Tears Fairy

Chapter 7 Family Contest Preliminary

Chapter 7 Family Contest Preliminary Competition ([-])

The preliminaries of the family competition kicked off on the ninth day of September. Feng Mingzhi and his wife led their five children who had passed through customs to the family square early in the morning.

Holding Feng Tianyu in his arms, Feng Tianlei re-introduced the rules of the preliminary round to Feng Tianqing along the way: "The preliminary round is to test the secret realm in Huifeng Ridge in the boundless forest.

Huifeng Ridge Trial Secret Realm is the family trial secret realm created by the ancestor of the Feng family, Feng Xingyun, with great supernatural powers before his ascension.

The secret realm is divided into three areas, the pole of heaven, the pole of earth, and the pole of man.

In each area of ​​the secret realm, the human pole area is for the first to tenth order spirit beasts, the earth pole area is for the first to tenth order celestial beasts, and the heavenly pole area is for the first to tenth order holy beasts.

After the spirit beasts in the area are promoted to the heavenly beasts, they will enter the heavenly beast area. After the heavenly beasts are promoted to the holy beasts, they will enter the holy beast area. After the holy beasts are promoted to the king beasts, they will be teleported to the king beasts deep in the boundless forest area.

The secret realm is opened every three years, and the participating disciples are randomly sent to various places in the secret realm, you must be careful!

Every preliminaries of the family competition are ranked in the secret realm based on the number of points from hunting spirit beast crystal cores. After a while, we will all receive a point jade medal. "

Feng Tianqing listened very carefully, thought for a while and said. "After entering the secret realm, I will use the sound transmission talisman to contact my brother."

Feng Tianyu was a little worried about his brother and sister, so he reached out from his storage bag and took out the magic weapon he bought in the Free Trade Square, medium-grade wind tread boots, and the best sky-blue cassock to Feng Tianqing.

Feng Tianyu stubbornly asked Feng Tianqing to say: "Sister, you can change into Yu'er's cassock and boots now! Yu'er hopes that her sister can win the competition safely."

Feng Tianqing's heart warmed, she rubbed Feng Tianyu's buns, her eye circles became hot, she took the cassock and put it on outside, put on the wind boots and said with a moved smile, "Little baby, sister listens to you!"

Feng Tianqing stretched out her hand to hug Feng Tianyu and kissed her sister's forehead affectionately, "My sister loves baby Yu the most!"

Feng Tianxing giggled happily, "Giggle..."

Feng Tianyu laughed for a while, and generously took out a stack of talismans and divided them in half.

Handed half of it to the elder brother and said: "Brother, I will give you fifteen talismans, don't be reluctant to use them, if you meet a spirit beast, use the talismans to bombard it."

Feng Tianlei looked dotingly at the little man in Qing'er's sister's arms, it was impossible not to be moved, he didn't dote on this girl in vain, in order not to make his sister worry, he smiled dotingly and nodded: "Yeah! Big brother listens to Yu'er, if you encounter a spirit beast, you'll give it a f*ck!"

Feng Tianyu handed the other half of the talisman to Feng Tianqing and whispered in Feng Tianqing's ear: "Sister, I'm giving you the half of the talisman. Don't be reluctant to use it. Yu'er has decided. In the future, Yu'er will draw the talisman by herself. As much as you want! My sister can use it vigorously!"

Everyone forcibly held back their laughter when they heard the words. Although they were whispering, it didn't affect the monk's hearing!Everyone is like-minded and pretends to be unheard of, and doesn't want to make jokes to dampen Feng Tianyu's enthusiasm! .

Feng Zhiming has a loyal and upright character, and he is very pleased with his daughter who is innocent and lovely because of his brotherhood.

Liu Yun'er watched the siblings interact with each other, with a deep affection, and even more tenderly overflowing with the light of maternal love, her eyebrows and eyes were full of indelible doting!
She stretched out her hands to hold Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing beside her, followed Feng Zhizhi's pace and walked into the family square.

The center of the square is divided into three areas in the shape of a character. The three areas stand respectively, the disciples of the extreme heaven, the disciples of the extreme earth, and the disciples of the extreme human.

Feng Tianqing held her younger sister tightly in her arms and said softly to Feng Tianyu: "Baby sister! My sister is going to gather, you have to be good!"

"Yeah! Yu'er will be obedient!"

Feng Tianqing handed her younger sister to her mother and said to her parents with a smile: "Father, mother, I'm going to gather."


The mother hugged Feng Tianyu and said with a smile.

"Come back safely!"

Father exhorted.

Feng Tianyu waved his little hands and said, "Brother, sister, goodbye! Yu'er is waiting for you to come back at home!"

Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing looked at the eldest brother and second sister enviously, and waved goodbye.They began to look forward to the family competition three years later.




On the square, the quaint Dengwen drum on the Drum Tower rang three heavy and melodious beeps, echoing in Heishi City.

"The triennial family competition of the Feng family has started again"

"That's right! The Feng family is also among the best in the entire family of immortal cultivators in the Northern Territory! Ranked seventh on the ranking list!"

