Tears Fairy

Chapter 6 Family Contest

Chapter 6 Family Contest ([-])

Seeing that the fourth brother came back with the list of entries, Feng Tianyu immediately stopped pulling the spirit stone, and put the spirit stone into the storage bag with a wave of his little hand.

Liu Yun'er smiled softly, stretched out her arms to hug Feng Tianyu and listened to the children's discussion of the heroes in the competition.

Feng Tianyu quietly listened to his brothers and sisters in his mother's arms discussing and evaluating the most prestigious figures in the Feng family, and carefully wrote down the names of every outstanding disciple.

In this life, Feng Tianyu is only six years old, and she has only a vague concept of everything about the family from the few words of the family. The family is huge, with talents coming out in large numbers, and the overall strength is strong. She is really not familiar with the influential figures in the family. Know.

In the past six years, Feng Tianyu's activities in Fengfu, except for the "Pine Xia Courtyard" where he lives, is that after he succeeded in entraining Qi, he went to the "Promotion Hall" in the center of Fengfu once to receive a promotion award, and went to the Foreign Affairs Hall of the West Court once to receive benefits. .

Outside Fengfu, the only contact with the outside world was the commercial street in the southern area of ​​Blackstone City and the Free Trade Square where I went with my fourth brother a few days ago. '

"The alchemy stage disciples participating in the competition are limited to 50 years old." Feng Zhizhi looked at the competition rules and said.

"Feng Minghao, an outstanding representative of the late stage of alchemy in the Ming Dynasty, is 38 years old and a disciple of the 'Five Elements Sect' in the Northern Territory. The family competition will not come back!" Feng Tianqing said while looking at the profile of the outstanding representative.

"The Ming generation, except for Feng Minghao, is the second uncle Feng Mingxuan. The second uncle peaked at the late stage of alchemy at the age of 47. He has been practicing outside all the year round. He is powerful and can fight by leapfrogging." Feng Tianyu pointed to the introduction of the second uncle. .

"Your uncle, it is possible to win the championship of the alchemy stage!" Feng Zhizhi smiled proudly.

Feng Tianlei glanced at Feng Tianxing and Feng Tianyu, pointed to Feng Mingqiang's profile and said in a deep voice, "Feng Mingqiang is 45 years old and in the middle of alchemy, he is ranked ninth among the top ten elite disciples of Tianji Academy, and the way he practices is Sky-Splitting Rui Jin Zhan, the spiritual weapon used is the ninth-grade Heavenly King Umbrella, which is both offensive and defensive, and its strength is doubled."

Everyone nodded, Feng Tianxing pointed at the ten wind dragons in front of the Tianji Academy and said with a smile: "Feng Tianlong of the Tianzi generation, in the middle stage of alchemy, 39 years old, the way he practiced was the Burning Heaven Jue, and the spiritual weapon he used was the Fire Dragon Spear. The combination of Taoism and law greatly increases the power, and you can leapfrog the battle!"

"Feng Mingchen, Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, one of the top three elite disciples of the Diji Academy, 35 years old just within the age limit, he is a well-known combat madman from the Feng family, he once challenged the monks who formed the alchemy without defeat, and was the champion of the Foundation Establishment period It could be him."

Feng Tianlei said little by little: "The only one who can compete with him is Feng Tianzhen who entered the sect last year. It's a pity that sect disciples cannot come back to participate in the family competition!"

"Feng Tianwu, perfect in Qi training, 20 years old, elite disciple of Renji Academy, ranked first, practiced Dharma Water Dragon Jue, famous spiritual weapon flame hammer, is in the form of strength!" Feng Tianqing looked at the list of Renji Academy said softly.

"Well! The Human Extreme Academy is our battlefield. If we can enter the top ten, we will not lose this competition." Feng Tianlei echoed with a smile.

"During the Qi training period, the age limit is 25 years old. The only disciples under the age of 25 who are practicing Qi training Dzogchen are Feng Tianwu, Feng Tianhun, Feng Tianying, Feng Minghai, Feng Longfei, five people."

Feng Tianqing looked at the outstanding figures in the Qi training period and said.

"Feng Tianhe, Feng Mingtang, is the eighth floor in the late stage of Qi training."

Feng Tianyu pointed to the two people in the late stage of Qi training.

"Feng Tianli, Feng Tianxuan, Feng Tianliang, Feng Tianyun, Feng Tianwen, Feng Longyue, Feng Minghua, Feng Mingrui, Feng Minghuang, and you, brother, are the top ten elites on the seventh floor in the late Qi training stage. "

Feng Tianxing looked at the handsome elder brother with a smile and then continued: "Except for the seven people who are above the eighth level of Qi training, the eldest brother can only win among these nine people if he wants to enter the top ten!"

Feng Tianlei smiled confidently and nodded in agreement.

"Second sister can leapfrog the challenge in the mid-term of the sixth level of Qi training. There is great hope for the competition between the sixth level of Qi training and the bottom [-] Qi training level [-] to compete for the top [-]!"

