Tears Fairy

Chapter 8 Family Contest Preliminary

Chapter 8 Family Competition Preliminary Competition ([-])

"Oh! Really! Big brother is really amazing!"

Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing were looking at the Tianjibang, when they heard their sister calling, the two brothers looked at Renjibang.

On the People's List, Feng Tianlei was firmly ranked third with the three words shining brightly. After Feng Tianxing saw the name of his eldest brother, he immediately shouted in admiration.

Feng Tianyu happily reached out to pick up his excited younger sister and threw it into the air.


A string of crisp laughter resounded over the square, Feng Tianyu caught Feng Tianyu who was laughing happily in the air, and the smile on Sunshine's face was always blooming.

Feng Tianyu wrapped his arms around his elder brother's neck, and in the joyful voice, he suddenly whispered in Feng Tianyu's ear with more worry: "Brother Yu, I have never seen the name of my second sister among the 500 people on the list. Brother Yu, do you think the second sister will be okay?"

"Second sister will be fine, maybe the second sister just didn't meet the spirit beast, and this is the second day of the preliminary competition!"

Hearing this, Feng Tianyu resisted the unease welling up in his heart, comforted the younger sister in his arms, and comforted himself to analyze.

"Well! Elder sister Qing is someone who can leapfrog to fight, how could something happen! Besides, Yu'er, didn't you let Second Elder Sister wear the windwalking boots and cassock you gave me?"

Feng Tianxing, who heard his elder brother and younger sister worried about his second elder sister, objectively expressed his impressions.

When Feng Tianyu heard this, the trace of worry on his eyebrows had dissipated.

Feng Tianyu slapped his forehead and said angrily: "That's right! I was just worried because I didn't see the second sister, but I forgot that the second sister was wearing a cassock and wind boots."

The three brothers and sisters looked at each other and smiled, their eyes gleaming with joy, and the three of them looked at the list of people at the same time. At this time, except for the top three names on the list of people, the names behind them began to change.

In the secret territory, on the grassland, Feng Tianqing firmly walked towards the direction of the rising sun. One day later, at noon, a wolf howled from a distance.

Feng Tianqing immediately started preparing for the battle.

"Dong dong dong...!"

There was a rapid thud, like ten thousand horses galloping on the grassland, and the loud sound was accompanied by the howling of wolves, and the earth began to shake.

Fifty or sixty first-order spirit beasts, wind wolves, rushed in like a tide, and after the head wolf howled, the pack of wolves quickly surrounded Feng Tianqing.

Feng Tianqing, who was besieged by a group of first-order spirit beasts and wind wolves, was using the wind-chasing step with the wind-attributed wind boots to shuttle among the wind wolves like a tiger with wings, and quickly harvested the wind wolves with the wind-chasing sword in his hand. life.

The battle lasted from noon to afternoon and dusk. Under the setting sun, Feng Tianqing gradually took the initiative after using dozens of talismans from being passive at first.

The sword energy is like a dragon, and the body is like a light wind shuttling through the pack of wolves. The wind-chasing sword rises and falls, and the howling of the wind wolves stimulates Feng Tianqing's fighting factor. The wind-chasing sword in his hand is even fiercer. The sword tactics are used more and more proficiently.

The howls of misery echoed in my ears, and the wind wolves' dense attack style gradually faded away, leaving a dozen or so wounded wind wolves, who quickly fled to the distance in fear.

The setting sun is like blood, reflecting the blood of the wind wolves flowing everywhere on the grassland. The chasing wind sword in Feng Tianqing's hand is dripping with dark red blood drops. Looking at the few wind wolves who are fleeing, Feng Tianqing fights with high spirits The momentum and fighting spirit swayed the blue cassock and danced backwards.

Feng Tianqing's fighting spirit soared to the sky, like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, breaking through the confinement, roaming freely between the heaven and the earth, with an unprecedented ease of mind.


There was a soft sound in the dantian, and the bottleneck of the seventh level of Qi training was broken. Feng Tianqing was overjoyed, and cast a cleaning technique with a wave of his hand. Start to break through.

The aura in the secret realm is twice as much as that outside the secret realm. Feng Tianqing runs the practice formula, and after a week in the dantian, the aura rushes towards the broken barrier on the seventh floor of Qi training.

The influx of spiritual energy successfully broke through the seven barriers of Qi training, and for a moment, the spiritual energy on the grassland merged into a tidal current and surged toward Feng Tianqing.

Three days later, the rich aura successfully broke through the seventh level of Qi training, and it didn't stop until the middle of the seventh level of Qi training.

