Tears Fairy

Chapter 9 Family Competition Preliminary Competition

Chapter 9 Family Contest Preliminary Competition ([-])

A series of crisp and sweet laughter surrounded the joyful family.

Feng Tianyu was thrown into the air by his brother, and happily let out a happy laugh!The family worried about the dullness for five days, and once it disappeared, Feng Zhiming's family was relieved, and they also had expectations for the preliminary round.

For every disciple who participates in the family competition, the points won by the secret realm in the preliminary competition are rewards for the participating disciples.

Only the disciples who participated in the family competition can have the point jade token. The disciples who did not participate in the family competition did not have the point jade token, and the disciples who did not have the point jade token used point coins.

After identifying the owner of the point jade card issued by the family competition, you can deposit points and scan the point coins to enter the point jade card.

After the point jade card recognizes the owner, only the owner can use the points in the jade card, and no one else can use it.Points jade cards are divided into extreme point jade cards and ordinary point jade cards.

Participating in the preliminary competition of the family competition is an important part of the classification of points jade cards. After the participating disciples enter the secret realm, the points jade cards will be automatically activated, and corresponding points will be automatically generated when they hunt the spirit beast crystal core.

After seven days, the points jade tokens that reach [-] points will be automatically upgraded to the best point jade tokens, and the best point jade tokens can enjoy a [-]% discount in exchange for all cultivation resources such as the alchemy array in the Gongde Hall, and the point jade tokens will be converted automatically .Points jade cards can be divided into the best and ordinary point jade cards.

After seven days, if the points of the Jade Card do not reach [-] points, half of the points will be automatically reduced when it is sent out of the secret realm.Point jade tokens are transformed into ordinary point jade tokens.

You can’t enjoy a [-]% discount when exchanging resources. Points can be transferred to top-level jade cards, but points cannot be transferred to ordinary points jade cards.

At this time, Feng Tianlei ranked No. 980 in the top list with 5 points, and the points will not be reduced. The point jade card will be promoted to the best point jade card.

Feng Tianqing ranked 170th on the Renji list with 290 points. There are two days left in the seven days, and it is a little bit hanging to reach [-] points.

Feng Zhizhi and Liu Yun'er are already very satisfied. It is the most gratifying thing for them that their son and daughter can enter the final together.

However, Feng Tianyu has absolute confidence in her second sister. She saw that after five days of silence, Feng Tianqing, who was not named on the list, suddenly soared to No. 290 in [-]. It would be abnormal if she had no thoughts.

Obviously, some accidents happened to the second sister when she entered the secret realm, and then she encountered herds of beasts or high-level spirit beasts. However, if analyzed according to her cultivation base, it is impossible to kill high-level spirit beasts in a row, and she can only encounter low-level spirit beasts. herd.

Such a rise in the rankings proves that the second sister is very strong in combat, and the rumor that the second sister can leapfrog the challenge is also true.Two days is enough for the second sister to perform well, [-] points is definitely not a problem, and there will be no problem breaking into the top [-]!
Feng Tianyu, along with his parents and brothers, sat cross-legged on the square covered with futons.Wait for the changes on the screen.

After Feng Tianqing collected the Wind Wolf Crystal Core, she walked forward for an hour and night began to fall, so she put on defenses and Feng Tianqing began to practice, waiting for the battle after dawn.

In the middle of the night, beasts roared again and again on the grassland in the distance, and a gust of wind not far away followed the sound of "sizzling..." and the sound of crawling and sliding across the grass towards the defense formation. Feng Tianqing knew that it was a group of spirit snakes.

With a defensive formation, Feng Tianqing ignored the attacks of the spirit snakes, practiced with peace of mind, waited for the dawn to start, and killed the spirit snakes!
Spirit snakes several feet long on the defense formation circled to attack the defense formation, making a hissing sound that could not be heard, and if the wind and weather were fine, it was as if one had not heard it, exercising skills, absorbing strong spiritual energy, flushing the veins of the whole body, sticking to the dantian and concentrating Refining aura increases cultivation base.

The sky was dark for a while, and the darkness ushered in the dawn. Feng Tianqing opened his eyes and slowly closed his skills. The battle will begin at dawn.

Feng Tianqing stood up, looking at the group of spirit snakes blocking the formation, her heart felt a little numb, after she stabilized her mind, her eyes sharpened, showing a fighting spirit.With a thought, the Chasing Wind Sword came out.

Feng Tianqing used the protection of the formation to forcefully kill the group of second-order spirit snakes that were circling and attacking the formation with Zhuifengjian.

Chasing the wind sword is as fast as lightning, and the sword cannot be separated from the spirit snake. The bloody wind is shocking!

A second-order spirit snake crashed to the ground, and with a flick of the sword, a cyan crystal core flew into Feng Tianqing's hand, "Didi!" The point jade card sounded, Feng Tianqing thought, and a line of light appeared in his consciousness, "Add ten points to the second-order spirit beast, totaling 280 five points."

