who has risen to 120th, 110th, 98th, 95th, 79th, 67th, 55th, 39th, 21th, [-]st named,"

Feng Zhizhi and the other four heard the sound of Feng Tianyu!At the same time, chasing Feng Tianyu's delicate and clear counting sound, from 120th to 21st, when he stopped, his heart jumped and exclaimed at the same time.

"Three thousand 750 five points!"


"how is this possible?"

"Who can tell me! Where did this wind and sky come from!"

"Would this be a great mystery at a speed like sitting on a magic weapon!"

When the clansman watched on the screen that Feng Tianqing rose to 21 before stopping, they were all stunned in amazement!This is the rhythm of encountering a group of spirit beasts!

When Feng Tianyu broke into the 21st place in the ranking list, she had already killed the snake group that came from the third wave of attack,
Before the fourth wave of attack, Feng Tianqing quickly swallowed a third-grade tonic pill, and the aura recovered to [-]% in a short while.

Looking at her blue cassock, Feng Tianqing looked soft, the cassock for her sister was really powerful, it was not at the same level as the top-quality cassock she bought in Tianwang Pavilion before.

This vestment has reached the resistance power of a spiritual weapon, which is unmatched by other top-grade vestments.

The medium-grade windwalking boots have also reached the highest-grade instant melting, and I don't know how my sister found such a treasure.

Feng Tianqing has fought with groups of beasts many times, relying on the power of her windwalking boots and blue cassock, she was able to calmly achieve brilliant results in group battles.

Feng Tianqing watched the fourth wave of spiritual attack arrive, Feng Tianqing was very confident in her equipment, she let go of her hands and feet, and fought wantonly with majestic momentum.

When Feng Tianlei and others arrived, what they saw was a blue figure that was as fast as lightning among the huge second-tier and third-tier spirit snakes, and his sword was as powerful as a dragon, wantonly harvesting huge spirit snakes.

Feng Tianlei was shocked, and a dozen disciples were shocked!This scene is violent, this is completely the rhythm of giving points!These spirit beasts are rushing to deliver crystal nuclei!

There were more than a thousand second- and third-tier spirit snakes on the grassland. When Feng Tianlei and others were shocked, a wave of spirit snakes began to attack them. Feng Tianlei saw that his sister was reaping the lives of the spirit snakes with ease.

Feng Tianlei, who was relieved, pointed his sword at the swarm of spirit snakes, and he wanted to earn huge points in the last time.You can't lag behind your sister.

Ten points for second-order spirit beasts, fifteen points for third-order spirit beasts, this group of more than a thousand second- and third-order spirit beasts, this is more than 3000 points!Definitely a rare benefit!

Thirteen people, two battle circles, from the morning to the next morning at three o'clock in the morning, all the people killed with obsession, until the pile of corpses of the spirit snake shook the hand holding the sword, and smiled happily.

This time fighting, the harvest was huge, even the three disciples of the fourth level of qi training rushed into the top list with 650 to 690 points.It's a proper top grade point jade card.

After collecting part of the snake skin and gall, the 13 people collected some spirit snake meat and put them in storage bags. Each of them cut a piece of spirit beast meat and roasted it with a fire talisman. Everyone looked at each other's messy clothes and laughed.

After eating the spirit snake meat, when the hour came, they tidied themselves up, sat cross-legged on the grassland to practice, and waited for the time to teleport out.

During the practice, the spiritual energy of the secret realm rolled, and everyone was blinded in an instant.The respective barriers shattered suddenly, and the breakthrough was completed naturally!The several times rich aura in the secret realm poured into the thirteen people who were breaking through like a tide...


In Fengfu Square, Feng Zhiming and Liu Yun'er looked at Renji Bang with his mouth wide open and let out a cry of surprise, he was so shocked that he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Brother has been promoted to the first place! Great job!"

"The elder brother has 590 points, surpassing the 1 points of No. 950 Qi training Feng Tianwu."

Feng Tianxing jumped up excitedly and shouted!Feng Tianyu glanced at his younger brother joyfully and added.

"Second sister, quickly see that second sister has risen to the nineteenth place!"

Feng Tianyu's timely cry made the shocked and joyful family quickly look at No.19. Just as Feng Tianqing's No.19 came into view, the name began to flash again, and No.19 was replaced by No.18. The Wind Dragon Yue.

Feng Tianqing ranked No.18, Feng Zhizhi held Liu Yuner's hand, her eyes were moist, Liu Yuner held Feng Zhizhi's hand back, with shock and gratified joy in her eyes!

The square became restless again, and discussions filled the square like a lake. Today is the last day of the preliminary competition. The square was crowded with people, and the dense crowd began to discuss like a tide, accompanied by occasional screams and exclamations. The square is like a frying pan.

"Feng Tianlei!"

"how is this possible!"

"Oh my god! Feng Tianlei is number one!"

"It's sunny!"

"Feng Tianqing is climbing up again!"

"God, fifteen!"

"What, Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing are brothers and sisters?"

"Why don't you be so heaven-defying!"

"Look, Feng Tianqing has risen to the eleventh place!"

"No.9, surpassing Feng Minghai!"

Feng Mansion, Guan Ying Lou, Feng patriarch and 36 elders are sitting on the carved master chairs on the viewing building, looking at the projected on the screen of the watching studio, the top list of heaven, the top list of earth, and the top list of people, chatting happily.

"This year's participating disciples are better than the previous one!"

An elder smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah! From the highest positive and lowest points on each list, it is a grade higher than the previous one!"

Feng Shihao looked at Feng Mingxuan, who ranked first on the Tianji list, and felt very relieved. Although the two disciples of the Feng family who entered the sect were disciples of his Wanchen lineage, they were Yuanzhang and Yuanhua. A collateral disciple, the direct line of Yuanwu began to be surpassed by the collateral line, and there was a hidden danger of suppressing the direct line.

"Hey!" Feng Shihao sighed secretly in his heart, thinking of the descendants of Yuanwu's direct line, namely, benevolence, righteousness, biography, family, prosperity, world, and five generations. It's not good when you fall behind others.

While thinking, he suddenly heard the elders exclaiming again and again, looking at the screen, Feng Mingqiang rushed to No. 1 with 1 points on the Tianji list, surpassing Feng Mingxuan's 2 points, Feng Mingxuan retreated to No.[-].

Feng Shihao's heart trembled, and he listened to the exclamation of the elders with his usual expression. Feng Mingqiang is the son of Feng Shibo, and Wanqing's lineage is not prosperous. An outstanding disciple can change Wanqing, who has always been in a weak position. pulse.

Feng Shihao felt that his clenched right hand was wrapped by a soft little hand.When he looked up, he found that his Taoist companion was sitting next to him at some point, holding his clenched fist, Feng Shihao felt warm in his heart: "Yaner, I..."

"Feng Tianlei!"

"Who is Feng Tianlei?"

"How could Feng Tianlei..."

Before Feng Shihao could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the exclamation of the elders, he suddenly looked up at the top ranking list, on the top list, Feng Tianlei topped the list with 590 points.

"Feng Tianlei...!"

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(End of this chapter)

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