Another day later, Feng Tianqing successfully advanced to the mid-seventh level of Qi training, and stabilized her cultivation in the mid-seventh level of Qi training.

After Feng Tianqing inspected her cultivation base, she performed a cleansing technique and stood up clean and fresh. She put away the defensive array and looked at the wolf corpses all over the place, with a smile naturally blooming.

The Chasing Wind Sword flew up and down on the grassland, and the colorful crystal nuclei merged into a dazzling light and flew into Feng Tianqing's hands.

"Beep, beep..."

The point jade token in the storage bag began to beep continuously, and the light words in the spiritual consciousness kept flashing and changing.

"Five points for first-level spirit beasts, five points for first-level spirit beasts, fifteen points for first-level spirit beasts, five points for first-level spirit beasts... fifty points, five points for first-level spirit beasts, A first-order spirit beast... 270 five points.

Feng Mansion, Central Square, Feng Zhizhi and Liu Yun'er, led Feng Tianyu and his brother and sister in the square, staring at the screen nervously.

Feng Tianlei has already dropped to fifth place, Feng Zhizhi and others are not nervous that Feng Tianlei has dropped to fifth place, but that Feng Tianqing is still not on the list.

Today is the fifth day of the preliminary round of the family competition. There are only two days left before the end of the preliminary round. Feng Tianqing is still not on the list. If there is no miracle, she will almost miss the final.

A total of 120 disciples signed up for the contest.There are 950 people in the qi training period, 930 and 330 people in the foundation building period, and [-] and [-] people in the alchemy period.

In the preliminary competition of the competition, the top [-] in the Qi training period, the top [-] in the foundation building period, and the top [-] in the alchemy period can participate in the finals.

Can Feng Tianqing break into the top [-] during the Qi training period in the next two days?Feng Zhizhi vetoed without confidence, and now he only hopes that Feng Tianqing can come back safely in two days!
Although the spirit beasts in the secret realm exist with corresponding cultivation bases, what if you encounter a herd of spirit beasts?What if you encounter a spirit beast with a cultivation level higher than your own?
Feng Zhizhi just stared at the screen of Renjibang seriously, hoping that Feng Tianqing's name would miraculously appear on the screen, so that he could be sure that Feng Tianqing was safe.

Although Liu Yun'er has a gentle smile on her face, those close to her can bear the anxiety and anxiety from her gentle smile!
For example, in the wind and rain in her mother's arms, she can feel the worry and anxiety in her mother's heart.

Feng Tianyu's soft body was snug in her mother's arms, "Mother, Yu'er will tell you a secret! I bought the magical artifacts in the free trade square, middle-grade wind-chasing boots and top-grade robes. But the Five Elements Sect Artifact Grandmaster, Grandmaster Shi Feng's direct brother Gong Yixiao made it!"

Feng Mingming's heart was shocked, and suddenly he turned his head to look at Feng Tianyu, although Feng Tianyu whispered to Liu Yun'er, every word fell into the ears of the other three people beside him.

Except for Feng Tianxing, Feng Zhiming, Liu Yun'er, Feng Tianyu who knew about this matter, they all looked at Feng Tianyu with shocked expressions, and ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped by in their hearts. I knew what they were worried about.

"Look, the second sister has rushed into the 490th place, ah, it's not right! It's 480th place, no, it's [-]th place, it's not right..."

Just when Feng Mingzhi and the others were relieved and breathed a sigh of relief, Feng Tianxing's surprised and uncertain voice suddenly came from the ears of the four of them.

It's the second sister, it's Qing'er, the four of them reacted in an instant when they heard the words, and their eyes flicked to the screen of the list of people.

"...No, it's the 410th!"

Feng Tianxing continued to speak unreliable words.

On the screen, Feng Tianyu's name continued to climb up.

"Four hundred and five!"

Feng Tianyu jumped down from Liu Yun'er's arms and shouted happily.

"No, it's 390!"

Feng Tianyu then called out.



"290 five!"

Looking at the names on the screen, listening to the three brothers and sisters counting one after another, Feng Mingzhi put his arms around the excited Liu Yun'er, and was so excited that he couldn't help himself. A miracle finally happened in front of his lack of self-confidence.

Husband and wife crowded together and wept with joy!The worry and anxiety in my heart were swept away.The excited two people looked at each other and smiled after calming down their emotions!The delicate and crisp counting sound of Fengtianyu came from the ear at the right time.

"290 five!"

"Hmm! Why did it stop! Why don't you keep going up?"

Feng Tianyu's delicate voice pleased the family who were extremely happy.Feng Tianyu bent down to pick up Feng Tianyu, and suddenly threw it into the air.

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(End of this chapter)

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