Feng Tianyu analyzed it, and said to Feng Tianqing seriously.

Listening to the brothers and sisters commenting on the outstanding disciples, Liu Yun'er smiled and nodded approvingly.

Feng Zhizhi drew a conclusion from the analysis of his children, that is, Feng Tianlei has the possibility of hitting the top ten in the Qi training competition.

Feng Tianqing is expected to advance to the top [-] in the Qi training period in the family competition.

Feng Zhiming was extremely excited, and with a happy smile on his face, he told the five brothers and sisters: "There are still eight days before the competition, you should practice retreat in your own room for the next few days, and welcome the competition!
I will place in your room the isolation talisman exchanged in the family merit hall!Take advantage of these few days to sprint! "

Feng Zhizhi looked at the doubtful eyes of the three little ones, and said to the three of them with some seriousness: "Although you three don't need to participate in the competition, you can't get tired in your training. You must be aggressive. After three years, I hope you can also stand on the competition stage." superior."

"Yes, Daddy!"

The three brothers and sisters responded. "Fifth Master, the dinner is ready, should I pass it on now?"

Feng Tianxing bought a servant from the slave steward of Fengfu, Zhuang Yi asked respectfully at the entrance of the flower hall.

"Let's pass on the food!"

Feng Zhiming said, and picked up Feng Tianyu from Liu Yun'er's arms and placed him on the chair in front of the dining table.

After a while, a middle-aged woman came in with a pair of children carrying dinner, and quietly left the flower hall with her head down after setting it up.

After the family sat down, Feng Mingzhi took a chicken leg and put it on Feng Tianyu's small bowl and said dotingly: "Little Yu'er, come, eat a chicken leg and grow up quickly!"

"Thank you Daddy!"

Feng Tianyu looked at the big chicken drumsticks in the bowl, and smiled sweetly at Feng Mingzhi.

Liu Yun'er watched the interaction between the father and daughter tenderly, with a happy smile on her face, she reached out and took a small chicken leg and put it in Feng Tianxing's bowl.

"Thank you mom!"

The mother's happy smile infected the whole family, and Feng Tianxing thanked her mother happily.

The warm and peaceful dinner, the happy and happy atmosphere, and the warmth of family affection reverberating in the flower hall warmly surround everyone.The family happily ended the dinner in an interactive humility.

Feng Tianyu touched her stretched belly, and said in her sister's arms, "Sister, Yu'er is going to sleep with her tonight!"

"Okay, my sister will sleep with baby Yu'er tonight!" Feng Tianqing looked at Feng Tianyu who was tired of her body and smiled dotingly.

"Yu'er, don't you sleep with mother?" Liu Yun'er looked at her little daughter and asked gently.

"No, it's too crowded for mother and father to sleep together, Yu'er, just sleep with sister!"

Liu Yun'er smiled at her daughter in embarrassment: "Yu'er sleeps with mother, dad can sleep in the study!"

"Mother, Yu'er still decides to sleep with her sister!"

Feng Tianyu apologized to her mother.

"Okay! Yu'er is sleeping with my sister!"

Liu Yun'er helplessly touched Feng Tianyu's little head and said with a doting smile.

Everyone teased Feng Tianyu for a while, Feng Tianqing picked up her younger sister and went back to her bedroom, the whole family broke up and each went back to her own room.

In the master bedroom, Liu Yun'er looked gently at Feng Zhizhi, who was hiding his excitement, and asked, "Brother Zhi, because Lei'er and Qing'er can achieve good results in the competition, they can make parents value our fifth room." Excited?"

"Hmm! Because of my poor qualifications, I have never been welcomed by my parents. I haven't been summoned by my parents for three years!" Feng Zhizhi said sadly.

Liu Yun'er looked sad.

Feng Mingzhi looked at the gloomy Liu Yun'er and said excitedly: "If Lei'er and Qing'er can advance smoothly in this competition and appear in front of the clansmen, maybe my parents will think of me as a useless son. You won't be oppressed any more!"

From the initial excitement, Feng Ming gradually turned to a bitter smile and smiled bitterly at Liu Yun'er.

Liu Yun'er gently comforted Feng Mingzhi and comforted herself at the same time.

"everything will get better!"

Feng Mingzhi looked at the kind and gentle Liu Yun'er, stretched out his big hand to hold Liu Yun'er's hand, and said gratefully, "Yun'er, thank you!"

Thousands of words are contained in this sentence, Liu Yun'er nestled in Feng Zhiming's arms.The silence speaks.

The next day, Feng Tianyu was taken back to his room by Feng Zhizhi, and he gave Feng Tianyu a bottle of Bigu Pill and said, "Yu'er, practice obediently!"

In the Songxia Courtyard, the gate is closed, and Feng Mingzhi's family is practicing in seclusion.

Zhuang Yi's family cleaned and trimmed the yard as usual, and nestled quietly in their own room after they were done.

On the ninth day, Feng Zhizhi and his family left the customs.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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