"The Feng family has the ancestor Feng Xingyun, who opened up a trial secret realm with great supernatural powers! It doesn't matter if you don't want to be strong!"

When the monks in Black Rock City heard the sound of the Dengwen drum resounding through Black Rock City, they all stopped to look at the North Wind Mansion in the city, and began to discuss enviously.

Fengfu, the central square, on the high platform, Feng Shihao stood in front of the ten deacons and elders, solemnly looked at the more than [-] disciples in the middle of the square below the stage, and began to make a speech, announcing: "All disciples of the clan, you are welcome to actively participate in the triennial In the family competition, you are the hope and future of the family!
I announce that the preliminary round has officially begun!I wish you good results and advance to the finals! "

Feng Shihao withdrew from the high platform, and the deacon elder walked up to the stage and said solemnly: "The preliminary competition will be held in the secret place of Fengling Ridge in the Boundless Forest, and the contestants will be ranked according to the points they get from hunting the crystal cores of spirit beasts.

Now catch the point jade token in front of you, and sacrifice it with your spiritual sense!After the jade card recognizes its owner, every time a spirit beast is hunted, points will be automatically generated. "

With a wave of hands, countless jade cards fell in front of the participating disciples, and the disciples accepted the jade cards as they said and began to sacrifice.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the sacrifice of the jade plaque was completed, and the ten elder deacons played the formula. When the ten elders played the formula to form a three-talent formation, the Patriarch sacrificed a red spirit jade activator. After the three-talent teleportation formation was activated, it enveloped the square A disciple of the three talents who stands in the shape of a product.

The space fluctuated for a while, and in an instant, the participating disciples on the square had already appeared in the secret realm of Huifeng Ridge. In the secret realm where the mist rose, the mist formed a water-rippled arch.

All the disciples entered the water-rippled arch formed by the mist in an orderly arrangement.

With a smile, Feng Tianlei stretched out his hand and clenched his fist to the sister beside him, said "Come on!", and then stepped into the water ripple arch.

"come on!"

After Feng Tianqing clenched her fists and finished speaking, she followed her brother into the Water Ripple Arch.

As soon as Feng Tianqing stepped into the archway, there was a wave of spatial fluctuations, and her head felt dizzy for a moment.


The wind and rain were carried into a piece of grass, dizzy and a little unstable, and fell to the ground with a thud.

The dizziness was only for a moment, and after returning to normal, Feng Tianqing looked around vigilantly, and she was the only one on the deserted grassland.

Feng Tianqing took out the communication talisman and sent a message to brother: "Brother, I was teleported to the grassland, where are you?"

After the summons, Feng Tianqing walked forward holding a first-grade spirit weapon, Chasing the Wind Sword, and could only enter other places by crossing the grassland.


With a whoosh, a communication talisman suddenly appeared in front of him, and Feng Tianqing opened it with his spiritual sense.

"Sister, I was teleported to the wild forest, and when I left the forest, it was "Wugen Grassland, you are waiting for my brother to meet you on the grassland, sister, take care!" "

The voice of her elder brother came out from the communication talisman, and Feng Tianqing felt relieved and secretly said, "This grassland is my battlefield, and my battle will begin from now on!"

With a decision, Feng Tianqing resolutely marched towards the depths of the grassland.

In the wild forest, Feng Tianlei's imperial envoy Feijian attacked a Zhanglong fifth-order spirit beast piebald leopard in the jungle, and the piebald leopard's blood flowed from several mouths and roared loudly.

Feng Tianlei swayed flexibly in the jungle, with the flying sword in his hand, a style of heavenly king Guanri suddenly inserted into the forehead of the piebald leopard, and the tip of the sword picked up a fifth-level green wind attribute crystal nucleus and flew into Feng Tianlei's hand.

The piebald leopard fell to the ground with a bang, and the blood flowed into the ground. Feng Tianlei took out a Qiankun jade bottle and filled it with a bottle of spirit beast blood.

"Didi" two beeps sounded in the storage bag, and a row of light words appeared in Fengtianlei's consciousness, "Fifth-order spirit beasts add 310 points, a total of [-] points!".

Fengfu, the central square, and the three five-foot-high LCD screens displayed the rankings for the preliminary round.

The top three in the Tianji list, Feng Mingxuan ranked first with 520 points, Feng Mingqiang ranked second with 720 points, and Feng Mingrui ranked third with [-] points.

Among the top three on the Earth Pole Ranking, Feng Mingchen ranked first with 510 points, Feng Mingqin ranked second with 390 points, and Feng Tianyou ranked third with [-] points.

Among the top three on the list, Feng Tianwu ranked first with 350 points, Feng Tianying ranked second with 320 points, and Feng Tianlei ranked third with 310 points.

Feng Tianyu saw that the name of the big brother on the top list suddenly rose from No.7 to the third, and shouted to Fengtianyu Fengtianxing in surprise: "Three brothers, four brothers, look, the big brother is ranked third!"

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(End of this chapter)

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