Another second-order spirit snake died, and another cyan crystal nucleus was picked up by the tip of the sword, "Didi!" , The wind and clouds surged like a tornado and roared on the grassland.

Stretching out a little bit of the array, the array dissipated, the array flew into the storage bag, the wind was clear and the fighting spirit was soaring, the wind boots under the feet cooperated with the wind step, chasing the wind and stepping on the moon, flying up and down among the snakes, walking through the The gaps swept by the tails of the snakes, the sword energy is like a dragon like a wind, chasing the seven inches of the spirit snakes frequently.

The rumbling sound resounded over the grassland, and when the point jade cards flew into the hand with pieces of crystal nuclei, "Didi... Didi..." sounded from time to time.

In the distance, a dozen or so disciples were fighting with a group of twenty or so three-foot-long third-order spirit beasts called gophers.

The rumbling sound on the grassland caught their attention, and they couldn't help but look towards the distance where the rumbling sound was coming from.

"Ah!" A disciple was stunned, and the squirrel that sprang up slapped its paw on the back shoulder fiercely.The disciple uttered a cry of pain in pain!

"Be careful"

A disciple beside him yelled, and with a flash of his body, he thrust his sword obliquely into the throat of the scurrying gopher. With a flick of the sword in his hand, a khaki crystal nucleus flew into his hand.

"Tianlei, thank you!"

The injured disciple thanked Fenglei gratefully.

"Tiangao be careful, don't lose your mind during the battle!"


The injured disciple Feng Tiangao nodded in embarrassment.

When the sky was full of sunset the day before yesterday, Feng Tianlei burst out of the wild mountain forest exuding a stern aura, and began to recover the exhausted aura after deploying formation defenses at the junction with the grassland.Ready to enter the grassland to meet up with my sister.

Early the next morning, Feng Tianlei also walked into the grassland in high spirits, killing and cutting forward along the way!When traveling thousands of miles across the grassland, Feng Tianlei was caught by the roar of fighting skills from a distance.

Feng Tianlei was worried about the safety of his sister on the grassland, so he immediately rushed to the place where the spell roared. With the cultivation base of the early stage of the ninth level of Qi training, he tried his best to use the star-chasing and moon-chasing body technique, and appeared at the destination within a dozen breaths.

The spell roared, and more than a dozen disciples were fighting fiercely with a group of fifth-level howling wolves. The howling wolves were a group of fifth-level spirit beasts, and among the dozen or so disciples, only two were at the seventh level of Qi training. The four layers of Qi training.

At this time, the three disciples on the fourth level of Qi training have all suffered serious injuries, and the fifth and sixth levels of Qi training are also fighting with all their strength, squeezing their last potential, and their spiritual energy is seriously consumed

Feng Tianlei immediately joined the battle, and the combat experience and killing spirit honed in the battle with the spirit beasts were like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath.

Powerful strength, skilled sword skills, where the sword went, five howling wolves died under the sword, the tip of the sword was stirred, and five green crystal nuclei flew into the hand.There were five beeps in the storage bag, "Didi...Didi...Didi...Didi...Didi!"

Feng Tianlei grinned, and continued to charge among the howling wolves. The storage bag beeped fifteen times from time to time, "Didi... Didi... Didi..." Fifteen beeps intermittently Just stopped.

More than fifty fifth-level howling wolves on the grassland were all killed, and more than a dozen people were disheveled and embarrassed, but they couldn't hide their excitement. The wolf blood stained the green grassland red, and also increased their points and jade cards.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Lei!" A disciple at the seventh level of Qi training thanked Feng Tianlei!

"Thank you, Senior Brother Lei!" A dozen people heard a senior brother thank Feng Tianlei! , also thanked Feng Tianlei!

Feng Tianlei smiled freely and said to everyone: "We are all brothers, so why thank you! Haven't asked the brothers what to call? Brother Feng Tianlei!"

When Feng Tianlei asked everyone to address him, he also introduced himself to everyone.

"Brother Tianlei, brother Feng Tianze!"

The disciple who knew Feng Tianlei introduced himself to Feng Tianlei.

"Brother Feng Tianlin!"

"Brother Fengtianshi!"

"Brother Feng Tian Gao!"

"Brother Feng Tiandeng!"

"Feng Tianyuan!"

"Wind and wide!"

"Wind Heaven!"

"Feng Tian Zhou!"

"Feng Tianheng!"

"Wind End of the World!"

Everyone introduced themselves to Feng Tianlei one by one. After everyone introduced themselves, they set up formations on the grassland and began to recover their spiritual power.

The next day, after everyone recovered their cultivation bases, they continued to move towards the grassland.

When Feng Tianqing attacked a group of snakes.

When Feng Tianlei and the others were hunting the third-order gopher squirrel, Feng Tianlei looked at Rang Zhentian in the distance, he speeded up, and after saving Feng Tiangao, he immediately chased the gopher squirrel flying around!

(End of this chapter)

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